
Johnny 47

Chapter 47

Johnny’s POV

Luckily, Ciro managed to get a hotel that doesn't draw attention. This hotel isn't one of the most expensive here, and it suits me perfectly.

"What's with this hotel, Johnny?" I hear Bella asking, looking as if we don't belong here.

I looked at her with a raised brow and said, "Well, let's just say I was expecting something expensive, and looking at the way you are dressed, people will surely know you can afford a luxurious hotel."

I look at Alessia only to see her nod in agreement.

"It looks like the two of you are used to living in luxury. Well, sorry to burst your bubble, sweethearts, but Blake Griffin can't afford a five-star hotel," I said coldly, which only the two of them could hear.

"That's not what we meant!" Alessia snapped at me.

I ignored her and walked towards the reception area, with them following me. Once I stood in front of the girl, I noticed she was young and beautiful. She eyed me like I was some kind of meat.

"How can I help you, Sir?"

"I h
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goodnovel comment avatar
Nope with that freaking attitude he def will not get anything..He is such a douche … I’m starting to hate him

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