
Chapter 3

Alexandra's POV

 As my dad's red Jeep pulled up to the massive white mansion, I couldn't help but be impressed. His soon-to-be bride and my soon-to-be stepmom was clearly filthy rich, anyone could tell from the expensive cars parked around the property and the butlers and maids standing at attention, ready to welcome us.

It was all a little overwhelming, and I couldn't help but feel a bit out of my element. But I tried to put on a brave face as I stepped out of the car.

"Welcome, Mr. and Miss Moore," one of the butlers said, his voice smooth and polished.

 The butler tried to help me with my luggage, but I politely declined. 

 "I can manage it myself, thank you," I said with a smile. But the butler was insistent.

 ""Alex, I think you should let George help you with your bag," Roselyn said as she approaches us. She must have heard the small argument I was having with the butler. I felt a bit embarrassed to have my dad's soon-to-be wife see me like this, but I didn't want to be a burden.

 "I can take care of it myself," I said, trying to sound polite but firm. 

 "I don't need to have servants waiting on me hand and foot." 

 But as I spoke, I could see the disappointment on my dad's face. He clearly didn't agree with me. Finally, I relented, and the butler took my bag with a little smile on his wrinkled face. 

We all walked in into the living room. "You were being rather rude back there," my dad said sternly, trying to discipline me. But I felt defensive, and I wasn't sure I was in the wrong.

"I was only stating facts, Dad," I said, trying to keep my voice level. "I'm not used to this lifestyle. I'm not trying to be disrespectful, but this is all new to me."

I could see that my dad was trying to understand where I was coming from, but I could also sense his frustration. 

Just then, Roselyn broke into our conversation, her voice light and cheerful. 

 "Your stepbrother will be here any minute now," she said, her eyes sparkling with excitement. I could tell she was happy to have everyone together. She gently rubbed my dad's shoulder, a gesture of affection that I found a little hard to watch. 

 My dad seemed oblivious to my discomfort. He smiled up at Roselyn and nodded, then turned back to me. 

 "We should get ready for dinner," Roselyn said, her voice warm and inviting. 

 "I'm sure you'll get along well with your stepbrother. He's a good kid."

I forced a smile, not wanting to bring down the mood. "I'm sure he is," I said, trying to sound optimistic. But inside, I felt a twinge of anxiety about meeting Roselyn's son for the first time. Would we get along? Would he resent me for coming into his family? I wasn't sure what to expect, but I hoped for the best.

Roselyn gently squeezed my dad's hand and excused herself to go check on dinner. 

 It was already getting late, dinner was served. And for no reason I anticipated on seeing my stepbrother and just then, the front door to the sitting room open and closes.

 "Davis, you're back" Roselyn announced her son's presence loudly. Why does the name sound so familiar , and the inviting scent that spread in the room, I knew that cologne from somewhere. 

I turned to clear my curiosities and I was shocked to see Davis Beckett, my worst nightmare in school. 

What was he doing here? My heart sank as he walked towards the dinning table. Tall, muscular with a cocky grin. He looked me right in the eyes, and I could see that he recognized me, too. I tried to keep my expression neutral, but inside, I was panicking.

I could feel my face turning red as I stared at him, trying to figure out what to say. 

 "I'm glad you could be here to meet your new stepfather and stepsister, Alex," Roselyn said, oblivious to the tension between Davis and me.

 "Yes, what a lovely family we'll make," Davis said, his tone dripping with sarcasm.

I knew he was baiting me, but I refused to take the bait. I kept my face carefully blank, determined not to let him get a rise out of me.

My dad cleared his throat, obviously sensing the tension in the air. "Why don't we all sit down and have dinner?" he suggested, gesturing Davis to the dining table.

After Dinner 

 I felt a shiver run down my spine as Davis's words sank in. 

 "You're always everywhere I go," he said, his voice low and taunting. I ignored him, trying to keep my cool as I opened the door to my room. But I couldn't shake the feeling that he was trying to intimidate me.

As I reached for the door handle, I heard Davis's voice again. 

 "You won't last long in this house, you and your gold-digging dad," he said, his tone ice cold. I turned to look at him, my eyes narrowing. Was that a threat? I wondered, my heart racing.

I held his gaze for a moment, then turned and entered my room, closing the door behind me. I leaned against the door, my body trembling with anger and fear. What did he mean by that? I wondered. Was he really going to make things difficult for me and my dad? 

I felt a sense of dread settling in the pit of my stomach. I had never felt so unsafe in my life before.

I sank down onto the edge of the bed, my head spinning. Was this going to be my life now? Living in fear of my stepbrother's next move?

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