
Chapter 6

There was something about her. Ethan thought to himself as he relaxed on the chair, staring at her with keen eyes. From the moment he had caught a whiff of her scent in the woods, to the moment he brought her into his home, he knew there was definitely something about her. It definitely wasn’t just the mating bond that was making him feel that way, it was also the strong energy he felt anytime she was in his presence.

He could swear on his father’s life that Seraphina wasn’t a typical vampire. This vampire was strong, fearless and from her eyes, he knew there were secrets lurking around her. He knew better than to trust a vampire, afterall, his pack had been attacked by them numerous times and both species have never lived in peace, but he was ready to believe whatever she tells him. Why was that? he had absolutely no idea, but maybe it was because she had a very sincere face and also because his wolf was keen on being attracted to her.

Speaking of attraction, he allowed his gaze to size her up, taking in all of her appearance, from the dark color of her thick long hair which stopped at the middle of her back, to her hazel-colored eyes and full shaped lips. She had sexual appeal reeking from her, but he was determined to get information he needed instead of giving in to the pleasures of her beauty.

“How did you say you escaped again?” He asked when his gaze rested on her face again. “The last time you spoke, I was intent on thinking you were lying. Now I want to know the truth.”

“My sister helped me escape.” Seraphina replied, and he heard the pain in her voice.

“And where is your sister now?” He asked, picking up his wine glass and lifting it to his lips. He saw her fist clench, and immediately felt like she had not fully explained herself the first time they had spoken.

“She was taken by them.” She finally spoke, looking sideways to gauge his demeanor. There was fire in her eyes, and he couldn’t help but wonder what laid behind the rage he was feeling from her. “I need to get her back.”

“Your sister’s kidnap has nothing to do with me.” Ethan said, dropping his cup on the table. He leaned closer so that they could both see the color of eachother’s eyes. “I can only help you if there is something I can get from you in return.”

Seraphina swallowed the lump in her throat and allowed her fist to unclench on the table. She knew Ethan’s eyes were on hers and she couldn’t blame him because from what she had heard about werewolves, they had a keen sense of perception. He was probably gauging her demeanor so that she wouldn’t take him by surprise.

“What do you want me to do for you?” she demanded.

“Tell me the truth.”

“I am telling the truth, “She answered with clenched teeth. “Why can’t you just believe it?”

Ethan smirked at her, a soft scoff escaping his lips. “Why were you kidnapped by your kind in the first place?” He asked, returning his finger on his lips. “What did you do?”

Seraphina took a deep sigh, contemplating on whether it was time to finally tell him the main reason she was locked up in her clan. She wondered if she could tell him that she had been kidnapped because the main presence of her could hurt his kind and even kill them. She thought about what he was going to do if he found out that she was one of the keys to defeating the werewolves and putting an end to their existence.

Ethan kept staring at her to see if she was going to respond, but when she opened her mouth to speak, one of the servants rushed in to tell Ethan his beta was looking for him. Ethan nodded his head at her and after staring at Seraphina one more time, stood up from the table.

“Stay here.” He said to her. “I will be back.”

Seraphina said nothing to respond, and he walked out of the room, not before whispering to the servant to keep a close eye on her. He walked out of the house, meeting his beta in the torture room beside the cell. Ryan stared at him when he entered and just as he walked in, he saw a large man sitting on the floor of the prison, bound in chains on his legs and hands.

Ethan raised an eyebrow at Ryan, asking a million questions with his eyes.

‘We caught him outside the pack gates.” Ryan said, in his usual thick and rough voice. “He is a vampire.”

“I am aware that he is a vampire.” Ethan responded, walking closer to the man. As soon as he knelt down, the man jerked his head towards him, releasing his fangs that were as sharp as the tip of a sword. Ethan smiled wickedly at him, before raising his gaze to his beta again. “What happened?”

“It seems he was one of the people chasing your mate earlier on. “Ryan replied. “But when I asked him the reason, he said nothing and insisted on taking her back to their clan.”

Ethan smiled at the information, making a tsking sound with his teeth. He stood to his full height and with a sinister look in his eyes, turned to Ryan.

“Rip his heart out.”

Ryan eyes widened in shock and while Ethan was about to leave the cell, he caught hold of his sleeve. Ethan, surprised at his reaction turned to look at him, tilting his head to the side.

“You can get information out of him.” Ryan whispered. “To know whether she is telling you the truth or not.”

“If I want to know the truth from Seraphina, I will compel her to tell it to me.” Ethan replied, giving him a look of understanding and Ryan nodded his head. Ethan was right anyway, he only needed to hold Seraphina’s neck and as an alpha and her mate, he could use the compelling spell to have her tell him everything.

“Alright then.”

“Good. Rip out his heart and get rid of his body.” Ethan repeated before walking out of the room. As soon as he got into the house, he could tell something was wrong, because he immediately felt the smell of death lurking around the premises. Increasing his pace, Ethan rushed into the dining room only to see the servant he had placed in charge of Seraphina lying still on the floor, her eyes opened and transfixed to the side. On the other end of the room was Seraphina, who leaned on the wall, with a look he couldn’t understand on her face.

Ethan’s eyes flashed in anger at the sight. He was about to pounce on Seraphina for killing his servant, but something drew his attention to the body on the floor again. He inspected it one more time and saw that there was no blood coming from anywhere, neither was there bite mark on any part of the body.

“What the hell happened?” He demanded, rising from the floor to stare at Seraphina who was still quietly leaning on the wall. His eyes flashed red in anger when she said nothing, and he clenched his fist tightly. “What did you do to her?”

“It’s back.” She whispered from the far end of the room, loud enough for him to hear. “My powers are back.”

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