
Chapter 51

Ariel's POV

"Why?" Was the first word that left my lips.

He had bloodshot eyes and hair that was long overdue for a cut. Even under the dimly lit cell, I could see his pale skin and tinning tissues.

He was in a terrible condition and for what?

"You killed our parents—" I stopped as I realized that wasn't even the right word to use. "You butchered our parents like animals... Like a psychopathic artist in search of a new masterpiece, you destroyed their lives, and for what?"

His eyes shifted and for a second I thought he was going to show some sign of remorse or at least realize how stupid he had been but Aaron would never change.

He let a stupid grin sit on his face as he stared back at me.

"You really want to know?" His voice suddenly turned strong as if he was feeding in the energy surrounding his terrible crimes.

"I killed them because they were old cowards! They would have never done anything good for themselves..."

I couldn't believe what someone I shared parents with was saying
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