
Welcome to the band

Chapter 69

(Welcome to the Band)

“Hey…are you set” Jane asked as Cassandra went to join them where they assembled. They are to be addressed by Macho who will give them their last instruction before they commence on their mission.

“Yes….where is Brittany” she asked

“Speak of the devil….and she is here” Jane grinned on seeing Brittany walking towards them. She was dressed in a black Kaki, with her hair rapped in a bun, leaving some strands to fall on her face. She wore dark sunshades, giving her killer looks.

“What’s up girls?”

“Nothing is up pretty, come on we are going on a mission, and not some parade dearie, you look dashing in this outfit sis” Jane hailed. Brittany smirk

“Hi Brittany” Cassie greeted as Brittany nodded to her greeting. She isn’t really getting well with Cassandra just like the way Jane was free with her.

“Where is Macho…he should be here by now” Brittany stated

“Yea…” Jane replied

“I think he is meeting with the top clan members first. Perhaps giving them their duties, before coming to us”

“Oh” Brittany simply muttered. Cassie might be right, she could find Brad either, perhaps he is among those meeting with macho. He is also having a high rack in the clan


Hybrid Company

“Welcome to the band Ariel” Nina stated with a smile. Being the winner of the contest, it was her choice to join the Triple Band which she agreed to. Jack was to join the triple boys, but he declined, he prefers being a soloist and performs his own music than joining the band. He also chooses the modeling contract instead; with that, he will be able to collaborate with Mia. He isn’t backing out on the music contract though, but joining the band is out of it. As for Ariel, music has been her dream, then modeling will follow, so she grabbed the offer without thinking twice; but the problem now is, Sophia being the leader.

“Thank you” Ariel replied with a smile as she was directed to take her seat. Nina sat beside her, while Emma who was on a call stood at the other end of the room. She hung up and came towards them with an expressionless.

“Hi…” Ariel smiled. Emma didn’t respond at first, before muttering a cold ‘hi’. Nina gave her a warning look, but she doesn’t seem to look at her, her attention was on Ariel, and that got Ariel thinking if Emma doesn’t like her too.

“It’s nice to meet with you Emma” Ariel noted, bracing herself up to speak with confidence. Come on, she is now in their crew, she shouldn’t be frightened to stare at them in the face. Even if they are having higher rank being in the band for a long time, that doesn’t make her that inferior. She is now in the band and that makes them equal, well a bit.

“You know Ariel…..” Emma started, coming to sit beside her, while Nina prays in her mind that she doesn’t start a rift with Ariel. All she wants for the group is love, joy, and cooperation. But with the fact that Sophia never likes Ariel one bit and Emma being her very close friend won’t make her wish come through. Emma is likely always in support of everything Sophia does, they are best of friends; so if Sophia doesn’t like Ariel, then Emma will likely not like her too.

“I really don’t like you to start with” Emma spurted, as Ariel face fell. But she tried to remain still, not showing the face that she isn’t happy with Emma’s word. Her face was still holding a smile


“Yea….but that was then” Ariel looked up at her, was does she mean, she thought

“I know you might be surprise. But I have watched you closely Ariel, you ain’t the type of person Sophia painted you to be. I thought you were some kind of dump b!tch, but you ain’t one. Let’s say you are cool to begin with, and I really happy to say this. Welcome to the band sweetie” Emma smiled, spreading her arms wide for a hug.

“Oh my gawd Emma..what you did right now is….gosh” Nina snapped, laughing hard, while Emma only chuckled. Ariel was baffled; she didn’t know Emma was only playing games with her, making her think she is also an enemy

“I’m still waiting, and my arms are freaking out” Emma muttered still waiting for Ariel to receive the hug

“Oh my bad…sorry” Ariel smiled, embracing her

“Thank you so much…thanks for accepting me” Ariel stated, as she hug Nina again

“You are welcome darling…but one more thing…you still have an obstacle to cross” Nina cooed

“And that’s Sophia right…” Ariel asked

“Yes….well, she our friend, but trust me, she doesn’t like you one bit”

“I know”

“And that means you shouldn’t get on her bad side, just keep calm no matter what she does, remember that she is the leader. Getting on her black list might kick you away from the band” Emma explained

“So you mean, if you get on her black list, she is really gonna kick you out of the band” Ariel asked, perplexed

“She can’t do that to us; we have gotten into series of argument and still perform together. The thing is when we first join the band; Nicki was the leader then, so Sophia was next in line. We decided to become her best friend so that when she gains the position, she won’t have to treat us bad even if we hurt her”

“Wow, she is really crazy then” Ariel mumbled

“Sure she is….we were six in the band before, Nicki became a solo singer, while Sophia kicked two out” Nina chipped in

“Seriously…and the board couldn’t do anything about it?”

“No they can’t, she got genuine reasons to back up her accusation…but let’s leave that alone. Trust me, she won’t hurt you in any way, we both got your back” Emma winked

“And speaking of the devil…here she comes” Nina muttered as Sophia entered into the studio, looking stunning as always, and wearing a smirk on her face as her eyes caught that of Ariel.


