

I didn't know if I was seeing things or if it was really true. I couldn't come back to ask him myself since it was too awkward for us to see each other again. It was a scar from a fire. I'm certain of it. Years ago, the kingdom of Wierxia had missing posters all over the country. It was an illustration of Brylle and below it was a description of the incident. The percentage of Brylle getting an injury before being taken was high, and so every child his age was ordered to have a medical check-up by doctors approved by the royal family. I know I'm being crazy, I mean- Noah being Brylle this whole time? It messes up my mind. I couldn't even bring myself to imagine it. 

"Ruthy? Are you okay?" Keith suddenly asked who was beside me. We were having dinner at the moment, and the grown-ups were having casual talk. I just realized that I had my spoon and fork lifted, but haven't touched the food for a while now.

"Y-yes, I'm fine," I answered then continued eating. I've been clouded by the thought of Noah's scar and how I've only known it just now. Could I just ask Ford? It's the easiest way to ease my worriness and of course, my curiosity, but will he even tell me the truth? Who knows? I might just have to give it a try. Keith kept stealing glances at me through-out dinner, but I managed to exit the Dining Hall without any of their suspicion and headed to the kitchen. Luckily, only a few of the chefs were left during this time and Noah wasn't inside either. I spotted Ford in front of the menu board, writing something on a pad paper he was holding. I quietly approached him, but of course, the chefs looked at me with squinted eyes.

"Hey, Ford? Can I have a word?" I asked as I approached him. He was surprised, and he almost threw the pad paper on his hands. When he faced me, he immediately bowed a full 90 degree. I shook my hands at him.

"Of course, Your Highness. Would you like to head to the Throne Room?" he suggested. Not the Throne Room! My parents are most likely there! I don't want to tell them anything at all. What if I create a commotion? I have to confirm this myself.

"No, no! We can talk here," I said then sat in front of the cupboard near the menu board. It's a good thing we were at a corner where the only thing to see here is the menu board. Ford carefully sat in front of me and clasped his hands together. I don't know if he felt nervous or scared about me initiating a conversation, but he looked like he was about to break a sweat any minute now.

"I wanted to talk about Noah. Can you swear to tell the truth, and only the truth, from now on and onwards?" I started. I know, I'm being dramatic, but this is a royal case. I have to confirm if my theory is true. Ford then started to fidget his fingers but nodded immediately.

"Yes, I swear to my life," he said. I cleared my throat. 

"How did your mother meet Noah? You said he was from the United States," I started. If I remember correctly, Noah was adopted by his grandmother, in short, Ford's mother. He didn't exactly tell me how Noah ended up at an orphanage or foster home. 

Ford breathed and thought of what to say. "My mother didn't really tell me how. She worked in a different country, but the day she went home, I was completely unaware. A few days later, she brought Noah home, saying he's going to live with us from now on," he said. Hold on a minute- she just went home with Noah? If I'm not mistaken, Brylle was supposedly 8 years old when he was taken. If we put the pieces together, how can an eight-year-old resist an abduction right?

"You mean to say, that your mother brought Noah home all of a sudden without any adoption papers?" I asked for clarification. Ford thought for a moment.

"Now that you mentioned it, no," he answered. I'm thinking that they were not that informed of adoption papers back then. My only thought is how did his mother fly to another country without getting caught? I straightened my poise, getting chills from all the things I'm finding out. My breath was starting to get fast and I was getting impatient.

"Prince Brylle disappeared from the palace 12 years ago, during his 8th birthday. Did Noah arrive at your home when he was around 8 years old?" I nervously asked. I couldn't bear the pressure and tension of our conversation. Even Ford began sweating and fidgeting his fingers intensely.

He gulped and looked at me dead in the eye. "Yes, Your Highness," he answered. I inhaled deeply and fell to the back of the chair. I covered my mouth with my hand and brushed my hair. Am I really discovering the truth of the 19 years tragedy of the royal family of Wilhem? I looked at Ford and he looked like he was waiting for me to speak.

"Prince Brylle disappeared during a fire at the palace. A few hours ago, I accidentally entered Noah's room while he was changing and I...," I stopped talking and gulped. Ford had his hands in a praying position and he was breathing heavily. 

"I saw a scar at his back. A scar that looked like it was from a fire incident," I continued. That was the moment tears fell from Ford's eyes. I started to cry as well, and I couldn't stop my tears. I continued breathing deeply, slowly taking in all the things I just found out.

"Do you think...Noah is the missing son of King Ricardo and Queen Josephine?" Ford silently asked, his breathing short because of his sudden tears. 

"I think so," I softly answered, not wanting to make this any longer. Suddenly, I heard the kitchen door open and Noah's voice echoed around the kitchen. Ford and I immediately hopped to our feet. I wiped my tears and straightened my gown.

"I'll look into this more," I told him and he nodded. When I walked back to the counter, Noah immediately met my eye. Gosh! I thought I could hide from him, but he was already facing the corner when I got out. He looked at me confused at first.

"Hey, princess. What are you doing here?" he curiously asked. I smiled at him and headed to the door.

"Nothing interesting. Good night, Noah," I told him then immediately headed out. Suddenly, I heard the kitchen doors burst open. I didn't bother looking back, but I halted to a stop. I felt nervous waiting for that person to talk, so I just stood there still. Then, I heard footsteps coming toward me.

"Is there a problem, princess?" Noah asked from behind. I bit my lip and closed my eyes. He just had to push the issue!

"If it was about a while ago, I really didn't mind," he continued. Oh my gosh, I completely forgot that happened. First and foremost, what did he mean by "I really didn't mind"? Don't tell me he was used to that kind of stuff and was so confident of his body?

I turned to him and flashed a smile. "There's no problem at all, Noah. I was just heading to my room and rest," I made an excuse. He looked at me with his brows raised, getting even more confused. 

"Are you sure? Are you alright?" he then asked. I was running out of excuses, when suddenly I heard another pair of footsteps behind us. It was rhythmic and light, but there was also a sound of clanging objects. When I turned, it was Saint. His sword was actually hitting his belt from walking. My eyes widened at him. I immediately made a face and tilted my head to Noah. Luckily, Saint understood right away.

"Is there something wrong, Your Highness? Noah?" he asked as he reached the both of us. If Angelo intimidated Noah to the bones, Saint will eat you alive with his coldness and sharpness. Noah cleared his throat and looked at me like he was waiting for me to answer for the both of us. 

"I was just heading to my room to rest. Would you please accompany me back, Sir Saint?" I asked and looked at him. Saint took a step forward and stood in front of Noah and I. The thing is, Saint is actually a few inches taller than Noah, so Noah stepped back when Saint stood between us.

"Very well, Your Highness," Saint answered. I started to walk and felt Saint follow behind me.

"Is he still there?" I whispered to him.

"Yes," he answered, without looking back. I guess he could sense that Noah didn't move from his place.

"Did something happen?" he softly asked. I shook my head and continued walking.

"I was just trying to get away from him," I answered. When we reached my room, Saint opened the door for me. I stood still for a few seconds, trying to collect my thoughts. I turned to Saint with an anxious look.

"I think I just solved a crime,"

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