
Friends Indeed

Chapter 68

(Friends Indeed)

“Wow, that’s a good smile. Give us something fantabulous” The director muttered as Mia whirl sideward, taking pose in front of the camera as it flashes its light at her, capturing her beauty. She is currently in one of the company who wants her to be the face of their product. Being a model isn’t an easy job, the schedules are killing, but she likes it anyway. She just finished having her shoot as she waits for Jack to do his. Yes, the both of them are taking the modeling career for a start; they have gotten millions of followers on the social media, as their pictures are the talk of the town.

Mia’s beauty is sending some men off guard, and the single ladies out there are wishing to be Jack’s girlfriend, but all those wishes will only last in their dream, because all that is in his mind is Mia, no other woman can take her place. They were also to take a joint shot as Jack is to hold Mia to himself as they take a pose.

“Yea…yea…that’s a good pose, please don’t move…just stay still” the director muttered, signaling to the camera man to take the shot. Jack was holding Mia by her waist as she rested one of her hand on his chest. Their faces where just few inches apart, and if it isn’t just a pose, one would have thought that they were about kissing in the picture

“Your lips are tempting, I feel like smashing mine on them right now” Jack whispered after they disengage

“I don’t mind” Mia replied, not looking at him. He was shocked at her reply, but his expression was later replaced with a grin.

“Seriously, you don’t mind if I kiss you right now, in front of everyone…you know, I might take it to another level without minding if we are actually having a shoot. I will f**k you so h-a-r-d” He winked

“You won’t dare…just face the camera and stop tal-king” She dragged her word, trying to keep a calm face, as she doesn’t wanna look bad in the camera. Jack chuckled, as his smiles broaden. He knew he got her there and she won’t be able to resist him anymore.

“Wow….I love that smile Jack…that’s the spirit” The director noted. Jack almost laughed out. Mia made him to smile, but the director thought he was just giving his best smile, they actually didn’t know that it was the brief conversation he had with Mia that triggered that expensive smile.

The shoot came to an end, as they were both exhausted. They were given a drink to sip down before they took their leave.

“I will drive you home…I brought my car” Jack grinned, winking at Mia who only rolled her eyes

“Just because you have a car doesn’t mean you should show it off, or make others feel bad about not having one. And whereas, I was about calling my driver to come pick me up, remember that my parent are rich business tycoons. So why won’t I also be having a car” She scoffs. His smile broaden

“Hey…rich doll, I know that you are rich, my parent are also rich; that makes me rich too. And whereas, this is not my first car, I only make use of it because it’s more expensive than the others that I own. So tell me, are you gonna go with me, or you still want your driver to come pick you up” He smirk

“Just get into the car and let’s get out of here” she snapped. Tucking her hair behind, as he opened the car door for her

“Here you go, milady” He bowed

“Stop being a gentleman, because I know that you are not” She snorted

“Whatever you think of me is your problem, all I know is that I got skills down here” He wriggled his brow, pointing down towards his groin. She blushed, understanding what he meant

“And that’s the blush I have been waiting for, you see, you are only pretending to be a tough lady whereas you are so soft and…gosh..I could remember you screaming my name that day…you were like…Jack go—de-eper” He groan

“Start this f**king car Jack and let’s get out of here, argghh” She yelled, trying to conceal her red cheek which was already visible. He is actually making fun of her because of her vulnerability in bed, despite being tough on the outside. Yea, he had gone down with her, even if that was not her intention at first. She wanted to take things slow with them but their body couldn’t keep in the passion they feel for each other.

To cut the story short, Jack asked her out, and they are currently dating, but decided to keep it out of the public. Still being a student in the university and having a heartwarming but tedious career to handle is enough stress. Facing the world of thousand paparazzi would do them no good, if they got to know about their relationship now. They are just starting it, and it’s best to keep it hidden until it gets matured before the world will know about it.

“Fine…fine…I have started it, what’s next…” He asked, teasing her

“Stop being a fool dimmit, I need to go home” She snapped, as he laughed hard, zooming the car out of the park zone


“I can’t believe you brought me to your house instead” Mia scoffs, getting down from the car after Jack has parked it in the garage. He simply shrugs and followed her in

“So when are you taking me to see your parent” Jack asked as they both settle down in Jack’s room. They are actually in Jack’s apartment, the chief cook just finished making lunch, and they arrive in time to meet it still hot and delicious for consumption. After their meal, they decided to have a brief talk in his room

“My dad is on a business trip, but mum is at home. It’s your choice to come see them when you are ready” She replied, changing into one of his shirts. It stopped just at the middle of her tights giving her a killer look. Jack gulps down nothing as he watches her change. She wore a bum short, when she noticed his prickly eyes.

“I wanna come when your dad is around, your mum seems cool to me.”

