

Why am I avoiding him? I don’t know myself. I just can’t seem to look at him straight in the eye or even just look at him. I know I’m being over-reacting, especially when things aren’t even confirmed yet, but the moment I discovered those events, I just started feeling anxious. What will happen if it’s true? What will King Ricardo and Queen Josephine feel? Oh my god, what will happen to Ford and his mother? Will they be punished? See, this is exactly why I’m feeling nervous. After breakfast, I decided to talk to my mother about my theory. I headed to the Women’s Room where I thought she would be, and yes, she was there.

“Hey, Mom? Can I talk to you about something?” I asked, as soon as I spotted her sitting on a chair in front of a desk. She was reading something while wearing reading glasses. The large desk was positioned at the middle of the room and it’s the first thing you spot when you open the door. Behind the desk was a tall round window where you can see the garden.

“Sure, darling. What is it?” she asked then set down the papers. I walked to her then sat on the chair in front of her. I didn’t know how to approach the topic, so I kept fidgeting my fingers while looking at my feet. Here goes nothing…

“I’ve been looking into Noah’s past, and I think I discovered something…,” I started, still looking at my feet. My mom, who seemed getting impatient from my suspense starter, tapped the table and my head looked up. She had her brows raised at me while tapping the table with her finger. I breathed and calmed myself.

“I think Noah is King Ricardo and Queen Josephine’s missing son,” I rapidly said, but clear enough for her to understand what I said. She didn’t look surprised, probably because she doesn’t believe me or the possibility. She cleared her throat and sat up straight.

“And why do you think that?” she asked. I pouted at her. I guess there really isn’t any sense to my thought, especially how random it is and how it can possibly even cause commotion.

“I accidentally saw Noah half-naked, and then I saw-“

“Ruthyelia!” I was suddenly cut off by Mom. She had her eyes wide opened at me with her hand in a fist at the table, but good thing she didn’t slam it or else I would have cowered down.

“It was an accident, okay? I didn’t even enter his room, he just appeared!” I said, defending myself. She didn’t seem to buy it, so she crossed her arms and just looked at me with a face.

I breathed. “Anyway, he had his back on me, then I saw a scar on his back. A scar that looked like it was from a fire,” I softly said while squeezing my hands. Her expression changed, and she suddenly looked invested.

“And then I talked to Ford, he said that her mother just brought Noah home all of a sudden, without any adoption papers or anything,” I continued. Mom inhaled and held her chest, like she was starting to think.

She looked at me. “What do you want to do now?” she asked. I don’t know if Rinovea is capable of the plan I thought of, so I wanted to ask Mom to ask for her help. If I’m going to push and investigate into my theory more, I’m going to need the Queen’s help.

“I want to ask for your help to ask for DNA tests?” I asked her. At first, she bit her lip, thinking deeply. Rinovea isn’t a small country, but it isn’t as big as countries in the United States or Europe either, but we do have connections and relationships with other countries regarding trades and treaties.

“We don’t have that here yet, Ruthy. Maybe in London?” she suggested. I almost gasped. I didn’t know she would suggest that. She would really go to that length to help me?

“Yes, maybe. Can we do it, Mom?” I asked her. She opened her desk and started scrambling papers. She then grabbed a brown paper, an envelope, a seal, and a sign pen. She’s going to write them!

“Of course. I’ll have it arranged immediately,” she said then started writing. I couldn’t see what she was writing, but I guess she’s going to ask for a laboratory and a doctor that could accommodate us. Maybe even ask the royal family for help? I don’t know, that’s a little over the edge…

“Does Andriego know?” she asked while writing. Oh my gosh, Dad. I absolutely have no plans of telling him unless I already got my answer. He would 100% meddle with my plan and even take me out of it. No matter how much I love and trust him, I can’t let him know about this one.

“No. I don’t plan telling Dad,” I quietly asked. If Mom can hide my secret with Angelo, I don’t think she can let this pass especially how this has something to do with the Wilhems. I looked at her reaction, but she just continued writing and just pouted her lips. She nodded.

