
Card Game Fight

Chapter 66

(Card Game Fight)

Red Fox Clan~

“Opps…I’m sorry” Cassandra muttered, picking up the cup that fell on the floor. They are actually in the public dining room were the clan members have their meals. She was just being served and was about finding a perfect booth to seat since she has no friend at all to mingle with. She tried moving to the other end when her leg hits a table, making the cup placed on it to fall to the ground. The drink in it also spilled on the floor

“Are you blind?” The lady who owns the cup growl getting up to her feet

“I’m sorry…I…”

“You what..b!tch…” The lady roared, holding Cassandra’s shirt as she tried to pick up a fight with her

“Hey Sissy, she’s is a newbie…Macho won’t like the bully” Another lady warned her

“I don’t f**kin care about that…this girl here spilled the last drink on my list….damn..I will have to buy another one, and I’m freaking cashless” The first lady snapped, tightening her grip on Cassandra’s shirt

“I’m sorry…please….uhn…just take my drink” she grunted

“Sissy….just let her go” The other lady muttered. The others in the hall where either enjoying the show or perhaps concentrating on their meal

“I think the newbie got on Sissy’s bad side” Jane muttered to Brittany, who was really focus on her food not paying attention to what was happening in the hall until Jane called her attention to it.

“What…” She asked with her mouth full of food

“Look at that…” Jane pointed at the scene

“Oh…” Brittany shrug no longer interested in what was happening. It wasn’t her business anyway; Sissy is known to be a bully. She looked up again when Jane laughed

“What…” She asked

“Just take a look at the way you are devouring the food, don’t tell me there is something in your stomach?” Jane winked, whispering the last part. Brittany frown, wiping her lips with a napkin

“What do you mean?”

“You know what I meant?”

“Huhn…I can’t be preg….” She stared around to see if anyone was watching them

“I can’t be pregnant” She stated taking another spoonful of food. Jane chuckled

“Hey….you got me….come on…what if you are” Jane muttered. She rolled her eyes

“I’m always careful…I can’t be…trust me”

Sissy released her grip on Cassandra as she gasp for air.

“This is mine” Sissy snorted, grabbing Cassie’s drink as she sat back at that table.

“Ouch…” Cassandra muttered, looking round again to get a better table. She was careful this time, so as not to get on another b!tch’s bad side. She sighted Jane and Brittany eating at the far end of the hall and a smile came on her face. She walked towards them with a soft smile

“Hi…erm…can I seat here” She asked, pulling out a seat

“You are already sitting” Jane replied, Brittany didn’t bother to look at her, she continued with her food

“Thanks…my name is Cassandra”

“We know about that already….macho introduced you earlier on right?” Jane asked

“Oh…yes….sorry..just wanna make new friends you know”

“Oh my bad…I’m Jane and here is Brittany”

“Hi Brittany….” Cassie greeted with a broad smile, and Jane began to wonder if her cheeks ain’t paining her, she has been smiling for so long

“Hi Cassie” Brittany replied with a brief smile

“ Erm..thanks so much for accepting me to seat with you, you both look friendly”

“Oh…ye.a…” Jane shrug

“And you are new here..where did you come from?” She asked

“Oh that…my dad brought me here…he wants me to join the clan…” Cassie replied, taking a bite of her bread

“Really, your dad?”


“Oh…weird…” Jane mumbled

“But the clan is cool though, I love the facilities, the food is awesome and apart from the fact that some of you look scary, I still meet you both who are friendly. So it’s a yes for me, I’m staying, and I’m surely gonna enjoy the missions and adventures I will encounter here” She grinned. Jane nodded.

“So what will we be doing after our meal..”

“We will rest for a while and later begin our training section, we train everyday” Brittany spoke for the first time since she joined the table. She didn’t speak the friendly way, well she wasn’t harsh too. Her voice carried authority and charisma, even Cassie could feel it

“Wow….I will be glad to train with you both..” She grinned

“I’m not sure about that…you will have a personal trainer being a new intake. Perhaps Scorpion or Dragon will train you…” Jane noted

“Oh….what of Brittany…or you…can’t you train me” She pouted. Jane chuckled

“Nope….although we can, during our leisure time, but the clan members with high ranks will be the tutors of the trainees, at first start” Jane explained as she nodded. They finished their meals in no time and set out to start their trainings.


Brittany was just stepping out of the bathroom when she heard a knock on the door. They finished their training an hour ago and she decide to have a long bath. There will be a general game night at the clan club house, but she isn’t interested in it. She prefers her privacy, having a quiet life is what she had always wished for but never got. Perhaps Jane is here to drag her out of her room again, but she won’t give in this time. She opened the door only to meet the guy who makes her heart beat. He sent her a soft smile, forcing his way in before she could resist.

