
Chapter Fourteen: Romeo and Juliet

"This ring is an outward reminder of our inner unity, a bond which is stronger than any obstacles. Let this ring always be a reminder of my promise to you, and tbe unwavering bond between us." the bride lovingly spoke, as she slips a ring on her husband's finger as well.

Amanda doesn't know why, but tears starts to fall from her eyes.

"Are you alright, honey?" she suddenly heard Emmett's voice.

Amanda quickly wipes away her tears, as she forces an smile towards Emmett.

"I'm... I'm okay. I'm just touched by their wedding vows." she responded, while trying to control her emotions.

"Don't worry, I feel the same way, too." Emmett admitted.

Amanda just smiled in return, but she didn't say anything else. She turned her attention back to Mr. and Mrs. Albreicht, who are smiling at each other.

"---With tbe power vested in me, I now pronounce you as husband and wife." the priest finally announced.

Everyone at the church started clapping joyously after the renewal of vows ceremony. Mr. and Mrs Albreicht waved together at the guests, and they both look so happy and radiant.

Meanwhile, Amanda wondered if she'll be happy with her own wedding ceremony in the future. She doesn't have any idea on what will happen, but she's secretly hoping and wishing that her situation will change and she'll have a chance to be happy without hurting other people that she dearly loves...


Later that evening.

It was already late at night, and Amanda just finished showering. She was exhausted at the wedding reception party, but she still had a great time. She is now sitting at her vanity table, and she's brushing her long, black straight hair while she's staring at her reflection in the mirror. She stared at her own hazel-green eyes, and she suddenly remembers something...

"Your hazel-green eyes are so beautiful, and I feel like I'm drowning while staring at them.."

Those words were said to her by Oliver Doe, and she can still clearly remembers on how he stares at her as if she's the most beautiful woman on earth.

Oliver is not shy to show his love for her, and he always tells her how much he loves her, and it really flatters her. Aside from that, Oliver  always gives her the support she needs, whether it's physical and emotional support. He's always by her side, and he always got her back...

She can still clearly remember her first meeting with Oliver. After graduating from an Ivy League abroad, she decided to use her Business Management degree back to her country. She was just a fresh graduate, but she's already thinking about a business plan. With the money she saved, she decided to build her own cosmetics company, in which she called it as Etoile Cosmetics...

One day, she decided to visit the under construction building at a very early morning. She wanted to see her future building with her very own eyes. She decided to visit the building without telling anyone, as she didn't want to disturb the construction workers.

She wants to keep a long profile, so that's why  she opted to wear a grey hooded sweatshirt, jogging pants, and she tied her hair in a pony tail style. She also chose not to wear any make up...

As soon as she parked the car at the parking lot, she went right ahead towards the building. She was about to take a step inside when a certain man suddenly stops her at the entrance.

"I'm sorry, Ma'am, but any unauthorized person is not allowed inside the building's premises." the man suddenly announced, while looking so serious.

"Oh, really? You won't even ask me who am I first?" Amanda responded, in an amused manner.

"Please, this is for your own good. The building is still under construction, and it's especially dangerous to a teenage girl just like you." the man spoke again.

Amanda's jaw almost reached halfway to the floor because of utter shock when she heard this man. But after a few seconds, she was able to recover from the state of shock.

"How old do you think I am?"

The man stared at her, and it was clearly obvious that he looks so curious and confused.

"I'm guessing your seventeen years old?" he spoke again.

And that was it.

Amanda couldn't help herself but to laugh out loud when she heard his answer. This man thought that she's only seventeen years old, eventhough she's already in her early twenties!

"What seems to be so funny?" the man asked again, while frowning at her.

Before Amanda could tell him who she was, a certain middle-aged man suddenly joins in their conversation.

"What a pleasant surprise to see you here, Miss Montserrat! I assume you're visiting the building today?" Mr. Donald Wilkerson is the Head of Security of the building.

"Oh, good morning, Mr. Wilkerson! It's so nice to see you again. And yes, I'm here to do an ocular inspection at the building, so that's why I'm here!" Amanda happily informed Mr. Wilkerson.

"Of course, we're more than happy to give you a tour around. Oliver and I will be going around with you." Mr. Wilkerson informed her.

Amanda wanted to laugh again while looking at Oliver. He was looking at her, and it was clearly evident that he is in state of shock after knowing her true identity.

But she's quite impressed because Oliver firmly stood on his ground, and he really did a great job as a security guard.

As the construction of the Etoile Building progresses, their relationship went on a higher level as well. They started hanging out secretly, until they became serious and decided to date exclusively.

And they became secret lovers, and they tried their best to hide their relationship from their colleagues at Etoile Cosmetics. They are playing it safe, and they are dating in a discreet manner. They been playing hide-and-seek for five years now, and she must say that it wasn't easy. She feels so sorry for Oliver... 

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