
We Are Not Couples

Chapter 72

(We Are Not Couples)

Ariel’s POV

I was just preparing to leave for the last rehearsal when Josephine came to tell me about having a visitor. I quickly dressed up, going downstairs to meet the so called visitor, though I wasn’t expecting anyone, perhaps Mia decided to stop by, I thought. On getting to the living room, I met a young lady of about twenty or more. She was patiently sitting on the couch; a glass with a pack of juice was placed in front of her, perhaps Josephine offered her the drink.

She seated up on seeing me, as I stared at her with a questioning look, I don’t think I know her from anywhere.

“Good morning ma” She greeted with a smile. I was a bit taken aback, people don’t refer to me as Ma, and it sounds strange at first in my ear. I’m sure I will get use to it with time; these are what one gets on becoming a celebrity. I also composed myself and replied well; thanks to Nina and Emma, with the few time I spent with them during and after the rehearsals they taught me some things I need to know about celebrity lifestyle.

They taught me how to walk with high shoulder, giving killer catwalks, not smiling sheepishly at every comment, sitting with a sense of humor, answering fans questions honourably but not all questions, and also having a sense of authority especially to my workers so that they won’t look down on me, but doesn’t mean that I won’t chat with them once in a while. This will give me the respect I deserve from fans and those who works for me.

“Good morning miss..ermm..if I’m not mistaking, I haven’t seen you before, so how can I help you” I asked with a warm smile, taking my seat opposite her.

“Yes, you haven’t. Actually, I was appointed by the company to be your new manager, well Axel precisely.” She stated

“Oh, Axel appointed you for me” I asked

“Yes, I have been interviewed already and he asked me to come to you for the last interview. He wants to know your say on it first before registering me as a manager who works for you in the company. He asked me to come see you” She explained humbly. I smiled.

Axel once told me about getting a manager for me, but I wasn’t expecting it to be this fast. I smiled as I watch her speak, she seem humble and ready to work. I think I will take her

“Ok..since you have been interviewed by Axel and he choose you, there is no need interviewing you again. I will be heading to the company soon, you can come there tomorrow and resume your job” I stated as her face lit up with a broad smile

“ you Ma, I promise to do my job diligently” She stated, as I nodded. I bade her goodbye as she took her leave. I titled my head sideward and caught Josephine staring at me. She froze when our eyes met as she quickly cut the gaze. She has been distant since she was slapped and perhaps she is ready to change, but I can’t say for sure. I don’t have her time now.


“Welcome miss” the security men greeted as Ariel stepped down from her car. She saw the cars of other band members, perhaps they have arrive. She thought. She glanced at Victor who was about going elsewhere after parking the car.

“Are you going somewhere” She asked him

“Just wanna take a walk” he replied. She nodded and went into the company studio. This will be the last rehearsals for the band before the crown contest. She was welcomed by Nina who ran to hug her and Emma only smile winking at her. She thought she was late but noticed that the males are yet to arrive. Just as she was exchanging pleasantries, they walked in; Michael and his crew, Theo and Axel. Axel spared her a glance as their eyes lock. He flashed a smile at her as she turned her face way struggling not to blush.

They stated the practice with Theo and two other directors coordinating it. Axel’s eyes were all over Ariel, and it made her feel uncomfortable, but she had to look calm. After the rehearsal, they dispersed as Axel asked to speak with Ariel.

“Hey….” He called as she stopped to face him

“Hi…” She replied, looking at him

“Ermmm….how are you”

“I’m fine” She gave a straight reply, which made him feel a bit uneasy.

“So do you agree with me, erm, about the manager, did she come to see you” He asked, tucking his hand into his pocket

“Oh yes..she looks good. I asked her to come here tomorrow to get registered since you have approved her. I believe you know what’s best for me.” She shrugged. He nodded

“Michelle is a nice lady, I knew her right from high school” He muttered as she gasps

“Harg…my bad, I didn’t even ask for her name” She laughed and that kinda ease the tension because he laugh along, and trust me, it was worth watching him laugh that way. He looks so cute, she thought


“Yes….that should have been the first thing I should have asked, gosh, I’m so bad at interviewing someone”

“When last did you speak with Aiden” he asked changing the topic

“Oh…we speak almost every day” She shrug, he nodded and looked at her again. The tension was coming in again.

“Are you still mad at me?” He asked, as she froze

“Why will I be mad at you, you didn’t do anything wrong”

“Ariel…” he called her name softly, holding her hands

“I know you are still angry, but I’m sorry…..”

“You shouldn’t be begging me because I caught two lovers k**sing, in fact you shouldn’t be feeling remorse about it, please”

“It’s not what you think, she k**sed me first….”

