
Chapter 2

Seraphina began to panic as she wondered if leaving her clan was the right choice to make. She wondered if she should have listened to Vivienne and stayed to get married to her leader, than running into something much worse.  

She could still hear the low growls from the werewolves, and as she slowly stood up, one of the wolves attacked first. It launched at her, its paws ready to take a swipe, until she moved out of the way and punched it from the sides, sending it crashing into a tree. The wolf whimpered softly as it was wounded from the hit, and now, she could hear the growls of the other wolves get louder.  Their eyes narrowed at her, and immediately, another ran towards her. Its strong jaws were open, ready to take a bite, when she decided to jump. Being a Vampire, she could easily leap high up, so high that she could reach the top of a three-story building in one jump. But tonight, she had been drained, and all the energy she had gotten from  the blood was gone as well.  

Another wolf from the side had crashed into her, sending her back down to the ground. It tried to take a bite at her, while she held its jaws in place as saliva dripped on her face. She didn’t want to die, but the wolf was strong, and she knew that it would only take a matter of time before he killed her. She began to blame herself for leaving the Vampire clan and running into enemy territory. 

For the first time as well, she wondered why her powers weren’t working. She wondered what was happening. Usually, it would act on its own like it was on autopilot and just weaken any wolf around her, but now, it wasn’t doing anything. If anything, the wolves were getting even stronger, and she was the one getting weaker.  

Just as soon as she felt like her fate had been sealed, the wolf suddenly let her go and began to head back to the rest of the pack. In fact, all the wolves that had launched an attack began to make their way back while keeping their eyes on her.

Seraphina wondered what was going on until one of the wolves, a brown big wolf, began to step forward. It had been rooted to one spot the entire time, monitoring her, and now, it had decided to make a move.  

Seraphina had expected the wolf to launch an attack, as she figured it was much bigger and exuded a much stronger aura than the rest. She was pretty exhausted and was sure she wouldn’t last a minute with the brown wolf. Surprisingly, the wolf just stopped a few feet away from her. It didn’t make a move but just examined her for a while before it shifted back into a man. 

Seraphina couldn’t help but gasp as she had never seen such beauty before. As she stared at the man, her heart began to race in her chest. The stranger had black disheveled hair, and although he had bristles on his face, it only added to his beauty.  He was quite muscular, and his eyes were brown, just like his wolf’s fur. But what made her knees turn to jelly was the fact that he was naked! Yes, he was completely naked and had not even a single cloth on. Despite that, he didn’t seem perturbed by the fact that he had shifted before a lady and was naked.

He examined her with a slight frown on his face before his eyes rested on her face. “Who knew the moon goddess was out to punish me,” he started, and his frown deepened even more. “So much that she made a Vampire be my fated mate.”

Now, Seraphina was shocked as she stared at him in bewilderment.  She couldn’t believe what she was hearing from him. Though the Vampires were never matched with their partners and were allowed to choose whomever they wanted, she had heard countless stories about the werewolf. It was no wonder she had known what he meant as she was told by her sister as well. She couldn’t believe what she was 

hearing, but she reminded herself that she was in the enemy’s territory and it could be a chance that this was a ploy to trick her. Since the werewolves were able to communicate through a mind link, there was a chance they had discussed about it, knowing she wouldn’t be able to eavesdrop on their plans. More importantly, she wondered why her powers were still not working.  She had never experienced something like this before and seeing as all the werewolves had attacked her without falling to the ground, she knew that something was amiss even though she had no idea what it was.

“What is your name?” The werewolf before her asked and she could hear the disgust in his tone.  

The feeling was mutual as she equally was disgusted at the thought of having to be called a werewolf's mate. If words got out about it, there would be a chance that the vampires would also be against her as well. She had ignored his question as she thought of ways to escape her current situation. She contemplated running but she knew it wouldn’t do any good, as the werewolves were equally as fast, though the Vampires were slightly faster.  

“If you are planning to escape, you are free to do so…” he began, and she could sense a ‘but’ coming. “But trust me, if you do that, you leave me with no choice but to kill you.” He added, and she could tell he was serious with his threats.  

“My name is Seraphina from the Obsidian order clan.” She introduced, and he raised a brow in amusement.                                                                                                                                                  “Oh, what do you know? My mate is from an enemy territory as well.” He added, and for the first time, he laughed. “What are you doing on my territory?” he asked, his question making her gulp the lump in her throat.

According to what she knew, the Alpha’s mark their territories or in the case of hers, her Vampire leader. As soon as she heard the question, she finally got an answer to why this wolf felt more powerful, unlike the rest.

He was an Alpha!  

“I was escaping from my clan. Please, I never meant to come into your territory.” She pleaded and he raised a brow, as the smirk on his lips completely faded. 

“Why should I believe you and trust you are not a spy?” he asked as he took some steps forward while she retreated slowly. “You see, even you are equally scared of me.”  

“I told you my name but you didn’t tell me yours.” She reminded him, her heart beginning to 

race even faster, as she ignored his question.  She contemplated that if she was going to die, then at least she should die knowing the name of the one who had killed her.  

“I see you have no idea who I am.” He said as he kept walking forward, the wolves 

followed after him while she retreated backward. “My name is Ethan Clark. Now, I ask 

again, why should I trust you?” 

Seraphina once again was caught in a dilemma as her head began to spin. She couldn’t believe that she was standing right before the one man that had caused her people pain. The one man that sent shivers down her spine.  Compared to Zachary Wright, this man was the embodiment of true evil, an evil she 

had sworn to avoid at all costs was her fated mate.  

Staring around her, a realization dawned on her. If what the man was saying was the truth, then these weren’t normal werewolves. These were the Blood Moon syndicate!  

“Ethan Clark?!” She called out in shock and he smirked.  

“You finally recognize.” He said before he frowned again. “Although you are yet to state your business.” He reminded her, his hands behind his back.  

“Are you going to kill me?” She asked, but he gave her a smile, while her heart raced even more.

“I will need to take you with me.” He declared.

“I am going nowhere with you.” She replied, and he gave her a questioning look. 

“Who said I was asking?” He asked, and before she caught on to what he was saying, it was too late.  A wolf that had been hiding behind her the entire time launched itself at her. It had 

retracted its claws and delivered a blow to her head, just enough to knock her unconscious.

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