


I carried the cold beers out to the patio where Charlie was lounging in a chair. The grill was smoking, releasing an enticing aroma that promised some good eating was going to be happening soon. I handed him the beer and moved to the grill to check the status of our steaks. Both of us had managed to get off early and decided steaks and cold beer were exactly the way to finish the day.

My phone rang in my pocket. I put down my beer and fished it out. It was Kade. “Hey, little brother,” I said. I nodded at Charlie as I walked by to go back in the house. It was the universal head nod that said I would be right back. “What’s up?”

“I’m officially on leave!” he exclaimed. I could hear a lot of hoots and hollers and talking in the background. I was guessing he was at a bar with his buddies and celebrating their freedom.


“Come up,” he said, sounding just a little drunk.

I laughed. “It’s kind of short notice,” I told him. “I’ve got meetings all day tomorrow. I can’t get up t
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