
So emotional


The mall was packed, but I was excited to be skipping school and hanging out with this hottie.

"So, where are we going first?" I asked.

Finn looked around. "We need to get you a dress, right?" I nodded at his question. "Then we'll get you a dress and then find me a tux." He grabbed my hand and pulled me toward the escalators that would bring us to the second floor.

As we found a dress shop, Finn pulled me in- pointing out several dresses immediately. None of them were my style, though. They didn't show off enough skin.

Finn grabbed a little black number from the rack and held it up to me.

"This would look great with your skin tone. What do you think?" He spun me toward the mirror so I could see.

"I think it looks like I'm going to my grandma's funeral," I whined. "What about this one?!" I slid away from him and grabbed a purple dress from the rack, holding it up. The front had a deep V that would show off my cleavage and stopped high on the upper thigh.

Finn shook his head, looking disappointed in me. "Are you a hooker now?"

I shrugged, knowing that term wasn't far off from what I actually was. The only difference between me and a hooker was that I didn't make any money. Hey, maybe I should start charging these pricks and get the hell out of my mom's house.

"Don't be ridiculous," Finn scolded, tearing the purple dress from my hands and replacing it with his black one. "Go try it on."

"Finn, this dress isn't..."

"What?" He cut me off, cocking an eyebrow at me. "It isn't slutty enough? Come on, girl. Look at you. You could be gorgeous in a plastic bag. Humor me and put on the dress. Every woman should have a black cocktail dress in their closet. This one just so happens to be very classy and for many different occasions."

I rolled my eyes at him but did as he asked anyway. I went into the dressing room and tried the dress on. When I stood in front of the mirror and saw myself, I actually just stood there staring. It had been a long time since I'd looked at myself in a positive manner. Finn was right, the dress was classy.

I pulled the door open to find Finn standing there waiting for me. When he looked up and saw me, an appreciative smile lifted his lips.

"Well, would you look at that. You can still look sexy in a classy way. See? You don't have to dress like a slut to feel good about yourself, am I right?"

"You were right. I was wrong. You are smart. I am dumb," I groaned out.

He laughed, wrapping an arm around my neck. "None of that was true, but good try." 

I stared down at my feet, feeling strange about how Finn and Collin had been treating me. I wasn't used to this kind of treatment at all and wanted to know what was going on.

"Why are you and Collin so good to me? Neither of you knows me or my past, yet you both treat me with respect." I honestly wanted to have some answers. It didn't make any sense to me.

Finn snorted. "Seriously? Have you ever thought that maybe we think you're pretty great and like hanging out with you? Hell, I just met you today and think you're funny as hell."

I lightly laughed, looking up at him. "Maybe so, but it doesn't make any sense."

"What doesn't make sense? That people are actually human? I don't know who the hell you've been around in your life, babe, but you seriously have a twisted interpretation of what friends are supposed to be like." He stepped up to me, grabbing my hand. "It's clear that you've been hurt in the past, but I can promise you that these years are going to form and shape you into this beautiful person. These years are short and fleeting compared to the life ahead of you."

I shrugged, knowing his words made sense but not believing them.

"Maybe for you, Finn, but that isn't in the cards for me."

"And why not?" He sounded appalled. "You have the right to have an amazing life just like anyone else. Don't you dare let anyone treat you like you're less than."

"But I am, Finn. Look at me!" I was getting emotional and I don't know why.

"I am looking at you, Saige..." His eyes stayed on mine, never once looking me up and down and that honestly changed something in me.

Tears filled my eyes and I tried to blink them away but they just kept coming. As my tears slid down my face, Finn wiped at them before pulling me into a genuine hug.

"Yeah, you just cry it out, girl. It's good to purge the bad and the ugly."

I knew at this moment that Finn would become a dear friend of mine. Maybe he's right and things will change for me. However, none of that will happen unless I start changing for the better. My life will forever stay the same if I stay the same myself.

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