
40 For Him


She had relaxed, I could sense that much as she ate her ice cream, licking her spoon slowly as if savouring every little drop. Her eyelids fluttered shut and I leaned against my bike, tugging her gently by her hips in front of me. Her heart hammered as her eyes flew open, staring down at me.

"I won’t bite Amore Mio." I leant up, brushing a strand of her hair aside.

Unless, of course, you fucking want me to, then I'm ready to mark every inch of this divine body and make you fucking see stars.

She nodded, giving me a small hesitant smile.

She was the most beautiful woman I had ever laid eyes on, from her unique blue-green eyes to her plump lips... My fucking goddess…

"Is it… does it hurt that I’ve forgotten you?" She asked quietly.

She was watching me sharply despite asking that, and I wondered what was going through her mind. I smirked.

"I won’t lie, because you can fucking tell if I do, right?" She nodded, and I placed my empty cup down on the bike next to me and care
Moonlight Muse

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Comments (27)
goodnovel comment avatar
Nana Leger
glad Kia told AL about the dream, Dante is a demigod he knows things but he can't tell because there's consequences for messing wit fate.
goodnovel comment avatar
Candice Erasmus
Really glad Kia told Al about the dream.
goodnovel comment avatar
wow it seem like dante is more than work. he left the door open for enq he knew was coming.. I glad kiara told alex the dream. it would great if kiara use their trick again them. dante take enq Down. let dante be able to break the curse so he can his mother and give her back her memory

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