
Just A Night Stand
Just A Night Stand
Author: Miss JulieP

The Offer

Naya Aurora arrived home with blood streaming down her legs. She could barely walk and she knew that she smelled like semen. Who the hell had she had sex with the previous night? Luckily, her aunt hadn’t paid attention to her at all, so she snuck into the bathroom to take her shower and clear the disgusting liquid on her. What the hell happened the previous night? Who was this man that had the audacity to touch her like that? No matter how hard she tried to remember, she couldn’t. It was just too hard. Everything was freaking hard.

It was very difficult to tell if she was raped or she willingly slept with this man? The last thing she remembered was seeing a man with good hair and long eye lashes sleeping beside her that morning, but that was it. She couldn’t remember anything else.

She felt tears running down on her cheeks as she leaned against the wall. That wasn’t a life she planned for herself, she could swear. She stepped out of the shower and changed into a casual outfit. She ought to go to work at the gas station that day, but how she felt at that moment was unbelievable. She wasn’t even sure that she would take steps without feeling like throwing up.

“Where have you been?” Her aunt asked, stepping into the room. “Your mum was grumbling about you the entire night. Go and see her.”

Naya’s mind went to her mother and she felt a positive feeling in her. At least no matter what happened, her mother mattered the most to her. She forced herself up and went into her mother’s room to see her.

Her mother had a stroke, so she couldn’t talk or move properly. But the sight of Naya made her excited and Naya could not tell why. Naya smiled and leaned against her belly, while her mother began to say in audible words.

“I am sorry for staying out late,” Naya apologized, assuming that her mother was scolding her. “I believe that just because I am 23 does not give me the audacity to do whatever I like. I am really sorry,my sweet mother. Please forgive me.”

Her mother went on scolding her again and Naya hugged her for the second time.

“If you continue feeling mad at me, I won’t be able to forgive myself, please?” Naya pleaded with a shattered heart. “I know how overprotective you can be of me, but I promise. I won’t stay out late without telling you again. I am really working so hard to save money for your bills. I promise.”

Her mum sighed and managed to stroke her long silky hair. Naya saw that as an indication that her mother had forgiven her and pecked her on the cheek.

“Thank you, mother,” she thanked. “I will work ten times harder to get you out of this bed and make you healthy again.”

Well that seemed easier than done. In a couple of months, she was working on some dishes in the kitchen when she felt dizzy. She couldn’t tell why she was so dizzy, but her head buzzed a lot and she’d felt she was going to die. She had to sit down for a while and contemplate what was going on. The next few mornings were the same. She would either throw up, or stare at her favorite food feeling very reluctant to eat.

“Hope you haven’t gotten pregnant,” her aunt joked, though the lady knew she was terrible with talking to men and she got anxious around them. Naya felt her heart race against her chest.

There was no way she got pregnant for the man she had sex with that night. There was no freaking way. She knew that her aunt took that as a joke, but for some reason her mind was very worried about that.

“I am Dr Doris,” the doctor recommended to her, welcomed her as she had her seat. “I heard something is wrong with your health so we had to conduct a few medical tests. I will just look through your results and tell you what is wrong.”

Naya nodded obediently and watched her look through the record.

“O!” The doctor giggled. “Congratulations. You are 14 weeks pregnant.” Naya felt her face go pale and her body tremble as she was unaware of how to react. “You are going to be a mother, Miss Naya Aurora.”

Naya clenched her fist fist in anger and pounded on the doctor’s table violently.

“Do you know what I am going through presently?” Naya asked in anger. “My mother is freaking sick! I can barely afford three square meals a day! How dare you come here to say that I am pregnant?!”

The doctor did not expect her reaction.

“Calm down Madame,” she calmed her. “That’s the result here. There is nothing I can do about it.”

“I cannot have this child,” Naya said desperately. The doctor was confused.

“I am sorry but there is nothing I can do about it. It is against my policy to go through any sort of abortion or….” The doctor tried to refuse but Naya was stubborn.

“Please get rid of this baby! I do not want her! I do not fucking want her!” Tears streamed down her cheeks and she was beginning to have a nervous breakdown now. “Just take this baby away from me, please.”

The Doctor gave her a helpless look. She dialed a number and spoke for a while before turning to Naya.

“I have a better plan,” she suggested. “Why don’t you pretend to be someone’s surrogate mother instead?”

Naya was confused.

“How?!” Naya asked.

“You will pretend to carry their eggs and give them your child, while you extort money from them. That way, you can give a way to your child and all is good,” Doctor Doris advised.

Naya gave it a deep thought.

“How much are we talking about? Will it be enough to pay my mum’s medical bills?” Naya asked with a desperate look. “If it will then I am in.”

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