
I Need You For My Son

Chapter 67

(I need you for my son)

Ariel’s New Apartment~

“It’s perfect, I love it” Ariel grinned as she walks down the stairs leading back to the sitting room. Axel could be seen relaxing on the couch. He eyes was closed, he had to open it when he heard Ariel coming down. He brought her to the apartment which was given to her as the winner of the contest. Axel being in charge of the document was to hand it to her and takes her to tour the apartment.

The car given to her was parked in Aiden’s apartment where she is still staying presently, and victor, her driver has been doing a good job, teaching her how to drive and she is actually coping. All that is happening is like a dream come true as her next mission will be finding her dad.

“It’s a good thing you like it” Axel shrug wearing a soft smile as he stands to his feet.

“Yea…it’s perfect” She noted. He nodded. It’s been a week after the contest; and this past one week had been hell for her, well she actually love it though. She had so sign not just the company’s contract, but other Companies also want her to be the face of their products. She got to meet with Flora who she is thinking of making her role model when it comes to modeling. She loves her smiles and her posture when facing the camera. She is just a newbie, and has taken her time watching most of Flora’s modeling magazines, to get a clue on how to do things. The company will soon give her a manager who will assist her in noting her schedules and how to manage it.

“She is getting more beautiful” Axel thought inwardly as he gazed at her nonstop. She was already standing in front of him, while he continued to drool. Well, he is not use to drooling at girl because of their beauty, but Ariel just captured his eyes.

“Huhm hun” She cleared her throat back to reality

“Erm…sorry were you saying something?” He asked

“Will there be any rehearsal today” She asked

“No, today is a free day…so are you done checking it out”


“So I’m free to take you home…or…you still want to go somewhere else”

“I don’t know..are you going anywhere. I’m kinda bored staying home all day” She asked. Axel chuckled

“I wanna go see my mum, it’s been a while I checked on her, do you wanna tag along” he smiled. She nodded. He stretches forth his hand, as she placed her hand on it with a smile. They left the house giving instructions to the caretaking in charge before driving out of the compound.


Ariel let out a soft gasp as Axel parked the car in the car park. She stepped down, gazing around with her mouth slightly open. The mansion had been painted with a new colour, adding more beauty to it. It looks just the way it was when she left except for the change of paint colour. The flowers are still in place, glowing as always, and the guards still maintain their usual post, except for the fact that they are now more than before.

“Still looking around, I thought you have been here before?” Axel asked, his hands tucked in his pockets as he watched her look around, marveled.

“Oh yes…just the new paint makes it look a bit different” She replied as they went in. The memories of how she came to the mansion suddenly filled her mind. She remembered how Mr. Shaw hits his wife; that might be the main reason why Aiden took her away. None of them knows about her getting to see the fight scene that day, except Elsa. And talking about Elsa, she will be so glad to see her, she thought.

“Welcome young master” the guards and maids greeted as they walk in. Axel replied their greetings with a nod, while she simply smiled.

They got into the house and Axel had to walk further into his mother’s room while she stayed in the living room. In order to feed her eyes, she stood up walking round, admiring the beauty artworks hung on the wall. She was still lost in her gaze when she heard someone spoke

“Can I help you young lady” Mary (Mrs. Shaw) muttered walking out of the kitchen down to the dining room. She sighted Ariel from far off and wondered who she was; being that she wasn’t expecting any visitor. She walked down the stairs which leads to the sitting room, examining Ariel carefully, she looked familiar to her.

“Erm….good afternoon ma…” Ariel greeted nervously with a smiled. Mary returned the smile

“Hi, who are you..and how can I help you” She asked

“Mum?” Axel’s voice sounded from behind, stopping Ariel from answering her question. Mary turned to see her son looking handsome as always. He went forward to hug her as she embraced him tightly. He pecked her cheek softly while she pinched his cheek.

“I miss you mum” he pouted, as she slightly knock his head

“Ouch…mum” he called softly, rubbing the place she hits him

“What was that for?”

