
Freaky Jealousy

Chapter 70

(Freaky Jealousy)

Red Fox Clan~

“Just like I have explained to you all, this mission is gonna be tough, more than the other ones we had been going on. But I believe that we are all prepared and will succeed. We are visiting the safe warehouse of a senior agent in the military. And trust me, this guy is bad and has lots of tough gangs keeping his warehouse safe. He got strength, he got power and lots of bodyguards, but he ain’t got sense.

He is a greedy freak, wants everything for himself; he killed one of our men and took some of his properties, but we are gonna go take everything from him, including his own. I want you all to remain alert and follow the instructions given to you by your commander. I will lead on group, dragon will lead one, while scorpion will lead the other.” Macho shouted on top of his voice, so as for them to hear him well. They are about going on their mission, and are twenty in numbers, but only the good ones where chosen.

“What about this Cassandra; is she coming with us too” Sissy asked with anger clearly written on her face. She felt disgusted being in the same place with her and wish that they don’t get paired in the same group

“Yes she is”

“But she is still a newbie, she ain’t gotten any strength, this is a deadly mission we are talking about here Macho. Do you want us to return with her corpse?” She smirked. This pissed Cassandra off as she landed a heavy punch on Sissy’s face. Sissy tried to retaliate but was held by Scorpion, he pushed her backward.

“Do you wanna sign a death wish, don’t hit her back idiot” he snapped silently at her. She struggle her hand away from his grip, scoffing as Cassie smirked at her.

“Leave me alone, I’m gonna deal with that b!tch” Sissy growled, but couldn’t do anything because Macho was watching her and his eyes holds deadly glares

“No one is bringing back any corpse, and as for you Sissy, you are gonna serve a two weeks punishment when we are back from the mission. You will be suspended” Macho stated, Sissy scoffs

“But she hits me first, I didn’t even get to hit her back, and you are giving me a suspension?” she gritted

“One more word from you and I will get your tongue out, you insulted her first” He replied as his eyes landed on Cassie who gave him a secret smile. He broke the gaze and looked at Brittany who didn’t look his way. He sighs briefly rubbing his temple before looking up again. Some of them were surprise as at how he handles the matter. This is the second time he will be supporting Cassandra despite the facts that she was wrong. She shouldn’t have hits Sissy; sissy was saying the truth, why will she be added with those who will be going on this mission, when it is considered deadly. To them, Cassandra is just a weakling who doesn’t have any experience, but perhaps Macho knows what he is doing. He won’t just send her on a mission without a purpose, they thought.

Sissy was still fuming with anger, sending daggers at Cassie, who returned the glare with an evil smirk.

“We will be paired into three groups. Dragon..” he called

“Yes boss”

“Split them into three groups, but leave out Brittany and Cassandra. They will go with me” he ordered, as dragon nodded

After they had been split, Jane ended up in Scorpion’s group while Brad and Sissy were in Dragon’s group. Brittany has always been in Macho’s group right from time; but now he is adding Cassie to go along with them. Right now, she felt like asking Cassie if she has any relationship with Macho that made him wants her to be in his crew.

“Now that we are all set, let’s get into the van and attack them unaware” he yelled, as they all responded with a loud shout, each group running to their vans as they start the engine to life.


They got to the warehouse in no time, taking the guards on duty unaware. They weren’t expecting any attack so they relaxed until the red fox clan took them off balance. The gang took down every guard on stand post, breaking into the warehouse, and killing anyone that comes their way. Macho and his crew were to head to the store room where the stuffs are being kept; they split into different directions fighting off any enemy that attacks.

Brittany was about taking a U-turn to another entrance when someone fired a shot at her. She quickly dodges it, hiding behind a pillar as she tried catching her breath. It was an unexpected shot. She wasn’t thinking when she showed herself, she should have been cautious of each entrance knowing well that an enemy might be lurking around, behind the blocks or perhaps in one of the rooms. She knew the intruder is still there and if she makes a move, he will gun her down without blinking. She fired a shot and hide again as rains of bullet hits the pillar.

The person seems to be holding a machine gun, due to the way the bullets where hitting the pillar non- stop. She checked her cartridge and found out that it has only one bullet remaining.

“Shit, this is bad luck” She thought. If she missed this shot, then she is a gunner, except someone comes to her aid. She couldn’t speak into the mouthpiece to avoid the enemy from knowing where she hid herself, because from the way he was shooting, he can’t really identify the pillar she is hiding behind.

Just as she was thinking of what step to take, her eyes caught the sight of a glass frame, adjacent to where she was standing. She could clearly see the reflection of the man with the gun, because it was pointing to that direction. She smirked on seeing the nervousness in the man’s face; his hands kept trembling despite holding a good gun. He looks like a trainee to her and she is gonna take him down with his weakness.

She watched him again from the mirror and noticed that he wasn’t really concentrating on her direction any loner, perhaps he thought she had left that area. She took that opportunity, turning swiftly towards him and sends a bullet into his head with her eye sharp target. It pierced into his forehead before he could make move, landing on the ground as he made a heavy thud.

She stepped out of her hiding place, relieved that she has brought down one obstacle.

“Motherf**ker” She spats

She walk towards him and was about picking his gun when she heard a commanding voice

“Your hands in the air…if you make one move, I will burst your brains out” The voice stated, as she slowly raised her hands up. The person was behind her and it was a female’s voice….


