
CHAPTER 50 " Lee Belongs To Jordan"


“Lee Tennyson, I love you.” I heard a voice from the crowd and a familiar structure walked up to Lee. It was Jasmine who, I don’t know where she came from but it made my insides cry in pain.

Knowing that she’s alive was enough traumatizing for me and her proposal in the middle of the crowd was just ruining me even more. I barely held myself back then in the mansion as I thought Lee might leave me for his fiancé, but I was surprised by his confession for me.

I know Lee doesn’t show it on his face but deep down he’s hurt to see the girl he was once crazy for. Lee’s trying to make me happy and hence came here because of me. I knew he won’t like this place even for a bit but here I thought I wouldn’t encounter something strange and it would be a change of environment for both of us too.

But who knew, Jasmine might follow him here and now, finding her stand right in front of him was crushing my heart in several pieces. She might be plotting something against me and I could see hat
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