

Then he took one nipple into his mouth and suckled, and Shannon’s back arched off the bed. A cry of sheer pleasure escaped her throat and shot straight to his loins.

He’d had in mind to go slowly, make it last. Next time. Maybe.

He fumbled for his wallet, but when he pulled out the condom, she took it from him. “Let me,” she said breathlessly.

Nick nearly groaned. He didn’t know if he could take it, but he gritted his teeth and let her push him over onto his back.

Shannon moved his hands so they rested beside his head, then tore open the packet and straddled his thighs. Looking down and seeing him totally at her mercy gave her a rush of power that was heady in its intensity. Odd that she would feel it so much. She usually didn’t feel a lack of power. But then, she didn’t usually have a naked man beneath her, hers to do with as she


Slowly, one fraction of an inch at a time, she rolled the condom down onto his erection.

“You’re about to kill me,” he said through clenched teeth. S
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