
Yacht Party

"This yacht is stunning," Tanya gasped.

She was right. It was huge. It had three massive levels and something I'd never been on. I've never been out of the city, let alone sail in the ocean. There were many people there, both men and women, one looking more luxurious than the next. Luckily, I had Tanya change into one of the outfits at Callista's home. She insisted.

"What are we doing here again," Tanya asked.

"I'm not sure," I replied.

"No," she lowered her tone and seized my arm, "I meant we, as in Eric as well."

"That is something we need a drink for," I stated as we exited the yacht.

We weaved through the crowd of wealthy people to the inside of the yacht. It was beautiful. The dark oak was so breathtaking; the mere architecture of it was well worth the price. We sat in luxurious leather bar chairs before setting down our Louis Vuitton handbags.

"Two skinny margaritas with Clix vodka, please," I ordered.

"So-" Tanya started.

I put my finger up as the drinks we
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