
Chapter 4

Ethan stared at his bleeding finger in surprise before he lifted his head to stare right at her. He was beyond shocked to the fact that she had made a risky move, despite being at his mercy. 

Seraphina’s heart on the other hand, began to race against her chest as if it was trying to escape. Beads 

of sweat was breaking out on her forehead and she could tell why. She was getting weak as the realization to what she just done sent chills down her spine. 

Ethan wiped his bloodied finger with an handkerchief, looking up at her face. “My blood must be irresistible for you to have done what you just did and I must commend your boldness.” He said with a slight frown on his face.

“Are you going to kill me?” Seraphina asked again, as soon as he walked towards her. 

“Do you have a death wish?” he asked and she gulped. “Exactly what I thought.” He 

added. With a strong pull from him, the chain links on her wrist broke and fell off her hands to the tiled floor.

“What are you doing?” She asked as she lifted her hands, seeing burn marks on her wrists. Her eyes strayed towards his palms and she noticed they were badly burned as well. 

Ethan quickly clenched his fists and hid them behind him but she didn’t care. The werewolves, were hurt by silver as it was the only material along with Vampire saliva that could damage them really bad, 

“You wanted to escape?” he asked, but she stared at him in the face. “First of all, you can either escape and get caught by the rear of the pack or worst still, run into another wolf territory, or you can stay here.” He proposed. 

Seraphina scoffed at him. “And you are not scared that I might be lying to you the entire time?” She 

asked him, noticing that his demeanor suddenly went cold. 

“If you were lying, you wouldn’t have told me." He said. "Do not think I had let you off because 

you are my mate. I don’t like you, blood sucker.” He asserted, even though it was a 

sentiment they both shared. 

“So why do you need me to stay?” Seraphina asked him and he smiled at her. 

“Because I need your words as a guarantee… I will ask you a question and you either choose 

to lie or tell the truth. But if I do find out that you are playing me, you will regret it.” He swore and she could tell he meant it but was too tired to care. She had already gone through the worse and there were times when she would wish she had died. Her suffering was only getting worse until her sister had come to save her. 

Though she had found a reason to live, running into Ethan’s territory made her wish 

she hadn’t even steeped out of hers. The worst that would happen would be she, getting married to her leader and maybe used to kill the werewolves. She might be granted her freedom afterwards and would have gone to the Human world to stay.

Though she had expected Ethan to have done worse considering what they were to each other, he had treated her better than her people did. She needed a reason to hate him. She needed something that would prove the kind of man she had been told, but she never saw any of that. She had been told that he was evil and unjust but he paid her a listening ear and his pack were happy around him. 

While she was brought to him from the cellar, the guards had warned her not to try anything against their leader. It made her wonder if they truly cared about him or were in on his evil deeds and were just protecting him. Either way, he seemed to be patient and loved corporation. She also began to think 

that maybe she being his fated mate wasn’t a curse After all. Maybe it was fate. Maybe it was a sign that the two races were supposed to live in unity. She could also try to earn his trust and get him to help her save her sister from Zachary Wright. She would never forgive herself if something should happen to Lisa. 

“You can ask me whatever you want and I promise to tell you the truth.” She swore, determined to gain his trust.


Meanwhile, far from the Blood Moon syndicate’s Territory, a woman is roughly pulled by two male guards with pale skin. Her black hair stuck to her face as blood dripped from her wounds, that had failed to 

heal. She looked weak and although her eyes took in her surrounding, her hands fell limply by her side. 

She was led by the guards, into the woods and every time her legs wobbled and she 

was about to fall, she would be caught and a slap meted out on her cheeks. 

Soon, they had come to a clearing. The sun was shining and luckily for them, they all wore the rings on the fingers to protect them. 

“Lisa.” Someone called as soon as she had been shoved to the ground.

Lifting up her head slowly as blood continuously poured seeped from the wounds on her face, stared at a man. He had white flowing hair and his skin was flawless and extremely pale. It was by far 

the palest of the vampires. He looked extremely young and his oceanic blue eyes stared at her, as if they were devoid of emotions. The man wore a khaki short and a black top. He lazily examined her while she stared back, her heart pounding hard against her chest.

He walked towards her and crouching before her, held her chin in place to look at him. 

“I need you to tell me why you did it.” He said as his eyes glowed red and as if under 

compulsion, she narrated everything to him before his eyes went back to the way they 

were. “You betrayed your kind.” 

“Betrayed?” Lisa scoffed, glaring at him. “Zachary had my sister locked up in a cellar, and you expect me to sit back and watch as he had her beaten?” She yelled into his face, earning herself a hard slap against her cheeks. Her head shifted forcefully on impact, and she spat out a mouthful of blood, still 

staring defiantly at the man. 

“Where is she?” he demanded, but she maintained her defiant silence, smiling with 

blood-stained teeth. 

“If you think I will tell you anything, you are wrong,” she added, but he remained silent. Instead of speaking, he aimed at her chest, driving his hand through it and taking out her heart. Lisa’s body fell limply to the ground, a look of surprise on her face as the life left her body.

“No one should tell Lord Zachary of the escape until I find her,” The man warned, and those 

around him nodded. Staring at Lisa's pulsating heart in his palms, he frowned, and with 

a light squeeze, crushed it without mercy. 

“Seraphina Ravenhood," he swore under his breath. "I will find you,” 

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