“You claim you miss me, but you and that brother of yours rarely check on me, it’s annoying to stay alone for a long time with seeing any of my kids. Do you know how hurt I get, you both are the only ones I got, remember” She spoke sadly. He sighs

“I’m sorry mum….you know how hectic our careers are, but we will never stop thinking about the pretty mum God has given to us.” He winked

“Give that to your girlfriend, stop winking at me” She chuckled. Ariel only watch them with a smile on her face, they had almost forgotten that she was present there with them. She could see a flicker of sadness in Axel’s eyes, when his mother mentioned something about his girlfriend, but he tried to cover it with a smile.

“And who do we have here, did she come with you” She asked him, as they face me

‘Oh…I’m really sorry Ariel, meet my mum, and mum meet Ariel…my..ermm..friend” He let out a soft sigh. He doesn’t know what to call her other than friend, even if they are yet to know about each other. He is only being with her because he had to train her on how the industry works.

“Oh..welcome Ariel, such a beautiful name….” She smiled and hugs Ariel who wasted no time in accepting the hug. With the look of things, Mrs. Shaw seems nice unlike her husband. Is her husband at home? She thought within but couldn’t ask even if she wants to know

“Well you both came at the perfect time, I just finished making lunch” She gestured to the dining table

“Hmmm…I missed you mum, and before I forget, I met with Mrs. Brown, she mentioned something about coming to eat your latest delicacies very soon.” Axel muttered as they took their seat on the dinning

“Really, I trust she will come soon. You will like what I prepared Ariel, with the look of this, I believe you ain’t an American” Mary asked. Ariel nodded

“Yes Ma”

“Then how do you cope with our food here”

“I cope really well, there isn’t much different with what we eat in Africa” Ariel smiled, as the maids serves them

“Africa…wow…I can’t believe I will be having an African guest in my house today, I think I’m honored” Mary grinned, as Ariel blushed. Axel only watch them chit chat, his full attention was on Ariel, and how beautiful her smile was. He hasn’t thought of this before, but he is beginning to wonder where Aiden has gotten to meet an angel in person. Ariel’s beauty was hidden at first, then it suddenly glow out like a sun, attracting lots of people. Even he himself couldn’t help but get mesmerized by her glamorous self.

“I’m sorry to ask, but have we met before….your face is suddenly becoming familiar, like I have seen you somewhere before” Mary squinted

“Mum….she is the winner of the Hybrid contest, her picture has been everywhere; billboard, posters, magazines and even the internet. You could have seen her in any of those places” Axel chipped in

“Yes Ma” Ariel nodded in affirmation. She was beginning to feel that Mrs. Shaw saw her leave with Aiden that day, but they didn’t have a close contact. She didn’t know about her stay in the mansion too, except if Aiden had mentioned about it to her

“Oh wow….you won the contest?”

Ariel smiled


“That’s good…I mean…a pretty like you will surely have a nice voice. It’s just that I’m having a feeling that I have seen you somewhere else other that the internet, more like years ago” Mary muttered slowly, taking a sip of her drink. Ariel and Axel’s eyes met, and he shrug.

“Perhaps you are experiencing De Jevu mum, you have never met Ariel” He noted. She shrugged

“Ok…so back to you Ariel…where did you meet my son. I believe you both are dating right?”She smiled, as Ariel choked on her food. She picked up her drink and gulp down the whole content

“Are you ok?” Mary asked her with concern as Axel rolled his eyes

“We ain’t dating mum…we are just…erm…friends” he muttered the last part softly, more like a whisper. Mary glared at him

“I wasn’t talking to you; I know you will deny it. I can see it in your eyes, you love her, stop pretending” She jabs his arms, laughing. Axel frowns, while Ariel giggles.

“Look here baby girl, you don’t need to mind him, I know my sons really well, and when they are in love, there is always this spark in their eyes.…”

“Mum…come on…Ariel is…”

“I know..and that’s why I wants you to make it fast. I like her already and she will fill up the hole Flora left in your heart. You need to be happy again baby…” She pouted.

