
Chapter 7

There was total silence in the room as soon as the words left Seraphina’s mouth. Apart from the hollow sounds coming in from the window and the soft breaths escaping Ethan’s lips, the room was otherwise quiet. Ethan on one hand, stared at Seraphina as he tried to make sense of what she meant. Powers? What did she mean by powers? Was she a vampire witch? Did he just allow a witch into his household to threaten the lives of his pack members without realizing it?

With a calculated move, he took one step towards her, trying all he could not to let her know he was very impatient and could snap her neck if she dared play games with him. His inner wolf was waiting patiently to see what he was going to do, but he knew Leon wouldn’t want him to hurt their mate. Hell, if he did that, they would fight eachother for a very long time. Tilting his head to the side, Ethan glared at Seraphina, finally able to get a glimpse of her face from the dark corner she stood.

“What do you mean powers?” He asked calmly, but still impatiently. “Are you a witch?”

Seraphina scoffed awkwardly at the question. The thought that someone like Ethan believed in witches made her almost burst out in laughter, but she knew the situation she was in at the moment wasn’t one that required laughter. Heavens knew that if she dared laugh at his face after killing off one of his servants under his roof, he might forget that she was his mate and kill her.

“I am not a witch.” She responded, moving to the side so that he could see her face. She lifted her hands in the air, showing to him that she had not laid a hand on the servant but also guessed that he knew that already. “I just have powers that harm werewolves.”

“You what?” Ethan asked, both confused and shocked. “Explain yourself better.” He snarled, pointing to the dead body on the ground. “I don’t have the patience to play games with you.”

Seraphina nodded her head in agreement, looking up at the high ceiling that she thought went on for ages. From his demeanor, she didn’t need a sorceress to tell her that he was on the verge of shifting into his wolf form and pouncing on her.

“I have a power that neutralizes any werewolf who stays within thirty kilometers from me.” Seraphina answered boldly. “Most times, my power kill your kind, but sometimes if they are lucky enough, they are just left seriously injured.”

Ethan stared at her, trying to make sense of what she was saying. He turned to look at the servant, before looking at her again. “So just by being near you, my kind can lose their lives?” He asked and she nodded her head in response. He scoffed out loud, rolling his eyes with disbelief. Before Seraphina could guess what he intended doing, he lunged at her with the speed of light, holding her neck, and placing her hard against the wall. “You knew this all this while and allowed me to bring you here?”

“If I can remember, I wasn’t given the chance to approve or disapprove of my coming here.” She responded, staring at him straight in the eye. Ethan tightened his grasp on her neck, enough to make her feel pain, but lose enough not to choke her to death.  When it felt like her eyes were becoming red due to the impact of hid hold, he released her, and turned away anger.

“Then why isn’t it happening to me?” He demanded, turning back to look at her. “If your powers can kill werewolves, way isn’t it killing me?”

“I don’t know, maybe because you are the alpha and are strong enough to neutralize it.” Seraphina replied. “After running away from my clan, I realized that I had lost my power, now it’s just back.”

“And what am I supposed to do with that information?” Ethan asked, almost screaming at her. When she said nothing in response, he clenched his fists, almost piercing his hands with his fingers. “I don’t believe you.”

“You should.”

“Well, I don’t.” he repeated. “Not until you show me how the powers work.”

Seraphina smiled at him, still massaging the place his hand had grabbed. When she was done, she dropped her hands and stared into his eyes. “Are you willing to risk the life of another servant just to know if I am lying or not?” She asked.

Ethan took deep breaths, the rage in his eyes dangerous enough to kill a thousand vampires. Seraphina waited till he was calm again, before walking forward to examine the body that was lying on the floor. The sounds of footsteps coming from within got to their attention and before she could blink, Ethan zoomed to the door, the strength of his speed blowing the table covers and throwing the meal towels to the ground.

“Stop there!” He screamed at the servant who was making her way to the dining room and she halted immediately, shaking with fear. She bowed her head, not daring to look into the eyes of the alpha especially since he seemed to be visibly angry at the moment. “What do you want?” Ethan demanded.

“I want to clear the wine glass and ask if you wanted anything else delivered to you.”

“I do not.” he responded immediately. “Leave. When I need your services, I will call for you.”

The servant didn’t wait for the sentence to completely leave his mouth before darting out of the hallway, leaving the premises quiet once more. Ethan took a deep breath and headed back into the dining room, only to see a smile on Seraphina’s face.

“You do believe me.” She said to him. “And you worry about every single person in your pack, including mere servants and cooks.”

“Shut up, I do not believe you.” Ethan said, watching as she stood from the floor after examining the body.

“She is dead.”

“Isn’t it obvious?” He asked, eyeing her dangerously. Before she could think of what he wanted to do, Ethan took hold of her bare arm and dragged her out of the dining room. He mindlinked everyone in the house on their way, warning them to clear off from the path and they all obeyed. Seraphina said nothing as he dragged her up the stairs and into the room that had been allocated to her. He pushed her inside, and with his index finger, pointed straight at her.

“Stay here till I decide what to do with you.” He snarled before turning away and locking the door behind him. “Damn you moongoddess.” He said to himself as he headed back to the dining room. “What the hell am I supposed to do with her. I am in the middle of a war, and I really have no time for this.”

Ethan kept talking to himself until he got into the dining room only to see Ryan, his beta, bending over the servant examining her body. Ryan turned at his intrusion, with horror in his eyes.

“What happened here, alpha Ethan?” He asked.

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