
Chapter Fifty Six

I left the coffee shop as fast as I could the moment I realized who was in front of me.

Drey Punder.

I scoffed. He's never really going to leave me alone, huh?

I walked away as fast as I could just so I'd be miles away from that coffee shop. Fucking A. Why is he even here? Does he really have nothing to do in life but pit Lyza and I against each other?

When I realized that I was far from the shopping center already, I stopped walking and heaved a deep breath in. I couldn't help but to feel scared thinking he might come after me, or if he knows where we live. There were a lot of scenarios playing in my mind, and I can't even get them to stop.

I clutched my chest as I try to take a deep breathe. I was losing air... I couldn't even breathe properly. My chest was throbbing as well as my head that it feels like I'm going to pass out any minute because it feels heavy.

I never really imagine seeing Drey again... and I never wanted to see him ever i

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