Ariel arrived home just after she left the company. It was mid-day, so she believed that lunch will be ready. She was supposed to start staying in her apartment but leaving alone will freak her out, since she hasn’t tried it before. And whereas with the nature of her current job, she will needs assistant in cleaning and taking care of the house. Axel already got her a caretaker, but she doesn’t stay there. She only brings in people to clean the apartment and leave.

She walked in sulkily into the compound after Victor had parked the car. He had noticed her look when he went to pick her, but he doesn’t wanna bother her with questions. Perhaps she is just tired, he thought. Daniel, who used to be her secret bodyguard left after the first incident that happened, so she currently doesn’t have a personal body guard. But Aiden has given orders to his remaining guards to always make sure she is safe.

She bumped into Josephine on entering the sitting room.

 “What the f**k, damn are you blind or something” Josephine snapped, glaring at her. But she doesn’t have time for her today, she simply left and headed for her room, leaving her to fume in anger. Well, Josephine has been like that lately, always getting angry at every slight mistake she makes and it make her wonder why she is being that way. When she was brought here at first, Josephine was really friendly, later on, she became distant. She is fond of teasing her and doing all sorts of things that will annoy her, but she still chat friendly with her once in a while. She thought of her character as something she does always, perhaps that’s the way she behaves, Ariel thought. But she is wrong, right now, what she sees in Josephine is nothing but hate for her.

Ever since she arrive from the contest, Josephine hasn’t been nice to her, well except whenever she calls Aiden in her presence. She will be like;

“Is that Aiden, can I speak with him too”

She always gives her the opportunity to speak with Aiden anytime he calls, and that’s the only time Josephine will smile and thank her. Does she like Aiden? Ariel thought.

After getting into her room, she freshens up and went down to the dinning room for lunch. But to her surprise, she didn’t get to see any food. Perhaps Josephine hasn’t dished it yet, she thought and called out for her.

“Josephine…Josephine!” She called. Josephine walked in with a frown, folding her arms

“And why the hell will you be screaming my name that way, damn don’t you have manners” She snorted. Ariel’s mouth fell

“What the…are you speaking to me that way” She asked. Josephine rolled her eyes

“Fine…I’m here now..what do you want?” She snapped. Ariel sighs. She is damn hungry and doesn’t have time to argue with her. She wasn’t angry either; she was expecting her to behave that way, since she has been doing it all this while

“I’m hungry, but I can’t find any food”

“Yea…that’s because there is none” She resorted. Ariel squinted

“What do you mean, it’s lunch time already, while didn’t you make lunch”

“Well, I was tired, and if I’m not mistaking, you have hands, why can’t you make one for yourself” She snapped. Ariel became pissed, but before she could speak up, Grannie Naomi entered, holding a bag. She was just coming from the market

“Good afternoon Grannie” Ariel greeted from the table

“ dear…good afternoon…have you eaten your meal..” She asked when she could still see her sitting at the table without the food. Ariel shook her head and glared at Josephine who doesn’t feel bothered. Naomi quickly got the message

“What…..Josep-h-i-ne” She called her name, stressing it to show her anger

“Yes Grannie” Josephine replied innocently, having and Arianna Grande’s look on her face

“I thought I asked you to make lunch” She gritted, while Ariel folded her arms to watch the drama

“Then why haven’t you make it”

“Because I was tired grannie, and come on…she also have hands, can’t she make her own food” Josephine replied, but before she could complete her statement, a hot slap landed across her face. It was from Grannie Naomi

“Harrgg” Ariel gasps, as Josephine touched her cheek

“You are such an ingrate of a child. I wonder how you ended up becoming my grandchild, for goodness sake do you want us to be thrown out of this house. This is where we feed and survive, but you are making a mess out of it. Do you want to go back to the slum? This is your job to do, and she is a guest here, you can’t expect her to cook when you are being paid to do so, idiot” Naomi shouted angrily. Josephine was already sobbing, as tears ran down her cheeks

“Grannie, you slapped me because of her?” she pointed at Ariel

“Yes, and I will again if you don’t get lost”

“I hate her grannie, I hate her so much…..” Ariel was stunned at what Josephine said. Why did she hate her? She thought

“Ermmm…have I done anything wrong” Ariel shuttered, looking confuse

“N.o..” Naomi was about saying when Josephine cuts in

“yes…yes you have…she took him away from me, he doesn’t even look at me any longer since the day he brought her here” She sniffed in, allowing the tears to fall freely

“I have always told you Sephine, He can’t….geez…I’m really sorry Ariel, please don’t be annoyed. I can quickly make a fast meal for you…”

“No no…don’t worry grannie, you are just coming from the market, please take a rest. I will just order pizza” Ariel protested

“But pizza isn’t food”

“Fine…I will order food from the nearby restaurant”

“Are you sure about that…or should I just..”

“No grannie, it’s fine” Ariel muttered and stared at Josephine who glared at her before stumping away into her room as she bangs the door hard

“You will fix in a new one if you break that door” Naomi yelled for her to hear, she heaves a sigh and rubs her temple

“Please don’t take to heart all that she said to you, Josephine is just being a kid” Naomi pouted. Ariel smiled

“I can’t be angry…she is still my friend remember?” Ariel stated, as she nodded, walking sluggishly into her own room. Ariel sighs briefly, bringing out her phone to make the order

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