
Anger and frustration

How dare they take advantage of Rhea in the first place?, At this point it was almost unbelievable.

"YA sobirayous' bit Dax golymi rukami", I raged. There was an active volcano in my chest, and I felt the lava of hatred flowing through me.

"Aleksander?", Rhea whimpered.

My eyes snapped over to her and the fear in her eyes only made it worse. However guilty I felt for being responsible for her fear, i couldn't seem to stop myself from the war path coming to life in front of me. My fists arched to crush someone's skull. The memory of Dax's slimy smile was looking like a target in my mind.

"Shit", I cursed turning away from her glistening blue eyes. I couldn't let her see me like this. It didn't stop me from knowing that I needed to leave.

I didn't stop to look at her again, although I desperately wanted to sink myself deeper inside of her and take out all my raging emotions.. Rhea deserved more than that right now and i needed to leave. My feet thundered upstairs as i raced to my room
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