

Chapter 71


“Your hands in the air…if you make one move, I will burst your brains out” The voice stated, as she slowly raised her hands up. The person was behind her and it was a female’s voice….

Brittany tried to turn to see who the enemy is but the voice made her stop.

“I said if you f**king make a move, I will rip your head off” She yelled

“Ok, ok..I’m still, what do you want from me” Brittany resorted. The lady spoke into her mouthpieces

“I got one boss, will be heading to the safe room now” She stated. Brittany squinted, she thought Macho will be in the safe room now, what does this lady mean by, we will be heading to the safe room now or were they going to the wrong direction.

“Move…” she yelled

“I’m f**cking moving” Brittany snorted; as she heard her cocking her gun, she tried to make a swift move, turning to grab the gun but was stunned when she heard a bang. Her heart race rapidly as she tried checking herself if she was hit by the bullet, but got to know that the lady wasn’t the one who shot.

The lady’s body landed on the floor, as Cassandra came into view. She had pulled the trigger. The bullet pierced through the lady’s forehead, and it was shocking for a newbie to have a straight target, despite the distance she was in taking that shot. Brittany’s mouth was still open in shock when Cassandra walked closer, picking up the lady’s gun and threw it at Brittany. She caught it with ease, still gaping at her.

“Why you finding it hard handling this Sissy?” She asked, putting in a new cartridge as she removes the first one which was empty. Brittany noticed she had been staring for long and she might have noticed. She cleared her throat and spoke.

“I ran out of bullet, she caught me off balance” She noted. Cassie nodded, and started moving to an exit. She frowns

“You are going the wrong way” Brittany gruff. She turned to look at her

“No….we are in the wrong building. The store room is in the other building” She stated, Brittany squinted

“And how do you know about that?”

“I was with Macho when he got your message. He sent me to your aid. So…let’s get out of here before getting into another fight with those idiots” She muttered as Brittany followed her with different thoughts blubbing in her mind. Why will Macho send a weakling to rescue me, I mean, who does that? But wait a sec, Cassie can’t be a weakling; she handled the gun perfectly and got a straight target. She wouldn’t have gotten that in just two weeks; she thought but shrugs it off, remembering that they have a mission to accomplish.


Josephine stared at herself in the mirror looking really sad as she caress the cheek she was slapped on. Grannie Naomi rarely slaps her, in fact she couldn’t remember the last time she tired laying hands on her. But because of Ariel, she got a slap; well she wouldn’t put all the blame on her though, she actually did a wrong thing by not making the meal. She didn’t plan not to make it though; she was so tired after doing some chores and decided to take a quick nap, but she overslept and before she could think of making anything, boom, Ariel got back home.

She only reacted that way because of the way Ariel asked of the food. She hates it when people command her anyhow. Although, it wasn’t really a command, but she just doesn’t like being a maid. She has always been wishing for the day she will be free to live a life which won’t depend on someone. She felt jealous of Ariel being that she is now a celebrity of her own. She was also brought to the house just like the way she was brought, but Ariel was opportune to go to the university while she hasn’t.

Aiden make her feel like a queen supporting her in everything, and she even won the contest. She is now a model, a singer and has lots of connections. This has always been her dreams but she is still the maid that runs errands for people. She never wished for this in life, she hates it with passion, even if Aiden is not being harsh on them like other boss. He took them like his family but she is right here feeling ungrateful.

She remembered Naomi’s word saying she is ungrateful and she is beginning to regret her actions. She is indeed ungrateful, but what can she do, she is desperate to get out of being someone’s puppet. She stared at her face one more time and heaves a sigh. She is really beautiful, no doubt. But why has no one ever approach her, or say the three magic words to her. She feels like an outcast. Even during her school days, not even a guy has walked up to her telling her about liking her or something. She fell in love with Aiden the first time she saw him, and has been head over heels for him. She remembers the way he does stare at her then before Ariel came and she likes it, she always blushes whenever he caught her staring at him and winked.

She felt like one day, he will notice her feelings for him and perhaps ask her out. Although, he accepted them to work as his maids and keep the house in good condition since he was also staying at the mansion then. But she does hope that he will one day return that secret love she has for him, since she can’t walk up to him and ask him out; for damn sake, he is her boss, that will look weird, and he might make mockery of her. But when Ariel came, all hope was lost; he doesn’t look her way any longer. All his thoughts are about Ariel and he also doesn’t spend more time in the house like before. She felt something cold on her cheek and didn’t notice that she had been crying. The door to her room cracked open as Naomi steps in.

She stared at Josephine crying in front of the Mirror and sighed. None of them spoke a word as Josephine’s sobs was what disrupts the silence of the room, not until Naomi spoke up

“Josephine…why are you doing this to yourself” She asked softly, but got no reply as she continued to cry

“Stop it dear…I don’t like seeing you in tears. Do you want me to break down too” She asked, as Josephine shook her head.

