
Chapter 3

Seraphina woke up with a stir. Her eyelids fluttering before her eyes popped open in shock, and she stood up. She had been lying on the floor of a cellar, but unlike the one she had escaped from, she wasn’t bound in chains. Regardless, she felt it was disappointing to have escaped one cellar only to run into another.

She examined herself for any wounds but found nothing on herself. She could smell the stench of 

wolf in the air, and her nose wrinkled in disgust. 

“Let me out!” she yelled as she held onto the bar and tried to pull, but it didn’t budge. “Is this how I get treated?!” she yelled again and began to kick the metal bar”, hoping something would work. 

Suddenly, she could perceive something in the air. It was different, and she could feel her body reacting to it in excitement. Soon, Ethan walked towards her with a bag of red liquid in his hands. He wore a tank top and a pair of black jeans. His hair was neatly combed, and his cologne was relaxing. However, both of them glared at each other upon eye contact. 

“Calm down; you don’t have to scream,” he informed her, throwing the bag in his hand at her, 

and she caught it. However, as soon as she took a whiff of the blood, she tossed the bag right back at 


“No, thank you.” She had said, which came as a shock to him. 

“You don’t drink blood?” he asked, still puzzled. 

“I do, just not human blood.” She replied, and after a while, he nodded and hid the 

bag behind him. 

“Now, tell me…” He began in a more serious tone. “Who sent you?” he added, and she 

sighed as she walked to a corner and sat down. She recounted what had happened to her and how she had ended up in his territory, and though he wanted to believe her, he also had doubts that she might be lying to gain her freedom. 

“You might not trust me, but that is the truth.” She said after she had narrated 

everything, even though she had left out the part about her powers, as she felt it wasn’t 

necessary and didn’t want to bring trouble on herself just yet. 

“Then I will think about it.” He replied to her, as he began to walk away while she 

rushed to the bar in panic. 

"And what about me? You can’t leave me in here.” She cried out in desperation, but he 

didn’t respond, and soon, he was out of the dungeon. 

“What do you think?” his beta, a male with blue eyes, asked as soon as he walked into 

the Mansion. Not just him, but there were three other people within the Mansion, with their arms 

folded. They were his trusted friends and also his strategists. They looked at him, 

waiting for an answer, but he ignored them as he headed towards a mini bar within 

the house. He grabbed a glass and a bottle of alcohol and poured himself the drink, while the 

frown still remained on his face. 

“I think she is telling the truth.” He said, and even though he didn't totally believe what he had 

just said, it was hard thinking he had stuck up for a vampire. 

“You actually believe her?” one of them, a female, spoke up with concern as she walked towards him. “Alpha Ethan, we are aware that she is your mate, but have you forgotten what she is?” she added. 

“She is right.” His beta chipped in and locked eye contact with Ethan. “She is a Vampire, and it makes no sense that her kind would be after her. I truly feel she was sent here.” 

Ethan did not respond, although he paid attention to their thoughts and worries. Gulping down the drink 

In his hand, he set it down on a table and locked eyes with them. 

“Do you trust me?” he asked, and they inclined their heads at him. Of course, they did trust him. They were only worried and concerned for the pack, but they also trusted him to make the right judgment. Besides, he was way too powerful, and even if they wanted to have their way through force, it would be impossible. 

“Then, you will listen to me.” He said, and they nodded while he walked towards a couch and collapsed on it. “I need you all to find out as much as you can. In the meantime, she will be brought to live with me.” He informed them, and though they wanted to protest, none of them had the courage to do so. 

Eventually, they were off, but he had asked his beta to stay behind. When everyone 

had left, he turned to face his beta.

"What do you think the Vampires are planning?” he asked, and his best friend rubbed his chin in thoughts. 

“Well, I don’t know what they are thinking, but can’t you ask her?” he proposed, earning himself a questioning look from Ethan. "I mean, if she was saying the truth, then there is no reason for her to lie, is there?” he added, and listening to his friend speak, Ethan knew he made a valid point. If truly, the Vampire in his cellar was saying the truth, then they could use her to their advantage and end the war. They could protect their kind and stop the Vampires from killing everyone. 

“Very well then, I will like her to be brought to me.” He said, and his beta left to carry 

out his orders. 

An hour later, Seraphina had been brought to him. She was bound in chains, and while a sizzling sound could be heard, she was looking much better compared to before at her former cellar. Two bare-chested men wearing nothing else but shorts walked beside her while two full wolves followed from behind. 

As soon as she appeared before him, Ethan examined her and was immediately intrigued by her appearance. Her skin was spotless, and although her face contorted in pain from the metal, she was fine. 

“What is this?” Seraphina asked as she glared at Ethan, who rested on a couch with one leg above the other. "If you wanted to kill me, you should have done that.” She added, but Ethan could barely hear what she was saying as he examined her with interest. 

“I don’t intend to kill you,” he pointed out, and she relaxed a bit. ‘At least not yet.” 

“Then what do you want?” 

“You are definitely strange. Are you a hybrid?” he asked, but she stared at him with a raised brow. ‘You don’t go berserk around human blood, don’t get weak under the sunlight, but get hurt by metal.” He added, and a smirk painted his lips. 

“So, what? Were you intending to have your way with me?” she asked, and they locked 

gazes with each other. “Besides, I’m not a hybrid, and I get burnt under sunlight.” She 

said, before flashing him her finger with a ring on it. 

Ethan recognized the ornament at once. From what he knew, it was very rare to come by, and only a few Vampires wore it. Its main use was to protect its wearer from getting burnt by the sun, and seeing it, he was even more intrigued as he wondered who she truly was, to have such an item on her. 

“Sunscreen isn’t really a Vampire’s best friend, is it?” he asked with the smile still on 

his face. 

“I must say, your fur was quite…rustic. Do you get it trimmed or is the wild look intentional?” she countered, and this time, he waved his guards off in dismissal. 

Walking towards her, he tucked a few strands of her hair behind her ears and stared at her right in the eye. His right hand traced along her chin, until she moved her head to the side to free herself from his touch. After a while, he leaned in to whisper into her ears. 

“I will let you free right now, but you must promise not to play any games with me.” He said, and his breath sent a tingling sensation on her neck. “Otherwise, I won’t guarantee you that you might survive…blood sucker.” 

“Was that a threat?” she asked as she stared at him, her eyes were taking a faint red glow. 

Noticing the fiery look in her eyes, his lips curled up in a smile. “I like feisty women," He said. "And though I might let you live, the rest may not want the same as me.”

As he rubbed his finger on her lower lips, her fangs sank into his hands, drawing out blood from his skin.

“Did you just…bite me?” he asked in surprise.

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