


I thought seeing Anthony with that woman in his arm could somehow be a misunderstanding of some sort, perhaps, there has to be.

However, the words that escaped his lips chased away anything related to that thought.

“Everyone, I would like to introduce you to Claire,” He paused, as the place quietened down, wanting to hear what it is he would say exactly. His next words hung thickly in the air, “She would be,” he looked down at her, his lips slanted into a warm smile. “My Luna.”

I felt my heart drop to the pit of my stomach, my toes curling as I felt breathing become such a difficult task. That sentence, I feel as though it ripped my heart right out of my chest with it.

Silence ensued, thick with tension and wariness, as if they all shared the same sentiment as I. However, the one that found the strength to break the silence was Anthony’s father, “Anthony, what is this nonsense you are spewing?” His tone was anything but calm, the fury behind it impossible to miss.

Anthony’s mother, usually the calm one that calms her mate whenever something happens placed a hand on his shoulder, trying to get him to do just that. However, even she judging from the look on her face seemed to be having a difficult time digesting the news.

Anthony’s father ignored her advances, then scolded, “You are betrothed to the Beta’s daughter, Esmeralda,” His fury was impossible to miss, “How can you break that promise?!” He pointed an accusing finger in his son’s direction.

Anthony looked away from his father, unable to hold his gaze even though his stance remained resolute. It does not seem as though he is willing to falter in the slightest bit.

“But, Anthony,” His mother started, as she threw a look of worry in the direction of the woman in his arms, Claire. “She is human.” She is normally not one to judge, she needed to point that out.

Humans are naturally weaker than we are, way weaker. This lady, she does not have a wolf, we can all tell. She has the scent of a human, and obviously is one. A lone human in a pack of wolves is a dangerous thing, especially not she is not particularly welcomed.

Somehow, my father whom was shocked by the news as well managed to find his voice, as he stepped in to speak. “A human woman is not fit for our pack, Alpha.” When Anthony threw him a look, he added, though his tone remained firm as well. “I am not saying this because Esmeralda is my daughter, but, please consider it.”

I know some might think my father simply said that to be fair, and out of his loyalty to his Alpha and the pack but he is merely being honest, unfortunately. He does not care about me, nor how I would feel about this. No. I have always known they have always preferred my brother, Cole to me. They only wanted me to marry the Alpha so they can have more influence.

That is all I man to them. A way to gain more power.

My father’s words, coupled with Anthony’s parents apparently made the human start crying, as she buried herself in his arms. He tenderly wiped her tears away, whispering sweet nothings and giving her assurances which I highly doubt he would keep, or perhaps, he would.

When he managed to hush her down, though she remained a whimpering mess in his arms, he looked up, raged as he stared down at my father. “My decision is final!” His tone left no place for argument, at least, none for my father. “Claire will be my Luna, human or not. She stays by my side.”

His words, those words of affirmation left everyone more stunned, for it appears he was firm in his stance regarding that. Even I, whom had the tiniest bit of hope that this is all some sort of mistake, or that my father and his would be able to dissuade him evaporated into thin air following his words.

Anthony’s eyes met mine, and he finally noticed my presence in the room, rooted by the stairs and unable to bring myself to move an inch. His expression did not change, he did not show any remorse regarding what he did, but he minds linked, “I hope you can make it work.” He frowned, “You can be my mistress in the future, if that is acceptable to you.”

I did not know when I found myself asking back, through mind link as well, “What did you just say?” My tone was no doubt laced with the shock I felt.

I could not believe he would even dare to say something like that to me. A mistress in the future? Is that all I ever am to him. After everything, he will dump me to be a mistress?

Rage coursed through my veins, a firm and resolute answer at the very tip of my lips, ready to reject the damn offer because no way will I not only be embarrassed and dumped in public, but made to degrade myself down to the status of a mistress.

However, before I could mind link the words, a sudden scent hit me. At first, I thought it was all part of the pregnancy, however, the scent seemed to be emanating from Anthony out of everyone there, and it smelled so divine.

A mixture of woody scent, couple with the aftermath of rain scent sort of. Particular, but somehow heavenly as I said.

Then, my wolf’s voice came in my head, and she exclaimed one word that seemed to change everything…at least for me.


It hit me like a truck, a thought that has been clouding my mind for years somehow evaporated in the past couple of minutes, resurfacing all over again. It is my 19th birthday. The day to find my mate.

Anthony. He is my mate.

Stunned, and a bit confused by everything, I waited to see if recognition would flash through his orbs, perhaps the new piece of information would make a difference and change the course of everything.

It did not. Anthony’s expression remained the same, indifferent.

My wolf, she is clawing at me internally, wanting to claim Anthony as hers but the lack of reaction from him made it impossible for me, for my human and rational side to allow myself to do just that.

Everything that has happened in the last fifteen minutes made my world spin. And without thinking, I turned around and sprinted out of the pack house, ignoring the eyes that followed me and the voices that came from them.

I ran to the only place I know I would find solace, the woods.

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