“B….Brad” She called, checking the hallway to see if anyone was present

“Hey babe”

“Come on Brad…what if someone sees you coming in” She muttered, locking the door firmly, folding her arms on her chest. He frowned. He wasn’t happy to be attacked that way. He has missed her so much and had been finding the perfect time to come see her.

“Are you saying that I can’t come here any longer…I mean…it’s not a sin for a guy to visit his girlfriend, this is a clan for goodness sake…not an abbey” He snapped

“I know….but…I’m not just any girl…I’m also Macho’s girl…he might…”

“Don’t you ever call yourself Macho’s girl again…or else I will lose it with you” He cuts in angrily, making her flinch

“Take a look at me babe….you are mine and mine alone…you don’t belong to anyone else. Do you know how hurt I use to be whenever you go service him…I feel bad but can’t do anything about it. It hurts so much but hurt more whenever you confirmed it to be his girl when you are not…he only wants your body but I want your heart…stop adding salt to my wound. Damn…I don’t know why I came here in the first place…I’m out of here…” he gruff. Brittany bit her lips hard; she didn’t mean to get him angry but was also after their safety too. She ran to catch up with him before he made it to the door

“Babe..i’m sorry…please don’t leave..please” She pleaded, hugging him from behind.

“Please don’t be angry with me……say something” She pouted, kissing his back. He stopped and sighs; he wasn’t angry with her, he was just pissed that he had to share her with someone else without doing anything. He loves Brittany so much that he is always sad whenever he finds out that she went to Macho. Macho is only using her as his sex slave and nothing more.

She was still in her towel, and he could feel her prickling teats on his back. It was turning him on already. He turned to face her, cupping her cheeks in his hand. She was still pouting.

“Hey…it’s ok…I’m not mad at you okay..” He smiled. She nodded. He pecked her lips hugging her to himself while smelling the sweet fragrance coming out from her body

“Hmmm, I feel like eating you up right now…you smell good” He tickled her, dipping his hand under her towel

“Hey stop that…pervert..” She chuckled, stepping backward

“Did you just call me that…come here” He ordered

“What? sure are we that someone isn’t just gonna come in here right now. We are not in your suite, remember?” She squinted

“No one is here….i’m on patrol this night and trust me when I say that everyone is already at the club house, even Jane. I don’t know why you don’t like the club”

“I hate too much noise”

“Ok… so as I was saying…no one will come back here until tomorrow morning and even if anyone comes back..why will your room be their destination. Come on babe…we have the whole night to ourselves..and whereas..I’ve missed you..or don’t you miss me?” he winked, pouting, whispering the last part. Brittany smiled softly, losing the towel. She was still n*de beneath, so it was just a perfect timing.

She walks seductively towards him, as his eyes roam round her body. She placed her hands on his neck, as his hand caresses her bare body

“Oh my gawd…babe….you are so beautiful” he whispered, k**sing her neck. She chuckled

“You say that always….just make me feel good” She muttered before slamming her lips on his. They staggered backward towards the bed in their world of pleasure. He picked her up and placed her gently on the bed, as she patiently waits for him to undress. She assisted him in taking of his belt, stealing a k**s in process. He deepened the k**s, trailing his hand to her lower region as he dips a finger into her h0le. She m@on in his mouth, sticking her hand into his hair. He brought his mouth to her chest, taking her pinky n!pple into his mouth as he gave it a hard but pleasurable suck.

 He made sure he made her feel good like she wanted, sucking her neck and giving her love bite, while fingering her alongside. Her body shivers as she long for him to be buried inside her

“Oh my gawd Brad..i’m about to cum..” She whispered

“Cum…for me baby” he whispered, dipping more fingers into her. Her legs shiver as he dips his rod into her, trusting gently but later increased his pace

“Arrgghh” he groan..

“Shh…they will hear you out there” She whispered, m@oning again. He began to thrust with quicker pace


“Shit…” “I love you babe” He kissed her earlobe

“I love you…ahh…I love you too…go deeper….”

“Ye...oh my….” She whimpered

“Arghhh…I’m gonna cum…..” She gasps

“Me too….let’s do that together…” He stated, as their both gave their release, exhaling softly.

“Oh geez…that was….”

