

Peak Mountain, Black Mountains, Battling Border


“Leige?” Okine rushed into Radix’s den.

“Yes?” Radix turned from the stone board laid out before him. Eyeing the pieces depicting kings and queens he already had in place throughout the country. His hands were linked behind his back. But he turned quickly enough that his worn gray robes whirled around him.

Okine shrank a little as the Demon Master’s black eyes levelled on him.

“There word Savage Boy leave woman unprotected.”

“In the Guild?”

“Yes, Leige.”

“Send men to destroy her.” Radix began a slow toothy grin. His lips peeling too far up his face as he did. His eyes tingeing in the orange that revealed his true nature.

Okine lowered his head in deference. Backing from the room as if even he was afraid to fully turn his back on his master.

Further down the cavern halls, Chavias was pressed to the doo

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