“Alright. This is your plan, and I’m just going to help you with it,” she simply answered. I smiled at her and nodded. Sometimes, I forget that she’s Queen, and that she has so much capabilities. I couldn’t really see what she wrote in the letter, but after signing it, she placed it neatly inside the envelope and placed the seal.

“I’ll have this delivered today,” she said then hid the letter.


Did she already find out? Was I too obvious? I was really having a hard time hiding my emotions, but I guess I was a sucker for it. When we served them lunch the other day, Ruthy looked so stressed and worried. I didn’t know what she was thinking, but I suddenly had the urge to make her feel better, to make her smile. It just came to me- how I didn’t want to see her sad. I suddenly caught myself making a mousse cup. Chef Kai even asked me if it was an extra menu, but I said it was only a personal matter. How did I get away with it? I don’t know myself. When I went to the garden to look for her, I didn’t expect to see her crying. I wanted to run to her, you know? I wanted to cup her face and tell her everything’s going to be okay. It was the moment I felt my heart race. As soon as she saw me walk to her, she wiped her tears, flashed a smile, and happily ate the dessert I made for her. She was amazing. She’s always been so amazing. I knew to myself I was in danger, how my heart was in danger. I was falling in love, and it was to someone I couldn’t reach no matter the sacrifices I’m willing to make. She’s a princess, she’s born with royal blood.

After I gave her the mousse cup, I went to my room to wash up. I don’t have to work during dinner, but I can still be at the kitchen if I wanted to. I was drying my hair while walking out the bathroom when I noticed someone peeking through my door. I was about to scream- obviously because there was someone’s head peeking through my door without me hearing it, but I immediately recognized the person. It was Ruthy. I heard her squeal, and I suddenly remembered I didn’t have a shirt on. When I saw her again at the kitchen, she didn’t want to talk to me. She began ignoring me even when we got out. I didn’t want to run after her, I might get beaten up, but why? Why did she start avoiding me all of a sudden? Did she find out about my feelings for her? Did she realize that it’s going to be awkward when she rejects me? I don’t really mind getting rejected. I just wanted to get close to her and make her smile. I don’t really expect her to return my feelings, and I’m not really betting on it. I know she likes someone else. I know she likes the prince of Wierxia.

“Got a moment?” I flinched from the voice of someone I didn’t recognize at first. When I looked, he was leaning against the wall beside a tall window at a corner beside the staircase.

“What can I do for you, Prince Thomas?” I gently asked, not wanting to put my life on the death row. With Ruthy and Keith, I can be comfortable, but with Althea and Thomas, I have to watch every word that comes out of my mouth.

“Say-uh, Noah. How are you doing at the palace? Not too much?” he cheekily asked. What exactly is he trying to do here? I raised a brow at him and smirked.

“I’m doing really well, Your Highness. The family of Nobingale has been nothing but kind to me and my uncle,” I replied while putting my hands on my back. This is a sign of respect, right?

“How about you and Ruthy? I guess you two got really close lately,” he added while trying to fix his coat and badge, which did not need fixing, by the way. Where exactly is this conversation even going?

“Uh- I guess you can say that, Your Highness. I have a really big debt to Ruthy, that’s why I-“ I was suddenly cut off by Prince Thomas.

Ruthy, huh? You don’t address her as the princess anymore?” he demanded. Damn, I guess that was my stupid mistake.

“Pardon me, I meant Princess Ruthy-“ and then again, I was cut off by him.

“What do you think of her, Noah?”


“You like her, don’t you?”

“I-uh, what?”

“Get away from her,”

I blinked. Did I just hear him correctly?

“Excuse me?” I asked. He straightened his coat and slowly walked towards me. He looked at me dead in the eye.

“You obviously like the princess. Now, I’m asking you to let go of whatever you’re feeling and get away from her,” he said in a low and stern voice. He wasn’t shouting at all, but he spoke with authority and with a whole voice- like how a prince should be. Strangely, I didn’t feel intimidated at all. I felt that this was the chance I was waiting all my life, and that I shouldn’t let it go just that easily.

“With all due respect, Your Highness, I don’t plan any of that at all,” I respectfully replied. He looked at me with raised brows and blinked his eyes.

“What?” he said in a confused tone. I took a few steps backwards and did a little bow.

“I refuse your order, Prince Thomas.”

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