“Awesome” He smiled, pecking her lips with a soft smile. She deepened it, k**sing him rough as his rod sprang up again. He broke it and stared at her

“What?” She asked perplexed

“I think we are gonna go for a second round….” He winked. She smiled and shrugs

“I will be on top this time” She winked

“Your choice Milady”


“Ain’t you going for the club game” Cassandra asked Celine, who was sitting on her bed, taking drags from the weed in her hand

“No…” She replied, gruffly

“Oh…come on you need to cheer up at least. You have been this way since I came to the clan; is this the way you used to be, or something weird happened to you?” Cassie asked, but Celine didn’t reply her, instead she spreads her legs wide on the bed, pulling her pant to one side and dipped her fingers into her hole. She m@on out as she fingers herself hard not minding the presence of Cassie

“Huhn…don’t tell me you are a lesbian too” She scoffs, looking the other way to avoid having contact with the unholy view. But her eyes betrayed her, she mistakenly looked at Celine’s bed again and caught her removing her fingers from her pUssy hole, putting it into her mouth as she licks off her juice.

“Oh gosh,,….arhghh” Cassie almost poke, irritated at the view

“Ahrggg” Celine exhale, taking the weed back to her lips as she takes another drag

“Gosh…I’m out of here….” Cassie muttered and left the room. She bumped into Jane in the hallway


“Hi Cassandra”

“Are you heading to the game house?”

“Yes” Jane replied walking faster, she followed suit

“What about your friend”

“Oh..we will meet her there” Jane stated. She doesn’t want to tell her that Brittany will not be coming; she knew Brittany won’t be there. She only comes when she forces her to.


They got to the club house in no time as the games started immediately. A blazing music could be heard playing from the speakers as drinks of all kind were scattered across the tables. Some were seen playing cards, poker, smoking alongside and doing other drastic games. 

They went to a section which was for ladies. They were playing a card game and the rules states that anyone who loses will be forced to finger herself in front of everyone until she cums. Some guys were also present, but were just there to watch pUssies and not to play with them since it’s not their game, but the winner will go back with the money used in betting.

Jane sat on the bench close by as Cassie sits with her enjoying the game. The first two girls who played were pro; they weren’t ready to lose until luck shone on one. She was given her money as the winner why the other took off her panties, laid on the table with her legs spread wide as she began fingering herself. She held no shame in her eyes as she laughs along with the guys who were mocking her stating that she wasn’t doing it well. Jane only scoffs while Cassie watches along.

It got to a time her name was mentioned and she was forced by Sissy to play the game.

“But…I can’t play it …I don’t know how”

“Get to the table idiot, no one goes out of her without playing….why did you come here when you know that you are just here to watch.” Sissy growled at her. It became dawn on her that she was the only one remaining. Jane had played hers and she won without stress, she looks like a master at it. It didn’t take her up to five minutes before placing her last card, checking up. But she doesn’t know anything about card games, and the worst part is that she is gonna play with Sissy. If she loses she will be forces to finger herself too. She doesn’t want another rift with her; she glanced at Jane who only shrugs at her.

She heaves a sigh and sat down at the table as her cards were placed before her. She will just give it a try, she thought

“You know the rules b!tch” Sissy muttered. She nodded

“Fine let’s play…”

They started the game and in less than five minutes, Sissy checked up, making her the winner. She picked up her money, laughing hieratically

“You are such a loser….now go to the table and do the needful” Sissy laugh as the others joined her. Jane shook her head, mumbling words only she can hear. Everyone was waiting for Cassandra to do perform for them but she stood still not moving an inch

“What are you waiting for b!tch take off those panties and show us what you got down there” Sissy growled

“I can’t do that…and I won’t” Cassandra snapped

“How dare you….this is a game and you shouldn’t go against the rules” Sissy snap back, pulling her hair, as she drags her to the table

“Leave me alone…I can’t do that….leave..argghhh” She screamed, trying to fight Sissy back, but a heavy punch landed on her face. Sissy raised her hand to punch her again but froze when she heard her name

“Sissy….let her go” She turned to look at him. It was Macho

“Huhnn…” She scoffs, leaving Cassie’s hair. She jumped down from the table

“You heard me…let her go

“Just like that…but she violated the rules, she needs to be dealt with” Sissy muttered

“One more word from you and I will feed your tongue to the dogs” He growled. Her wings fell as she glared at Cassandra who smiled inwardly

“I’m sorry boss” Sissy pleaded

Macho glance at Cassandra, who made a pouting face

“Take her to her room Leo…” He ordered his guard

“Yes boss…come on” He nudges Cassandra who gave one last look at Sissy. She smiled mockingly at her before turning to leave with the guard. Sissy was boiling with rage, while the others were marveled at the fact that Macho stood up for another girl aside Brittany. He wouldn’t have intervened to something like that, it’s what they had been doing for long and he also loves the game. Who is Cassandra to him? They all thought

“I’m gonna kill that b!tch” Sissy thought in her mind

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