
The Crown Contest

Chapter 73

The Crown Contest

“Why are you looking at me that way” Sophia asked Axel, as he watches the makeup artist fix her face. No doubt, Sophia is also beautiful, but there is nothing in this wide world that will make him fall for her. She still look like the b!tch she is. He sometimes wonders if she is the real daughter of Mr. Jenkins..

“Is it a sin to stare?” he returned a question, she smiled.

“Well it’s not..are you scared that I will win the crown again” She grinned, looking at him through the mirror. He was already dressed in a navy blue tuxedo with diamond stripes. He had his hair jelled to the back giving him a killer look. Mind you, he is back to his natural hair color which is deep black. Perhaps he is tired of dying it into different colours or just wanna look normal for the main time. The crown contest is just in few minutes time, as they all will mount the stage. Nina, Emma and Ariel are also being attended to, but they are in a different room.

“How sure are you, that you are gonna win this year’s crown contest?” he resorted, delving his two hands into his pockets. She smirked

“Hundred percent sure, I got lots of fans who has my name on their lips. I have the best dancing and singing skills in the band. I’m the prettier and crazier, and lastly I’m the daughter of the CEO of Hybrid collection. Tell me, why would they give the crown that belongs to me to someone else?’ She scoffs. Axel smiled

“Well, I’m not the one to judge, you can refer your questions to the judges. Remember that the boards are not the ones judging this time, the people’s vote will count and if you don’t know, judges were hired from other agencies.” He muttered, as Sophia became stunned

“What?” She exclaimed. She stopped the makeup artist from touching her face and turned to look at him

“What do you mean?”

“You heard me right, the Board wanted it to be a surprise to you all; they decided to make changes this year”

“B-but, dad didn’t tell me about this”

“It’s a surprise, why will he tell you. He is doing his job by being straight forward, so you have to do yours too” he smirked. Sophia scoffs and signaled the makeup artist to continue.

“You knew about it right?”


“Then why didn’t you tell me” She snorted, sounding angry and he noticed it

“It’s a secret”

“I thought we are friend” She scoffs

“Friends also keep secret”

“Then why are you just telling me now”

He shrugs

“I don’t want you to be too surprise when you see new faces seated on the judges seat”

“Whatever…” She rolled her eyes. He smiled

“So you need to try your best, because they won’t know you as Jenkins’ daughter. They will judge you just the way they judge the others”

“If Nina or Emma gets to win this time, I won’t mind” She gritted

“What about the last girl” Axel muttered referring to Ariel

“She can’t beat any of us; she is still new in the band so you can’t expect her to win” She scoffs. He shrugs

“If you say so…”

“I will need to check up on the orders, please be fast with what you are doing. The audiences are already here.” He stated and left the room


Ariel, Emma and Nina could be seen in another room, laughing and gisting as the makeup artists made their faces up.

“Damn, who do we have here” Emma winked as they stare at Ariel who was done already. She looks prettier than her usual self.

“Gosh..are you really from this world, I’m jealous baby” Nina pouted as Ariel flushed

“Come on, don’t flatter me.” Ariel muttered. The makeup artist who attended to her was also smiling at her perfect job.

“This is not flattery babe, you look…muah..gorgeous” Emma uttered winking at her. She blush

“Thanks babes…you both are not are looking beautiful” Ariel stated as they both whines

“Awwnn….thanks” They stated in unison. Axel walked in through the door

“Ladies….” He muttered, walking in. He looked at Ariel and wonder why she can’t stop getting more pretty.

“Hey Axel…” Nina greeted

“Zel…” Emma winked, he rolled his eyes, as she busted into laughter.

“You all should be quick, the contest is starting soon” he muttered referring to the artists

“Yes sir” They replied. He gave Ariel one more glance before leaving totally ignoring Emma who was laughing at him.


The program came to an end after they have all displayed their talent, contesting for the crown. The judges were speechless as to how they will judge.

“Wow…you four are really awesome, I mean, no doubt, you all are celebrities like us and..erm…you have been in the music industry for quite a while. It’s not a surprise to see you perform this way. Actually we as the judges are to choose our favourite and who we believed performed well for the first round. Then at the second round, the people..I mean your fans will vote” One of the judges who is known as Megan the Stallion on stage stated, receiving applauds from the crowd.

“So right all are good but we need the best two and the four of us are gonna place our vote by pressing these buttons…and here we go…”  She stated.

Everyone in the auditorium waited to see whom the judges will choose. They were four judges all together and each of them will have to choose just two candidates. The judges pressed their buttons as it was displayed on the screen. Sophia’s name appeared four times, meaning the four judges choose her. Her joy knew no band as she directed her gaze to Axel, giving him that ‘I told you’ look.

Ariel was next in line; her name appeared thrice making her the runner up for the first round. Emma and Nina got just two points each, making Sophia and Ariel the winner for the first round. They will both contest in the second round.

“Ok…erm…we all have seen the two winners for this round, the second round will determine who the owner of the crown will be, thank you all as we celebrate the two nominees for the Hybrid Band Crown Contest” The stage director stated. The triple boys also gave their performance, as Michael was still leading with Eugene is following behind.


Red Fox Clan

“Are you going for the clan game this night” Cassie asked Celine as she saw her dressing up in her slutty dress. Celine scoffs

“Yes” Celine replied with a smirk. She rolled her eyes and went out. She saw Brittany talking with Jane just down the corridor.

“Hey babes” She called as they turned to her with a smile

“Cassie babe…what’s up” Jane asked

She shrugs

‘I’m cool”

“Hey Cassie” Brittany greeted as Cassie smiled in return. Brad walks towards them

“Hey pretty ladies” he stated tugging his hand playfully around Jane’s neck. She groans and pushed him away causing the others to laugh.

