
I am his fiance

She shouldn't have said it. She regrets saying it, but it was already too late to take it back. All the way home, he had stared out of the window and not said a word to her until they got home.

She trailed after him wanting to apologize, but she couldn't bring herself to say a word. He had never looked so distant from her. His face was calm and stony and unapproachable.

When he entered his room, she wanted to go after him but on remembering a certain memory of the first time she entered his room, she decided against it and went to her room hoping that he would come. He didn't.

She stayed awake all night, tossing and turning. Waiting for him to push the door open and come to bed to wrap his hand around her, nothing. She finally fell asleep but woke up screaming in the middle of the night and couldn't go to sleep. She was half expecting him to come bursting through her door to hold her in his arms because of her screaming and he would whisper comforting words to her like he always doe
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