“I’m sorry for slapping you earlier…I shouldn’t have gone that far” Naomi pleaded

“No Grannie, you didn’t do anything wrong. I shouldn’t have reacted that way” She resorted. Naomi sighs, going towards her

“Grannie… I look ugly?” She asked raising her teary face up to stares at her, as she broke into more tears

“Oh my God…come here baby…no you are not” Naomi hugs her, patting her back

“But why can’t he recognize my love for him. Why can’t I find someone who loves me back?” She questions, as Naomi sighs

“Sephine…come on..Aiden is not just an ordinary guy. Do you even know how opportune you are to work for him? To get to make his meals, see him closely, touch his cloths, and even make close contacts with him. Many young ladies of your age out there are longing for this opportunity, but won’t even get it in their dreams. How on earth do you want Aiden to notice you when he got other ladies of his caliber out there? Baby….someone who loves you will come for you okay…don’t be sad about it, and you ain’t ugly, trust me, you are one of the beautiful damsel the world will ever got. I love you the way you are and don’t feel bad about it okay..” She stated. Josephine nodded, sniffing in, as she cleaned off her tears


“Ariel didn’t come in between the both of you if that’s what you are thinking”


“No but… If you ain’t meant to be, then so be it, but if fate decides to make changes then let it. But one thing I know for sure is that you need to apologize to Ariel”

“What!! Do I need to apologize?”

“Yes..she is also a boss here if you don’t know. If I’m not mistaking she might even be Aiden’s girlfriend, he might have asked her out, while you are here drowning yourself in tears. She will forgive you, trust me, she is a good girl and has a warm heart. If she gets to marry any of the twins, then I will give her my full support” Naomi smiled, getting up on her feet as Josephine stared at her in awe

“Are you concluding that I won’t be meant for Aiden?”

“I thought we are over this Sephine, clean up and come down for dinner”

“I’m not hungry” Josephine mumbled. Naomi scoffs

“Suit yourself” She stated, walking out of the room

“Is she for real” Josephine asked no one, heaving a sigh as a sticking headache hits her head


Back to the clan

The clan’s dinning hall was quiet as they all eat their meal in total silent, as grief could be seen written on their faces. The mission went successful, but they lost someone tragically; he was the least to have been thought to die but it happened unexpectedly. After Cassandra came for Brittany, they went to the store room where she met Macho and the others; they pulled out all the items they needed, also killing the leader for the gangs they had gun battle with. Just as they were about taking their leave with Scorpion and Dragon also coming out of their various posts with their members; they heard a gunshot and froze when someone landed on the floor.

It was Scorpion, the bullet pierced through his chest beside his left breast, as he gasps for breath. No one knows where the shot came from as they all believed to have killed everyone. Not until the shot came again but missed its target. Macho followed the direction of the shot as the others took cover. It was a sniper and someone was controlling it from afar. He pulled put a bomb, throwing it with all his strength towards that direction as it exploded on meeting its victim.

Scorpion was still lying on the floor losing his breath when Brittany rushed to his side. He looked at her and smiled, touching her hair as he spoke with her mouth full of blood

“Be careful dear, the enemies are lurking around you..they want you dead” he manages to speak before giving up the ghost. His corpse was carried in a van as they made their way back, instead of singing the song of victory, they brought back sorrow.

Macho walked into the hall, as everyone paused and looked at him. He wasn’t also happy but didn’t show it. Scorpion is one of the oldest members of the Clan. According to history, he had joined the clan when Macho was only a boy, when his father was still in that position before handling it to Macho. Scorpion was Macho’s first tutor, before gaining more training in the higher clans which made him stand out and became better than Scorpion.

“It’s such a pity that we lost one of our brave men today. May his soul rest in perfect peace.” He stated, and some murmuring was heard

“But we won’t lose hope. In this clan, it is life or death, always remember that. We are gonna have a meeting tomorrow. Late coming is prohibited” he noted in a cold voice and went out with his guard

Brittany breathes in remembering how he was shot, she would have been killed too if Cassandra hasn’t stepped in to help her, she thought and stared at Cassie who was sitting just opposite her with Jane too. They were both concentrating on their meal, not sparing her a glance. Cassandra raised her head up and met Brittany’s gaze. She smiled and Brittany returned the smile genuine; this is the first time she will be giving Cassandra a genuine smile.

After their meal, Jane went back to her room while Brittany decided to have a word with Cassandra; they are currently walking down the corridor that leads to Brittany’s room.

“Erm…I didn’t get to thank you for the help you did today, thanks so much. If you haven’t come, perhaps I might have gone with Scorpion too” Brittany stated. Cassie smiled

“You don’t need to thank me; friend helps each other you know.”

“Oh…” Brittany muttered, she hasn’t thought of Cassandra being a friend, but she accepted anyways

“Yea…but still thank you”

“You are welcome” Cassandra replied as they shared a warm hug with smiles on their faces.

“I will take my leave now, I need to go back to my room” Cassie muttered and turned to leave after Brittany’s reply

Brittany walks further and just as she was about entering her room, Brad jumped out of a corner trying to scare her

“Harggh..what was that for” She scoffs. He smiled

“Babe..” he muttered and kissed her passionately. Cassandra who was about coming to ask Brittany something saw them kissing but they didn’t know about her presence, as they were so engross in it thinking they were the only ones on the corridor. She smiled brightly watching them as they part and went into the room. She also turned to leave

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