
Her Carelessness

Chapter 30


Her Carelessness

<Ariel’s Room>


“What was that for” Mia asked, placing her hands on her waist, akimbo

“What?” Ariel replied, feigning ignorance

“What you did at the dinning, why the laughter, you acted weirdly”

“Oh…about that..haahaa” She chuckled

“I need an explanation. You made a fool of me in front of Aiden, and you know that I detest that” Mia frown, going to sit on the bed

“Hey…I’m sorry okay…you were actually funny…haahaa” She started laughing again

“Now this is what I’m talking about. I couldn’t remember anything funny happening at the table”

“Well, you did something funny that made me laugh. Perhaps you have forgotten” Ariel smirked

“And that is?”

“You glared at Josephine, trust me, I saw it, and Aiden too, he just acted like he didn’t see you” She revealed

“Huhh…” Mia gasp

“Oh my God…I was careful, but how…when”

“ did, we all know, you made Josephine angry, and that made her hissed. But you acted innocent just because of your crush; come on girl, why will you did that to the poor girl”

“She actually started it; she was staring weirdly at me. She doesn’t like me, and I don’t like her either. I had to glare at her, and it worked. She started crying like a baby, I believe she was hurt.”

“Sure…but you will get to like her later”

“I don’t think so…”

“So that was why you were laughing?” Mia asked


“Hmm…now Aiden will see me as a bad girl…I shouldn’t have pretended..gosh, and you made it worse by laughing, idiot” she snapped touching her temple. Ariel shrugged

“I’m spending the week here girl” Mia muttered with a grin


“Yea….come on, my crush lives here…I wanna see his face all day” She grinned dreamily. Ariel frown, but she didn’t notice.

With the look of things, Mia is not just crushing on Aiden, she might love him too. What if she finds out about her own love for him? They had kissed, make out, and Mia knows nothing about this, what if she hurts her feelings if she tells her about Aiden’s love for her.


<Macho’s suite>


Brittany walk steadily as she climb the stairs, she got into the room and as always, welcomed by the odour of cigarette. She sighted some other gang members in the room, those that are having one rank or the other; about five of them, with the boss, making them six in number.

Macho was facing the window, as the other members stood side by side, waiting for his order. She walks further to the middle of the room and announce her presence. He didn’t bother looking at her, as the room was really intense; he seem to be really angry and the only way he can help suppress it is by smoking.

“Where is your phone Brittany” His husky voice sounded in the room, as a quiver ran down her spine. She couldn’t figure out at the moment where her phone is, and telling that to Macho is gonna be trouble for her. She firmly remembers him telling her to be with her phone last night when he and other members went for an operation. Suddenly, a memory flashed through her mind, she remembered her phone ringing, while she was making out with Brad the other night. But they were so engross in the love making that she had to ignore the several calls coming in.

She had actually forgotten about what Macho told her and believed that no one could call her that late, except for some useless network, she thought. Now it became dawn on her where her phone could be, it is in Brad’s room, and if the location is traced, not just she but Brad will also be in a mess. She fidgeted within but tried to stay strong rather.

“Don’t let me repeat myself Brit….” He growled in anger

“I can’t find……” A hot slap land across her face before she could complete her statement; as it stings for a while, making her vision go blur. Macho slapped her

“You b*tch….you f*cking b*tch” he groan, throwing away the cigar

“I gave you a simple order, but you felt like you have grown big to respect it right? Huhn?” he held her face to look at him, as their faces where just a few inches close

“Where were you last night” He brawled

“I was in my room” She replied firmly

“That’s a lie…Nora will never lie…” he mentioned. Nora is her roommate, but they had a deal. She promised not to sell her out for any reason, but she thinks she has already. Although she lied about going for a walk and being that Nora is a deep sleeper, she won’t know when she arrive the room when it was time for her to sleep. She didn’t plan to sleep in Brad’s suite last night, but what they had actually made her changed her mind. She wasn’t expecting the Boss to arrive that early. What is she gonna do now.

“Nora is lying…I….” She tried saying

“She was with me last night” Someone spoke from the team leaders. It was Scorpion, her former trainer; one of the oldest members of the gang. She looked at him and wondered why he had to lie

“Is that true..” Macho asked, as they both nodded. She doesn’t know his reasons, but had to play along

“I met her taking a walk last night, and she complained about not knowing how to use the new ammunition that was brought to the clan. We had a little practice till late into the night, which I believe Nora to have slept by that time. She wouldn’t know if Brittany had gotten in at that time, considering her to be a deep sleeper. She was once my trainer, so I know Nora real well. And I believe she got up early for her usual morning exercise before Nora would wake up; so she wouldn’t have a clue about Brit sleeping in the room or not” He explained, as she heave a sigh of relief.

