
Let's dance together


That unbelievable bastard!!

I was running from Collin's, still in my bikini, but wearing Finn's t-shirt over it and I had no idea where I was going. My house was clear on the other side of town and I didn't want to go there anyway, so I decided to try Kora's. She was much closer, too.

When I climbed the front stairs and knocked on the door, Kora's mom answered a moment later. She was laughing with someone but when she saw me, her smile faded. Her eyes looked me up and down disapprovingly but then waved me inside.

I hated when her mom judged me like this. She was kind to let me stay when I needed a place to lay my head, but I knew deep down that she didn't want me anywhere near her daughter. If Collin, a new person in town, has heard all about me, there's no doubt she hasn't.

"Is Kora home?"

She shook her head. "I think she's finishing up at school for the dance. Why don't you head up to her room though and take a shower? I can wash your shirt for you." She looked me up and down again.

I would have said something to her but I was entirely too tired to do so. So, with my tail between my legs, I went up to Kora's room and jumped in the shower.

When I got out, I dressed in some of her clothes and sat on her bed, flipping through the channels. I had left Collin's place so quickly that I had forgotten my phone and now I was bored. When would she be back?!

Then the door opened and Kora came in laughing. But when she saw me on her bed, she jumped back before looking relieved.

"Saige! Where have you been?! I've been so worried about you!" She jumped onto the bed and wrapped her arms around my neck.

"I've been at Collins." I wasn't going to lie to my best friend.

Her eyes widened as a small grin spread across her face. "Finally got into the coach's bed, huh?" She wiggled her brows at me.

Any other time, I would have joked right along with her but right then I was hurting. I slowly shook my head and stared down at my hands.

"Jeez, Saige. You look like someone ran over your dog."

I've never had the pleasure of owning a dog, but I believed she was right. I felt horrible. Just when I was starting to feel better about myself, Collin goes and that. says something like that.

"He told his cousin Finn that he could never be with someone like me. That he has a reputation to uphold."

Kora inhaled a breath. "What an asshole!"

I nodded. "And what's worse is that I actually believed that he was growing feelings for someone like me." I laughed, shaking my head.

"But, who am I kidding, Kora? Nobody is going to like me like that. I've made a name for myself and I'll forever be used and abused."

My head was down, I couldn't look at her. Hell, I couldn't even look at myself.

"Hey," Kora whispered out, crawling closer to me, "don't say things like that, Saige. Sure, you've made a reputation for yourself in high school, but come on!! There is so much more life out there! You're going to leave school and this shitty town and make a new reputation for yourself. It doesn't always have to be like this, and it won't be. You can change that, girl, but only you can. Do you want something different?"

I finally looked up at her, slightly nodding my head. "Yeah, Kora, I do want something different." I also wanted Collin, all things considered, but I was keeping that to myself.

"Then do it. Start right now. Start being the woman you want to be. People may have a certain judgment about you but you can change that."

Laughing, I shook my head. "Once people have negative judgments about someone they refuse to look at the positive."

"You're right but when you leave this town, are they going to matter anymore?"

I shook my head. "No, I guess you're right."

"Girl, I know I'm right. Why don't we get ready for the dance and then go dance our hearts out? No boys allowed."

"Deal," I laughed out, but then stopped, remembering I left my new dress at Collin's. "There's just one little problem: I don't have a dress."

She waved her hand at me nonchalantly. "I got you, girl."


Kora borrowed me one of her cute dresses and then we were off to the dance.

We both did each other's hair and makeup and both looked amazing.

When we pulled up to the front of the school, I openly stared at who was standing by the front door, smiling at people as they passed.

"Holy shit. I didn't think he'd show up."

Kora looked over me. "Who is that?"

"Finn. Collin's cousin that I asked to be my date tonight. He... he treats me differently. I basically offered to throw myself at him and he shut me down."

"Oooo," Kora dragged. "I think you should go get your date!"

"But you said no boys allowed."

She laughed. "TJ's inside waiting for me. However, when you and I hit the dance floor, it's no boys allowed. Unless a slow song comes on, then we'll date up." She winked at me. "It's going to be fun."

We got out and headed to the front doors. Our classmates and peers were among us, all saying hi to Kora but nothing to me. Whatever.

TJ came out the front door and wrapped Kora in his arms, kissing her neck and making her giggle. I had literally been gone for like a day and a half and they're a thing already? Good for her.

My eyes connected with Finn's then. "What are you doing here?"

He grinned. "You needed a date, right? Besides, I spent a ton on this tux and I'm going to use it."

I hid the smile tugging at my lips as I continued to stare at him. "Well, I guess we can't let that tux go to waste." He actually looked really good. Much better than any of the other guys walking into the school right now.

He held out his arm to me and I hesitantly placed mine in his. I was surprised that he didn't say anything about what Collin had said but I was also grateful. I didn't want to talk about Collin right now.

We went inside, the music blaring from the main gym and as we walked, I noticed several eyes on me. I knew it was because no one liked me and also because they probably wondered who the guy on my arm was.

Once we entered the gym, I took the sights in. A lot of kids were already dancing and having a good time, while others sat at tables, laughing and enjoying each other's company. Some faculty members stood about, chaperoning the dance and making sure the punch didn't get spiked or kids weren't dry humping on the dance floor.

And that's when my eyes landed on Collin. He was standing with a few female teachers and they were laughing. I felt my arm tighten in Finn's hold and he turned to see what I was looking at.

"Come on, let's dance." He pulled my attention away from Collin and onto the dance floor.

It was going to be a long night and because Collin was there, all I was going to be able to think about was him.

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