“Why do you push me away” he pouted

“I hate it when you wrap your hand across my neck, you tried to kill me the other time you did that remember?” She scoffs. He winked at her and faced Cassie

“Hey” he muttered, stretching forth his hand for a hand shake

“Hi” She shook his hand

“So are you set for the game…I trust you won’t wanna get into a fight this time” Jane spoke, referring to Cassandra

“I’m gonna win this time, I have learnt a lot about the poker card and thanks to you being a great teacher" She smirked.

“Can I speak to you for a moment..uhm..humhum” he signaled to Brittany who got the message. 

“Erm…girls I’m gonna be in my room, enjoy the club game together” she winked at them and left. Brad went towards another direction with the mind of going to meet her when everyone has gone.

“Isn’t she coming with us?  Cassandra asked referring to Brittany. Jane shrug

“She doesn’t like playing the game and since I got you here, I don’t need to force her to come. Come on, let’s go” Jane drag her hand and they went into the club house.


The game started with Sissy glaring at Cassandra who also snarled at her. Celine and one other girl started first. The other girl was eager to win but Celine wasn’t, she is feeling really hot and really needs to finger herself. She couldn’t wait to lose so that she can do it and satisfy herself, not minding those who will watch her. She held a wrap of weed in one hand smoking a hell of it while she plays. According to her wish, she lost the game and stood up without being reminded. She took of every piece of clothing on her instead of just her under wears. Her b00bs popped out with the te@t standing erect as she spreads her legs on the table, dipping her two fingers in her already wet hole.

The others were hailing her as she mo@ns loudly, responding to the effect of the weed she just smoked. She was completely nude and this got the attention of the males present, as some of them brought out the groins to stroke already getting erected at the way she fingered herself. She soon reaches the climax, sighing hard as she let out her organism.

“Next…” Sissy’s voice sounded as Cassandra was next to play. She started off with a smart trick and before they knew it, she had won her opponent. She stood up with a wide grin as Jane gave her thumbs up.

“Told Ya” She replied her and glared at Sissy who was angry at the fact that she won the game. The next person was set to play as everyone’s concentrations were placed on them, oblivious of the fact that Cassandra is leaving the club house. She breathed a sigh of relief on getting out; they had thought she won the game when she clearly cheated. Not even Jane knows about it; she brought in an extra card and added it with the ones in her hand without anyone knowing. She remembered that she has something to do in the room and ran off quickly.

“On getting to the room, she noticed the door wasn’t lock, who is in? She thought. She brought out her gun and pushed the door only to meet Celine seating on her bed. She was already dressed. She scoffs

“What are you doing here…I saw you at the club house” Cassie spat, already angry at the fact that Celine will be an obstacle to what she is planning to do.

“I knew you were up to something when you started following that b!tch around…” Celine snorted as she frowns

“What do you mean” She asked, her heart already pounding hard. Celine laughs hieratically

“You this b!tch….I hate you right from the day you came here…come here…from now on you will be my puppet. I need a suck down here” Celine growled

“Huff…now I know that you are really sick in the head…you take too much weed and it’s taking the better part of you. And tell me, what’s your business with me following the b!tch around, like you call her. Huhn..answer me…bitchy Celine…” Cassandra mocked as Celine landed a heavy slap across her face. She returned it with a hard punch as they started to fight. Cassie was having the upper hand. She lifted Celine up from the ground landing her on the bare floor.

Punching her face blue black, Celine couldn’t believe what was happening, was it the weed that was weakening her or Cassie has suddenly become strong. Her strength couldn’t be compared to hers; it was far more than hers. She felt like she was fighting with a possessed demon.

“You really wanna know my mission in this clan huhn…look at me” Cassie drags her face upward, wearing a devilish grin

“Well, my mission is to send you to hell” She snapped giving her a head cut as Celine went unconscious. She picked up her body and placed her on her own bed. She scurried towards where her laptop is, picking it up as she click on the cam recorder. She smiled to her satisfaction when it displayed what she has always wanted.


After the contest was over, they all decided to stay back to have a drink in the public dining. Ariel excused herself to use the restroom. She was still washing her hand after using the toilet when Sophia walked in. She didn’t bother to look at her, they are clearly enemies

“You can enjoy him why it last” Sophia muttered, as she washes her hand in the second sink

“What do you mean” Ariel frown. Sophia scoffs

“Come one, you think I don’t know who you are and what you want. You are a damn, filthy commoner from a poor background if I’m not mistaken you once lived in the slum, eating from hand to mouth. You are nothing but a gold digger Ariel, a b!tch who doesn’t even know whom she loves among the two brothers” She snapped as Ariel watched her angrily

“ caught your tongue..haahaa..” she laughs

“I know you are falling for those two guys or let’s say you just want dig their gold being a gold digger that you are, but mind you, if you chose to be with Aiden, then I don’t mind. But get your stinking and foolish eyes out of my Axel, because he is mine and mine alone. If you try making him fall for you because of some crazy beauty that you got, then consider yourself dead, because I will kill you” Sophia threatened.

Ariel stared at her without saying a word. She was indeed scared at what Sophia will do, but doesn’t wanna show it out in her expression. She wasn’t ready to deal with Sophia, her dad is rich and she is just an upcoming celebrity. All she wished for is for the contest to end and she starts her normal life back, she misses going to school; all these online lessons aren’t her thing. She scoffs loudly enough for Sophia to hear

“Well, let’s see how you play the game; the winner will surely be rewarded” Ariel smirked, leaving the restroom with Sophia glaring angrily at her. She wasn’t expecting that bold demeanor from Ariel; she wanted her to become a frightened slave to her, just like the way she made Flora become one and used her.

“You will pay for this Ariel, I will make sure I deal with you” She grunted

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