Macho breathed out, and stared at her with disgust. “That is about last night, why didn’t you speak up when asked first” he spurted

“Sorry Boss, I do not want to chip in at first thinking she will say it all, perhaps she is scared of telling you that she trained with me, being that you wanted her to be trained by you alone. But I actually wanted her to know about it, being that you are always busy with other missions, and won’t be opportune to do that as at now, please don’t be annoyed” Scorpion pleaded

“That is settled, now about the phone…..” He asked, but a knock came on the door as the person was ushered in. It was Brad. Her heart skipped a bit, when she saw him holding the phone in his hand, but what baffled her was how dirty and unkempt the phone looks. If she wasn’t conversant with it, she would have denied it to be hers.

“Good day boss…I’m really sorry for barging in this way. I actually found this phone on my way to the ammunition store, close to the dump area. I believe it’s Brittany’s, it might have dropped from her or so. She might be looking for it, so I had to bring it to her, being that she gat lots of information on it” He muttered panting like someone who just engage in a race. Macho nodded, as he dropped it on a stool and headed out, but not without giving her a wink which the others are oblivious of.

Macho still didn’t buy the trick, but he had no choice but to believe all he had heard. He picked up the phone and scrutinized it

“Is this yours” he asked, showing her the phone

“Yes” She replied, firmly. He scoffs, releasing a chuckle which became loud and began to laugh, but cut it out shortly

“We lost two men…” He muttered with pain in his eyes, as the others looked to the ground.

“What is he talking about” She thought

“And you caused it; you were careless with your phone. If it had been with you, you would have seen my call, or message. You were to bring reinforcement; we were tricked into the police trap but managed to escape. Only two were caught, and this was because of you Brit…you are such a weakling, a fool to be precise..and you will be punished for your carelessness.” He snarled

Brittany looked hard into his eyes, this is not the first time he had punished her. But will he still allow her go down that punishment; he always claim to love her more than himself, whenever they make out, he always promise not to make her cry. He often say that he will kill anyone that brings tears to her eyes, but here is he now, ordering for her punishment.

“Dragon….” He called, as her sworn enemy steps out. Dragon is his nick name, as no one knows his real name, but he seems to be very close to the boss; the second in command to be precise, but hated by many for his flirtatious attitude and urge to sleep with anything that wears skirt. Brittany hated him more, he had tried raping her once, but she overpowered him and escaped, despite the warning of Macho that no one should lay a finger on her. He promised to have a taste of her one day, which she knows won’t come to pass.

“Yes boss” Dragon muttered

“Take her to the torture room, strip her and give her twenty lashes” He ordered, as her eyes popped out. Why is he doing this, and why Dragon, she thought and looked at Dragon who was wearing an evil smirk. She doesn’t have the right to beg, else her punishment will increase. She looked at Macho again to see if he will change his mind, but his heart is already harden, she was taken away, as she awaits her punishment.


Torture Room


Brit’s POV


Dragon pushed me into the torture room, where two guys were busy smoking. They stood up and bowed to Dragon who gave them a sign as they both went out, leaving me with him alone. He went forward to lock the door as I watch him with anger really burning in me. I believe the guys were the ones to punish me, but why did he send them out. Perhaps they are still at the door, because they won’t dare leave their duty post, except he bribed them to do so.

“Take of your clothes” he mumbled, going to select a suitable whip, but I didn’t move a bit. He sends a slap across my face, holding my jacket as he pulled it down. My bre@sts pooped out, being that I was still n@ked after leaving Brad’s suite. He made sure he remove every bit of clothing from my body, leaving me n*de, as he fastened a chain on my hand, tying it up to a metal, up in the ceiling. I couldn’t resist him; he was far stronger than me.

He smirked, satisfy at the view in front of him as he walk round, observing every bit of my body. This is the first time he will be seeing me n*de, and he is happy about it.

“At last, I got to see what the boss is enjoying” he smirked, slapping my butt. I fume in anger, but can’t do anything. He came forward to caress my b*obs, pressing it softly, as he pinched the te*ts. He moans a bit with his eyes closed, before ending the process.

“You are so sweet Brit” He whispered

“Why have you been hiding this from me…”

I gritted, trying to hit his hand, but my hands chained upward wouldn’t allow me.

