

It was a gradual pull to wakefulness like someone was shaking her awake calling her consciousness out of the deep pool of darkness it was immersed into the light. That was how Shelby felt before she regained consciousness. The first thing that hit her even before her eyes opened was the aching soreness around her throat. It hurts like a bitch. Shelby winced from its pain before opening her eyes.

She stared up at the sparkling sterile white ceiling above her for some seconds trying to get her bearing. Where was she? Shelby swallowed against the dryness in her throat which was a difficult fit seeing she didn't have any saliva left in her mouth to smoothen the action.

She looked around her. She was in some kind of room and on a cot bed. As her eyes continued to trail everything in the room she picked up that she was in some kind of hospital room, but who will bring her to the hospital. The last thing she remembers was Lightning leaving for the hunt. If she was here that m

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