“Gosh….mum can we just eat in peace…fine I will get a girlfriend soon, just to make you happy, but we can talk about that later..right?” He muttered. Ariel was trying to hold her laughter in

“I don’t want someone else what about the damsel here” she whispered to him, but Ariel hard her clearly. It was like she didn’t whisper at all. Axle’s eyes immediately locks with hers as his mum said that; he shifted his gaze to avoid crazy thought running up his mind

“Mum….” He groans

“I’m also getting old you know….I need a grandchild” She rolled her eyes

“Mum!!!!” Axel yelled this time, as Ariel and Mary both busted into a round of laughter. The look on Axel’s face wasn’t good at all. He felt pissed; talking about grandchildren in front of a total stranger isn’t what his mum should have brought up. Although, it seems like his mum really likes Ariel, but what if she finds out the she is already taken by Aiden.

Ariel was also not helping matters, she kept laughing and getting along with his mum like they have known each other before, but they are just meeting for the first time.

“I just lost my appetite” Axel mumbled, dropping the fork


After the meal, they bid Mrs. Shaw goodbye, getting ready to leave. Mary hugged Ariel once again, pecking her hair

“I will like you for my son” She whispered in her ear

“Please take good care of him for me” She muttered, as Ariel became numb. What does she mean by she wants her for her son. Gosh, this is getting more complicated, she thought

“I will Ma” She smiled. Axel who had been getting impatient waited at the car as he watches her come closer after finally bidding his mum goodbye. She smiled at him, but he turned his gaze, pretending not to her seen her. His mum has succeeded in ruining his mood, not he is finding it had to look Ariel in the face after the hilarious comments his mum has uttered during their meal. He started the engine, zooming the car out of the compound.

“Elsa…..I didn’t see her at the mansion.” Ariel muttered as they drove out. She had noticed it when she was another maid coming to serve them; it used to be Elsa’s job to serve the family.

“Oh…she left, no one knows about her where about though” He shrug, concentrating on the road to prevent making eyes contact with her. She noticed it and decided to make their journey back a silent one.


Few Hours Later

Sophia just finished making a call when she sighted Michael walking towards her direction. She was standing in front of the company, about going into her car when he stopped her.

“Babe” He called, trying to peck her lips but she turned sideward, making his lips land on her cheek. He frowned slightly but covered it with a smile. He doesn’t want to make a scene.

“What’s up” he asked tucking his hands into the hoodie’s pocket

“I’m fine…erm…do you have anything to tell me” She muttered, already getting irritated at the awkward moment. She glanced at her time and looked at him when he wasn’t responding. Her eyes caught his as she hurriedly shifted her gaze

“Look at me Sophia” He whispered. She stared at him, folding her arms

“We need to talk…”

“Come on Michael…”

“We need to talk right now…..” He gruff, frowning this time, annoyed at the fact that she is behaving this way with him.

“Stop this Michael, as you can see I am on my way out now, can’t we leave the talk for later…I need to go” She scoffs, pushing is hand away.

“Huff…are you telling me that where you are going is more important than what I have to say to you?” He asked, already pissed

“Yes Michael…..yes” She spurted, proudly

“What do you mean…damn you…what a minute, who are going to meet…tell me” He half yelled, as her guards standing some meters away, stood alert. She chuckled

“Are you yelling at me…huh…come on…you don’t need to know my destination. In fact, why am I keeping it away from you? Fine, I’m going to see Axel” She said to his face, glaring hard at him

“Seriously…it’s still about that guy right? Huh…Sophia..”

“Yes…you and I know that I love Axel..but you are just trying to put a bridge between the both of us. I hate it Michael and I’m warning you, stop standing in my way” She threatened. He laughed

“Oh…really, so now I am the one placing the bridge? But when I checked last, he doesn’t love you”

“And how is that your business, I will make sure he falls for me, no matter what. And any girl that comes in my way will pay for it, same thing goes for you Michael. Leave me alone, I don’t love you, I hate you” She yelled at him. It felt like a sharp object was pierced into his heart at the mention of that word. Heaven and earth knows that he loves Sophia so much, and has done lots of things just to make her return that love but she is just using him as a tool.

“You really think you have won right..huhnn…just wait and see the surprise I have for you” he snapped coldly, leaving her to think about his threat.

“What does he mean” She thought and shrugged it off

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