
Chapter 5

Seraphina followed closely behind the servant whom Ethan had ordered to allocate a room for her in the huge mansion. She wasn’t only mesmerized by the old concrete walls of the house, but also by the interiors that she didn’t think were in existence up until now. She was quiet as she followed, even though she desperately wanted to ask the servant questions about how the house was built and how many generations had lived in it. The servant took her through a very long hallway that had numerous doors on either side until they stopped at the sixth door by the right. Seraphina stared at her as she opened the room, and raised an eyebrow when she signaled to her with a tilt of her head to walk into the room. Without saying a single word, the petite girl whom Seraphina thought was too beautiful to be just a servant walked away from the hallway, taking her scent along with her.

Seraphina blinked twice as she looked around the hallway, surprised at how quiet and empty it was. With slow steady steps, she walked into the room, taking a deep breath when she saw how huge and beautiful it was. The interior used in the room was no less expensive or beautiful than the one in the main living area and that made her realize the rumors she had heard about Crescent Moon pack were true. They weren’t just the strongest pack in the whole werewolf territory, but the richest. Ethan was sure lucky to be born with such power and wealth.

After taking in the view of the large bed that sat prettily by the window, she rushed to it and lowered herself carefully, surprised at how soft and fluffy the material was. She didn’t know such luxury existed and what better way to find out but in the richest pack in the community.

As she closed her eyes to comfort, her mind quickly drifted to her sister, and she immediately felt something pricking at her heart. Lisa had risked her life to save her, so she had to make sure she did everything to return the favor. Everything including asking alpha Ethan of Crescent Moon for help. She was ready to do anything he wanted, as long as he would agree to save her sister from the evil hands of Vivienne and their clan.

Seraphina opened her eyes again only to notice a white gown sitting prettily on the door of the wardrobe present in the room. She walked to it, felt the softness of the material with her hands before her nostrils caught a whiff of vanilla scent coming from the right corner of the room. Following the scent, she gasped at the sight of a bathhouse that was bigger than the cell she had escaped from. Seraphina allowed herself to take in the beauty, before removing her bloodstained clothes and stepping into the bathhouse. After flicking on the shower that was made of iron, she closed her eyes as very cold water dropped from the shower onto her body.

“This feels good.” She whispered to herself, turning around to allow the water touch other parts of her body. “This feels so good.”

After about ten minutes of just standing in the shower and allowing water do its magic on her body, she finally washed herself and her hair with the vanilla soap present in the room. Feeling refreshed and good again, she examined the little cut marks from Vivienne’s whip that were on her back, wondering why they were taking too long to clear of.

Seraphina stared at herself in the mirror afterwards, looking at her thin self and her huge lifeless eyes. She needed blood and she needed it as soon as possible. She thought as she walked out of the room, gasping when the servant who had accompanied her earlier on, turned from the wardrobe to look at her naked body.

Seraphina stared at her, wondering why nakedness wasn’t a big deal for the werewolf clan. She knew they are usually naked after shifting back into their human forms, but that didn’t explain why they weren’t surprised by the sight of other people’s nakedness.

“The alpha has asked you to join him for dinner.” The girl said, turning around to hand the white dress hanging on the door over to her. Wear this and hurry. He hates to be kept waiting.”

Seraphina collected the dress from her and rushed back into the bathroom. She cleaned herself up with a small towel hanging on a hanger, before slipping the free dress on her body. Surprisingly, the dress fit her like it was tailor made for her and she wondered if they had sized her up while she had been unconscious.

After leaving the bathroom, she followed the servant out of the room, leaving her hair still wet and damp. They walked quietly to the dining room and there Ethan was, sitting at the head of the large table that was made for more than twenty people. He looked up from his steak and she saw his eyes flash with something she could not quite understand when he saw her. The servant bowed to Ethan and walked out of the room while he, with a scowl on his face, pointed at the two packs of blood sitting prettily in a white ceramic plate on the table.

“Food is served.” He said, his voice hiding a slight mocking sound. When Seraphina didn’t move an inch, he looked up to her again. “It is animal blood this time around. I asked that a cow be slaughtered for you. Happy?”

Without responding, Seraphina rushed to the chair beside him, sat down, before picking the blood packs in haste. Ethan watched her tear the bag, surprised at how quickly she drowned both contents. He raised an eyebrow when she was done, his gaze moving to the spill on the side of her lips.

“You must have been hungry.” He said, a boyish smirk appearing on the side of his lips. “You pretended not to be before, or were you just trying to be high and mighty?’

Seraphina said nothing to respond to his question. When she saw that his gaze was still fixed on the side of her lips, she picked up the table towel and wiped off the blood with it.

“Thank you.” She finally said and he stared at her.

“You don’t look like someone who usually says thank you.” He said, shaking his head when he saw the look in her eyes. “You are welcome by the way.”

 Seraphina nodded her head in response. She waited until he was done eating and after the servants cleared up the table, he folded his arms and stared at her.

“Now, let’s get to business.” He said, his gaze hot and his voice very authoritative that it took her all the resilience in the world not to flinch in fear. “Can I start asking the questions now?”

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