“And that will be all for today…the last rehearsal would be in two days before the performance. You all should get prepared, remember that you are fighting to get the crown.” Mrs. Brittany, one of the board members muttered. They just finished the band rehearsals, planning for the contest among the band members for the purpose of getting the leadership crown. Sophia’s time of being a leader has expired, if she wins this year contest, she will still retain her position, but if she loses, then the member who wins will be the leader.

“Good day everyone” She bade them and left, leaving the two bands with Axel, Theo and Nicki who were there to oversee the practice.

Each of them left the studio one by one, leaving just Nicki, Axel and Sophia. Nicki left after biding Axel goodbye while Sophia stayed behind. She noticed that everyone had gone and decided to play her role. She knew Axel will wait behind to do some rehearsals on his own; he had been doing that since they started this practice from the first day.

“Ain’t you leaving yet” Axel asked her. She smiled, coming closer to him

“No…just wanna stay here…or do you want me to leave” She asked. He shrugs

“It’s your choice if you still wanna stay; I want to do a brief rehearsal” he muttered, going to sit in front of the piano.

“I want to rehearse with you” She noted. He nodded and signaled to the chair. She came forward to seat on the chair but wasn’t paying attention to what he was playing, all her attention were focused on his lips. She noticed someone coming in through the door, but Axel was oblivious of the entrance, being that he was backing the door. She stood up suddenly, leaning forwards towards him and captured his lips with hers, k**sing him off guard. He reciprocated at first but pushed her away after few seconds. The fellow was already gone when they broke the k**s and Sophia was pleased with what she did, the fellow saw them k**sing and that’s what she wanted

“What was that for Sophia…what’s wrong with you” Axle flared up, as he yelled at her. She pouted

“It’s just a k**s, why are you making a fuss out of it. We have done it countless times before”

“I don’t care….this is an assault, you k**sed me without my permission, and that’s not right. The next time you will do such a thing again, I will make sure I bite your tongue, leaving a hole in it.” Axel threatened

“I’m out of here” he bluffs, leaving the studio. Sophia smiled broadly, though she felt bad that Axel didn’t acknowledge her k**s but she has gotten something by k**sing him. Now that idiot will have to stay away, she thought.


Ariel’s POV

After the rehearsal which I found interesting, I noticed that I couldn’t find my bracelet again. Perhaps it mistakenly fell off in the studio; I thought and decided to go check for it. As I drew nearer, I heard the sound of the piano playing; Axel is at it again, I grinned and tried going in to hear him play more clearly. Just as I was about stepping in, the music stopped and the sight I saw sent me off balance. I saw him k**sing Sophia; my heart ache at that moment, I lost it; I couldn’t look for what I came for again. I felt like I was stabbed seeing them k**s that way. It hurt so much, and I’m beginning to think why I feel that way. Why am I feeling so much pain in my heart, why did he k**s her, why? I cried inwardly. I ran off the scene immediately but stood not far from the studio. The scene kept replaying in my mind and I wished I haven’t come here in the first place.

I felt something wet on my cheek and realized that I have been crying; why will I cry over a k**s between him and Sophia. Fine I don’t like Sophia, but why will he k**s her even if he wants to K**s someone. Why not someone else, but why do I feel like he shouldn’t do it with someone else? I thought and cry further.

“Ariel” I heard a soft voice called. It was him, when did he leave the studio? I thought

“Ariel..what’s wrong, why are you crying” He asked

“I’m fine” I mumbled, trying to walk away, but he blocked me, holding my chin up to look at him

“Ariel…” He called softly again

“I said I’m fine” I yelled this time, yanking his hands away. I could see the shock in his eyes, he hasn’t seen this angry side of me before, well we ain’t even that close to start with. I myself couldn’t believe that I just yelled; this is unusual of me. Why am I being this way?

“Are you ok….come one….” He was saying when I shut him off again

Axel’s POV

“Leave me alone, I don’t wanna have anything to do with you, how I wish I could just take these feelings away” she mumbled the last part busting into another round of tears. I ruffle my hair not knowing what to do, why is she crying this much, have I done anything bad to her, I thought as I suddenly began to feel bad for what I don’t even know. She sighted something on the floor as I followed her gaze. It was a bracelet, and it looks exactly like the one Aiden got for Brittany on her birthday. I have seen it once on her once or twice, perhaps Aiden got it for her too. I thought

I was about bending down to pick it for her but she beats me to her, she dusted off the dust and tried leaving but I grabbed her hand again

“Please what have I done wrong” I pleaded, not believing my own word. I rarely beg people, the only person I have spoken this way with is Flora and that’s when we are still together. Right now, my heart is pounding hard as I stare into her eyes, she is reminding me of someone, but the vision is still blurring.

I stared at her lips and felt like sucking out the juice from it, but now isn’t the time to think about that. I felt hurt seeing her hurt, and it makes me feel like I am behind it. I noticed the spark in her eyes as I held her closer, but it was replaced with sadness

“I need to be alone Axel…let me go” She whispered as I released my grip. She left

“Gosh…what’s going on with me, I’m not falling in love with this girl, am I?” I sigh, turning to see Sophia standing far behind with a smile on her face. Did she see me and Ariel, and why is she smiling?

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