“Just do you job and get me out of here..” I snapped. He chuckled

“Hey Barbie…who told you I’m ready to whip you, huhn? Come on girl, just cooperate with me, the table is over there. We will have a quickie and you are free to leave. I won’t touch your pretty skin with this thing” he muttered referring to the whip which has seven mouths

“We will do it from the back, and you will give me a quick BJ…” he grinned, I scoffed

“In your dreams, mister….F*ck you” I growled, and this made him angry. He came at me with full force, folding my b*obs roughly, making me screamed.

“You b*tch, I’m gonna f*ck you, right here and right now” He scoffs, savouring my lips with his, as he gave it a hard suck. I made muffling sound, trying to release myself. I bit his lips hard, making him groan as he breaks the k*ss. He loosens his belt, bringing out his roaster, which was already hard. He spreads my legs wide trying to push it in, when a loud knock sounded on the door, as the boss voice came up. He pulled back, buckling his belt in haste as he picked up the whip. He landed two strokes on my back, as a loud cry escapes my mouth, along with the burning pains that engulf my body. He dropped the whip and went for the door.


Brad’s POV

After Brit left the room, I stood up to have a shower when a phone buzzed as a notification came in. My phone was actually off, so it wouldn’t be mine. I checked it and noticed it was hers. She had series of calls for Boss and another strange number. A message was also sent to her and it looked important. The boss might sent for her and ask her about it, I thought, as I hurriedly wore my clothes, heading out to look for her in order to hand her the phone, so that she can have a better lie to give.

I met Jane, her friend, on the way who told me that Brit has gone to see the boss. I believe the message sent might be his reasons for calling her, and this will land her in mess. A sudden plan came to my mind as I went towards the dump area and rubbed the phone on the dirt making it look like it dropped from her, so that she won’t be implicated. I made for the boss suite and ended up eavesdropping on their conversation, before heading in at the right time.

Looking at Macho, I believe he didn’t buy my trick, but it will actually save her from receiving a severe punishment, and even safe us from being implicated. If macho finds out that she was in my suite that night, then it’s gonna be a gunner for us.

Presently, she is serving the punishment of being careless and I feel bad about it; I heard they lost two men, one of which I know very well, in their operation last not. How I wish I can leave this place and this lifestyle; being a criminal isn’t what suit me, but they will surely find me and kill me.  I don’t; care any longer about my life though, even if they did not kill me, I will still die one day, perhaps end up being killed in an operation by the police or another gang.

Only Brittany is my hope of remaining here, I don’t want to leave her, and I don’t wish to leave her. She might be the boss’ toy for now, but I believe that time will come when we will be free, and we will get to spend the rest of our lives together, having kids and so on. How I wish such life will come soon.

Even if I end up dying anytime soon, I wish she doesn’t, and I wish that the man that will take her to the altar will be better than I am. 


<Clara’s Suite>


“Where are you going to” Celine asked Clara, as she dresses in front of a mirror in the room

“Macho’s suite…wanna tag along?” She smirked, Celine rolled her eyes

“You want the boss to roast me alive” She cooed, Clara chuckled

“He won’t, he could have a taste of your f*cking skills..right”

“I’m not giving it a try…he f*cks just you and Brittany, and I kinda feel jealous sometimes. So, about Brit?” Celine asked

“Oh…that b*tch, she is in the torture room, getting tortured. And I love seeing her that way, she disgust me. If she isn’t there, she would have been the one in Macho’s room, giving him a threesome, but since she isn’t, I was called for.” Clara scoffs

“Whatever; just go before he changes his mind” Celine muttered

“Sure….so how do I look” She asked, swaying round for Celine to check her out

“You are dressed to kill babe…he will wanna eat you raw” She cooed

“Sure he would, see ya later” Clara stated and went out


Clara got into Macho’s suite in no time, she met him sitting on a couch, his chin on his palm as he watched a wrestle game showing on the TV, he noticed her presence but didn’t move. He doesn’t look happy, but she knows what will bring a smile on his face. This is one of the things Brit knows nothing about; she sees her to be too innocent, fragile and a beginner too. She dropped her purse on a stool and went to stand in front of him, seductively. He looked at her this time, checking her out. She was indeed hot and beautiful in the dress she wore.

Clara used to be his girlfriend before he became the boss. They make out a lot on different occasions, but broke up when she found out that he was cheating on her. It wasn’t it fault, he couldn’t resist the fact that he is a s*x freak. They made up after some months and still have a threesome; he couldn’t neglect her because, having slept with many girls in the clan, she was still the one that makes him feel good. She is a good seducer, and even when he wants to resist her, he finds himself calling for her.

She went closer to sit beside him, caressing his chest.

“Want a Bj?” She asked with a wink, he smirk and pushed her downward in between his legs. She unzipped his zipper, and began her fondling, caressing and sucking job.

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