“But you k**sed her back” She resorted. He sighs, looking sadly at her. She felt pissed that he was bringing up that matter; she doesn’t know why she is getting angry

“I don’t even know why you are trying to justify yourself. It’s not like we are some kind of couple, stop acting like you cheated on me.” She flared, he kept on watching her

“You are free to k**s and make out with anyone of your choice, it’s your life not mine” She snapped

“You were in tears that day…”

“I don’t care, you shouldn’t care about me being in tears or not, whereas I lost my bracelet that day and that was why I was crying” She lied and wishes he doesn’t believe her. She doesn’t wants him to know that she has a crush on him and reminding her of Sophia is only making her more piss

“I’m sorry” Axel muttered after a while of silence. She sighs

“I’m leaving” She stated and walked out of him before he could reply her.

He headed to his lounge after she left; he wasn’t planning to return home that day. Her words hurt him so much but he pretends to be ok. Falling for Ariel should be the last thing on his mind, but he finds himself thinking about her all day. He could clearly remember Theo telling him about his love for her, but he ignored it, knowing the Aiden has it in mind to ask her out. He doesn’t want to come in between her and his brother but she is making him go crazy. He thoughts she like him and cried when she caught Sophia k**sing him, but right now, he is confused as to what to think.

He decided to freshen up and not think about it. After having a warm bath he came into the room only to meet Karl waiting for him. He frowns

“When did you get here?” He asked, as Karl stood up holding a tablet

“Just now” he replied. Axel nodded and went into his closet. He came out of dressing up, waiting for Karl to speak up but Karl seems to be looking at him, saying nothing

“Why are you looking that way?” Axel chuckled.

“I came here to see you” He noted, Axel squinted

“Are you seeing Flora?” he asked. Karl sighs, not giving any reply as he scoffs

“Like seriously, Karl….why will you…”

“I have no choice…I love her..and I can’t stop it” He stated

“Flora isn’t who you thinks she is….”

“She is a b!tch and you know that” Axel yelled

“She is not a b!tch….” He snapped back, and Axel was shocked at his outburst

“I’m sorry for yelling but Flora isn’t who you think she is, she isn’t a bad girl, she was just forced to do what she did.”

“She clearly told me she hates me, she asked me to go away…huhn..she cheated on me Karl, and you are here supporting her” Axel scoffs

“I’m sorry boss, I know shouldn’t be saying this but I have my reasons, not just because I’m with her now, but because I know who she is.”

Axel shrug

“You both used to be friend then, I shouldn’t expect less”

Karl sighs

“Here have this…” He stretches forth a recorder. Axel only watches him with a frown

“What should I do with this” he asked

“All you need to know is in this, I can’t explain all to you” he stated, but Axel refused to collect it

“I don’t know what you are getting at Karl, you are pissing me off with what you are doing now” Axel muttered going to pick a drink

Karl sigh walking towards his wardrobe, he dipped the recorder into one of the suit pocket, when Axel was not watching.

“Do I have any schedule for this week” Axel asked, coming back with two glasses


“Thank God” Axel exhale setting the drink on the table as he pours out a glass for Karl. Karl didn’t bother to bring up Flora’s matter again. He knew Axel doesn’t wanna talk about it, and he seem cool with him dating her.


Red Fox Clan

Macho puffed out a ball of smoke off his nostril and mouth, as he takes in more drags from the cigar in his hand. The door to his room opened as someone walks in. He knew who it was without turning to look. Only she doesn’t knock when coming in, even if the others do.

“The next you come in here without waiting for my permission, you will regret it” he threatened still not looking at her. She smirked

“And what are you gonna do to me, kill me, or…punish me” she asked with a smile, walking towards him as she knelt on the bed where he sat, caressing his bare back. He stiffens a bit a groan. She place a soft k**s on his neck, trailing her fingers down his chest. He held her hand and pushed it away

‘I want to be alone” he gruff, she scoffs

“I want to make you feel good….”

“You heard me Winter…I won’t repeat myself” He noted. She stood up angrily

“So now you are rejecting me…is it because of her..” Winter snapped, staring angrily at him

“What do you mean?”

“Cut the crab..I know you are into that b!tch..Brittany…do you love her so much to ignore me…huhn…or you just want to fulfill your selfish desires. Or do you think I don’t know about her being your bed mate”

“You and I know that I am the clan leader, I have every right to bed my female members. Where are you going to with all this” He snapped. She laughed

“Be warned Macho, I’m trying my best to keep things cool, but if she comes in my way then consider her dead”

“You won’t dare” he gritted

“Let’s wait and see, you know I don’t make empty threats” Winter noted and walked out of the room. Macho groan holding his head, as he sits back on the bed

“B!tch…damn” he cursed

We Are Not 

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