
Feeling jealousy


I hated that Finn got Saige to skip school, but whatever. Maybe I was just irritated about other things. Actually, I knew I was irritated about other things. One, in particular, was how I couldn't stop thinking about Saige and her lips. I knew having her stay the night at my place last night was a bad idea, but the girl needed a safe place to sleep.

Speaking of a safe place to sleep, I needed to figure out where she was going for the night because there was no way in hell she could stay at my place again. If she stayed a few rooms away from me and I couldn't touch her, I might lose my cool and that was the exact opposite of what I was trying to help the girl with.

When the last bell of the day rang, I couldn't wait to get out of there. Football practice was thankfully canceled for the evening because of some school dance they were throwing that night and I didn't mind having the evening off. It would give me time to figure out Saige's next destination.

As I got into my truck, I dialed Finn. He picked up after two rings, but he was laughing.

"Hey cuz'- What can I do for you?"

I knew he was laughing because he was with her. Was it bad that I wished I were the one she was laughing and messing around with? Shit- No. I couldn't think about that.

"Where are you guys?" I nearly growled into the phone, my anger rising like a volcano.

He continued to laugh, answering through his giggles. Bastard. "We're back at your place about to jump in the pool. You on your way home?"

"Mmhmm," I groaned out, picturing them half-naked by the pool. Even though my cousin was gay, it didn't make this process any easier.

"Great. Stop and get us all a pizza on your way home then. See you later!" He hung up before I could say anything else.

I threw my phone in the seat next to me and tore out of the faculty parking lot, gripping the steering wheel so I didn't punch my dash.


After grabbing a pizza, I finally pulled into my driveway. But when I got out, I could hear Finn and Saige still laughing and clearly still by the pool.

The drive home calmed me a bit but I was pissed right the fuck off again. I tossed the pizza onto the counter and then went into the pool area, crossing my arms over my chest as I stared down at them.

They were in the hot tub laughing their heads off, their backs to me.

"Tonight is going to be so much fun! Thanks for such a great day, Finn. You're the best guy ever," Saige beamed, making my blood boil even more.

jump, turning to look up at me.

"Hey, Coach!" Saige joked, staring up into my eyes.

"Collin!" Finn beamed.

Had they been drinking? What the hell was going on here?!

"Mind telling me why you're having a pool party in the middle of the afternoon in my hot tub?" My jaw was tight and my fists were even tighter. Why was I so angry?

"Calm down, party-pooper. We had a long day at the mall and wanted to wind down before the dance tonight," Finn answered, grinning up at me.

They went to the mall? Memories from yesterday floated in my head and I actually felt jealous. I had a great day at the mall yesterday with Saige and now that was all shot to shit.

"The dance?" Instead of pointing out their mall visit, I went straight for the dance.

"Yeah, Saige needed a date."

I knew this was why I brought Finn here, to make her feel like she's worth something, but I never planned on him actually taking her to a dance and basically a date. I hated that I wanted to be in Finn's shoes and couldn't be. I'd give anything to twirl Saige around the dance floor like a princess, showing her what an evening without sex could look like. But my cousin gets to fill those shoes and I get to stand back and chaperone them. Fucking great.

"Cool." I spun on my heels and headed back inside. I was so angry with everything and I just needed a moment to breathe.

Instead of grabbing some pizza, I headed straight upstairs to my room, slamming the door behind me, and laid on my bed to stare up at the ceiling.

After a moment of silence, I heard my bedroom door open and I stared over to find Finn walking in, re-closing the door behind him.

"What's up, man?" Finn asked, eyeing me suspiciously.

"Nothing," I growled out, returning my gaze back to the ceiling as I rested my head on my hands.

"Nothing my ass. Spill the beans, crab-ass." Finn came in, sitting on the end of the bed by my feet, staring a hole into my head.

I took a few deep breaths before I sat up and scooted to the headboard for something to lean against.

"I'm pissed off that..." Could I tell him why I was pissed off? After all, I'm not supposed to even have feelings like this for Saige.

"That you can't take her to the dance tonight? That you want her to share your bed? That you have to keep your hands to yourself?"

I glared at him, not at all liking that he just read me like a book.

He sighed. "Look, man, I totally get it. Saige is this amazing girl and you want a piece of that but because you work at the school where she still attends, you think you can't have her.

Have you ever thought of going behind people's backs? It's not unheard of. And, not to mention, she's already 18 and will be graduating soon. Once she has that diploma in hand, there isn't a thing anyone can say to you or to her about you guys being together."

I shook my head. "I can't be with someone like her, Finn. My reputation is at stake here." I ran my hands over my face, honestly contemplating his words. Could I start something with her?

The bedroom door whipped open and a very angry Saige stood standing there, glaring at me.

"Someone like me? Are you fucking kidding me?!" I could see the tears welling up in her eyes before she turned and ran from the doorway.

"Shit," I cursed, jumping from my spot on the bed and running after her. She had heard exactly what I said but didn't know what I meant. Now I have some explaining to do.

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