
Chapter 603

It wasn’t until an hour after school let out that her principal showed up at Emma’s door. But that was okay with her. She’d needed that time to build up her courage. Luckily, Hannah went without a fuss over to the Aftercare Program. With that concern out of the way, she now prayed Michael wouldn’t think she was nuts and reconsider continuing her contract for next year. He wouldn’t let this interfere, would he? She’d known him for six years now. They had a great professional relationship. He’d always been kind to anyone having a problem and was always willing to help in any way he could. But this, this wasn’t your average “run of the mill, hey, can-you-help-change-a-flat-tire problem.”

She was taking a huge risk now. This was definitely an issue that crossed over the line from professional to personal. Emma shook her head and rested her forehead on her desk, confidence deflated. What exactly did she expect him to do about her beleaguered daughter’s nightmares that anyone else hadn’t al
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