

Cynthia's eyes fluttered open, her surroundings a blur as her groggy mind struggled to make sense of the situation. Disoriented, she tried to recall where she was and how she had ended up in such a place. As her vision cleared, a rush of confusion washed over her, quickly followed by a surge of realization.

Beneath her, a steady rise and fall met her senses, the rhythmic motion jolting her into alertness. Her heart raced, her eyes widening as she realized she was nestled against someone's chest. The realization hit her like a shock, and she tensed, her body stiffening in surprise.

With a cautious glance upward, her gaze met a sight that sent a jolt of recognition through her. Erick's features were serene in slumber, his chest a firm and reassuring presence beneath her. The shock of the revelation nearly stole her breath away, her mind racing to process the situation.

In the dim light of the room, her surroundings slowly came into focus. The room was bathed in a soft, gentle glow, c
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