

Erick's anger surged forth like a tempest, a maelstrom of emotions swirling within him, threatening to consume his very being. He had prided himself on his composure, his ability to maintain control in the face of any situation, but the sight that had unfolded before him shattered that veneer of self-assuredness.

His eyes, usually calm and steady, blazed with a fierce intensity that spoke of a storm brewing within. A maelstrom of emotions churned within his chest, a volatile mixture of jealousy, frustration, and a deep-seated rage that he struggled to reconcile with his rational mind.

As his gaze settled on Cynthia, his heart clenched in a vice of turmoil. The way she laughed with Lazarus, her eyes alight with a brightness that he had believed to be reserved for him alone, cut through him like a dagger. Every word exchanged between them felt like a searing brand against his consciousness, stoking the flames of his jealousy to an inferno.

His fingers, normally steady and sure, clenc
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