“And my dad” she asked, going to sit beside him. He took his time to study her feature. She is getting more beautiful as the day goes by, or is the constant skin care treatment she receives as a model? He thought. No, Mia is naturally beautiful, he concluded in his mind, licking his lips in process.

“I don’t mind you staring, but just know that I will be leaving soon, so don’t stare too much, because you won’t get a taste” she noted. He pouted

“Why, come on, don’t starve me, or was it because I was teasing you earlier”

“No…not that…just answer the damn question. You said my mum is cool, what about my dad” She asked; tucking a strand of her hair behind to get a better view of his face.

“I used to know your dad as a strict man, well I don’t know about now. I don’t want to be rejected; they might think I’m not good for you, being that I was a playboy during my high school days. And I believe they know about me bullying you then” he pouted

“No they don’t. I was having a huge crush on you then despite the fact that you were a bully and love teasing me a lot. I couldn’t bring myself to tell them about it, and whereas my parents were always busy, they wouldn’t have the time to listen to such. To add to my pain, your dad and my dad were business partners; telling them about you being a bully to me, will only create a bridge between their friendship” Mia explained. He sighs, rubbing his temple, as he drew her closer to himself, smelling the scent of her hair

“I love you Mia, and I won’t wanna lose you to anyone, I pray they accept me”

“And I pray your parent accepts me too”

“Why not, they surely will” He stated

“I hope so…I love you too Jack” She smiled, pecking his lips as she quickly disengage from him, laughing at his expression. She knew she had turned him on, but she won’t give in this time

“What..was…come on babe....”

“I told you before…no love making today…damn we need to learn how to control ourselves”

“But you started it; you wore a seductive cloth and also peck me when you know that I’m trying to control my urge. You just added fuel to my fire” He groans, while she continues to laugh

“If you want me really bad, then you will have to catch me”

“Like seriously, are we to play the Tom and Jerry game again, my maids are around, we can’t do that now”

“I don’t care….except you are not feeling pains down there…” She pointing to his lower region

“Oh gosh,,,damn you Mia…if I catch you..I’m gonna f**k you hard that you won’t be able to go for tomorrow’s shoot”

“Let’s see about that” She winked, biting her lips as she ran out of the room, with him running behind to catch up with her

“Come back here …Mia”


Red Fox Clan~

Celine’s Room

The ladies could be seen fixing bullets into their guns and packing other necessary things that they need into their pocket. Celine picked up a poisoned knife and tucked it into her side pocket. She glanced at Cassandra who had a frown on her face, packing her short hair into a bun. The hair kept on slipping out, due to the fact that it is short. She groans for the umpteen times and decided to pack it gently to avoid it slipping out of the band again.

“Don’t force the hair, it’s ain’t gonna stay. I don’t know why you cut it in the first place” Celine smirked. She scoffs

“And how is cutting my hair your business miss” Cassandra snapped back, but Celine only scoffs. They are both packing the items they need for the mission they are about embarking on. This should have been the opportunity for Celine to finish off Brittany; she still feels the full range of anger towards her, for allowing her friend to be killed that way. All she taste for is veungeance, but she want to take things slowly. Killing Brittany herself isn’t what she wants to do; she will have to do it in a way that wouldn’t reflect her. She will kill two birds with one stone.

“You know….you are such a weakling. I wonder why you are asked to join us for this mission. The bad guys out there will kill you in a sec at the snap of their finger, and will feed your body to the dogs” Celine snarled. Cassandra laughed out loud, as Celine began to wonder if she is actually going mad

“Seriously, huhn, you see me as a weakling, well, that’s because you don’t know the real me.”

“You are a newbie in this clan, and I believe you are still new in this game. Now I’m beginning to wonder why Macho picked you to go with us, huhn…I pray your bones ain’t what is gonna be brought back to the clan, because this mission is deadly and you are as good as dead” Celine smirked. Cassandra only rolled her eyes and focused on banding her hair. If Celine knows who she really is, she won’t be talking to her this way, she thought

“And what’s up with you and the Clan b!tch?” Celine asked, as she frowns, not knowing who she is referring to.

“Who…if I may ask”

“Brittany….” Celine muttered her name with disgust. Cassie scoffs

“She is my friend…and what about her?” She resorted

“Huhn….friends indeed….I can see hate in your eyes, little bird….” Celine puff, blowing mockery k**ses as her. Cassie felt disgusted, she felt like punching Celine right now. But wait, what does she mean, she thought. Does Celine hate Brittany too?

“Just….never mind” Celine muttered

“Whatever….I’m done, when you are through packing your stuff, just get your ugly ass outside” Cassie snorted, leaving the room. Celine’s words kept coming to her mind, but she shrugs it off.

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