
51) Going Home

Ace continued to squeeze the steering wheel as he watched Mj move around uncomfortably in her seat. The assassin had started their journey relatively calm, it was almost as though the shower she took had washed away any and all signs of the absolutely manic woman she had been inside the apartment. But the closer they got to the pack house the more she began to fidget and fuss, and it was starting to get on Ace’s nerves, “we need to go straight to the Alpha’s office when we get home,” he mumbled and Mj stopped shaking her foot to snort a very juvenile laugh, “what’s wrong commander are you afraid I won't behave myself,” she joked and Ace grunted slightly, “I’m serious Mj, the Beta and Alpha are already stretched as thin as they can be with all the new arrivals,” he mumbled and Mj looked at him suspiciously. Ace smirked, “while you were playing operation with your new pet other Alpha’s have started showing up with their entourages of pack members,” he explained and Mj chewed at her thum

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