Let Me In

Let Me In

By:  Ali Parker  Ongoing
Language: English
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He said I couldn’t do it, but he was wrong. An old professor at UCLA promised me that I would make nothing of myself, so I made sure I did. To the tune of billions. I’m only a little cocky about it. Yachts, parties, and one-night events pretty much spell out my life. And all of it works well until I run into a beauty I can’t get out of my head. But we’re keeping it friendly and casual until we aren’t. There’s just one problem. Her old man hates me. And for good reason. He was my UCLA professor. He’s dead set against me becoming anything important to his little girl, but the old man’s got it all backward. I’m not looking to make an example out of our passion or prove a point. This isn’t about hit it and quit it. His daughter is mine, and he might kick me out, but she’s letting me all the way in.

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is the book complete
2024-06-20 01:52:05
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<Sent gems> one of the best books in ur work and Ive read through your other books. This book is to me a top fave. Also, I wana applaud & appreciate that you do partial releases of 2x or so on entirety/large part of the book chapters; instead of daily release of chapter/s.
2024-06-15 01:02:49
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Mitchy writes
This blurb is everything. “He might kick me out, but she's letting me all the way in.” I'm here for it.
2024-06-14 20:48:28
137 Chapters
It Will Work
XanderTen years agoI kept my sunglasses on, protecting my eyes from the hot San Diego sun. I was early and in no hurry to get to my next class at UCSD. In fact, I was dreading it a little. I knew it wasn’t going to go well. It never did. My professor had taken a strong disliking to me from the moment I darkened his door. I didn’t know why, and I didn’t give a shit. I just needed the damn grade.My book bag was slung over one shoulder as I walked along the cement sidewalk. I sipped the iced coffee I carried in my other hand. It was a gorgeous sunny day. As soon as I was done with class, I was going to the beach. A cold beer and some good music were exactly what this day needed.“Wait up,” I heard from behind me.I slowed my walk, waiting for Charlie Pugh to catch up. The guy was two years younger than me. We had met last year, his freshman year, and I had taken him under my wing.“I didn’t think you had class on Fridays,” I said.He grinned. “I don’t, but the hot chick I’m after does
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Prove Him Wrong
XanderI pushed up my sunglasses and took a look in the mirror. One of the reasons the old goat didn’t like me was he felt I didn’t take life seriously enough. Maybe I didn’t. I thought judging a book by its cover was wrong. My hair was too long. I liked the shaggy look. I supposed I probably looked like one of the millions of surfers that hung out at the beach with light brown hair that hung in light layers just above my shoulders.I dressed like a surfer, I supposed. It was my senior year of college. The dress standard depleted with each passing term. I was lucky to find clean clothes, or mostly clean. I didn’t give a shit whether I matched or if they were wrinkled.I smirked as I used my fingers to comb my hair down. I could admit my lack of concern for my image was a direct insult to my dad and family that had sticks way too high up their asses. I was the proverbial black sheep and I didn’t care.Putting off the inevitable wasn’t going to make it go away. I left the bathroom and w
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A New Assignment
EvieI loved Pinterest. It was such an amazing website. I could literally spend the entire day staring at the endless pictures and ideas. I didn’t like to steal anyone’s great ideas, but I liked to take what I saw and add my own special spin. It was what made me good at my job.I loved themed parties. They were so much fun. It gave me an opportunity to fill every fantasy. I could be under the sea, in Paris, or on the moon. I was known for planning parties that were ridiculously over the top. No detail was missed. When someone told me they had this idea, I took it and ran. One day, I would own my own business. For now, I worked for one of the top party planning agencies in the country. At least, that was what we advertised.I took a quick screenshot and saved it to my file of ideas that I didn’t need right away but was hoping to use eventually. I clicked off the site. I had to. It was too tempting to keep open. I pulled out the file for the party I was preparing a proposal for. It was
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At the Bar
EvieI made it to the bar, parking in back next to Nelle’s car. I went around the front. The bar was in one of the better neighborhoods of the city, tucked in between several other bars. It was where the college kids came to do their pub crawls. Nelle’s bar was more of a sports bar by day and a millennial hangout by night. It was where the young people with man buns and skinny jeans liked to hang out. A lot of rich kids hung out in the place as well, which was really how Nelle paid the bills.“Hey.” I greeted her with a small wave as I walked through the doors. The place was plenty bright in the late afternoon hours. At night, the lights were down, and the music was up.“Uh oh, you got a new job,” she said with a bright smile. She knew me very well.Her long, shiny, blonde hair was pulled back in a ponytail. The woman could have been a model. She was gorgeous. I admired her beauty and the perfect figure she had but it was the beauty on the inside that made her special. She was kind an
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Ship Building
XanderI picked up a tool but I had no idea what it was. I examined it and put it back down on the table alongside Charlie’s workstation. I looked around the massive warehouse with various parts of cargo ships being manufactured or repaired. I knew exactly what I was looking at when it came to the bits and pieces of the ships.“This baby is almost finished,” Charlie said, lovingly patting an engine housing.I walked around the massive piece that would eventually be a part of one of the cargo ships I had designed. “It looks good.”“Of course, it looks good. I made it.”“I designed it,” I reminded him.He grinned. “Damn straight you did. And I’m glad you did. If you didn’t, I wouldn’t be working as much as I have been. Look at this place. We have work lined up for the next two years. Your fancy ships are the bee’s knees.”I rolled my eyes. “When did you turn ninety?” I asked, referencing his very old, outdated phrase.“Do you want a tour?” he asked.I shook my head. “Nah, once you’ve s
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XanderI shook my head as Charlie nodded, grinning big. I waited while Al spoke.“You know, that is an excellent idea,” Charlie said. “He would love to attend. There will be a plus one included with the invitation I gather?”I groaned, putting a hand to my head. Charlie turned his back to me. “He will be there. Thank you so much. Take care.”Charlie turned back to look at me with a very satisfied expression on his face.“What did you do?” I asked.“We’re going to a party! Free alcohol and food.”I rolled my eyes. “I don’t need free food and alcohol.”“But I do.”“No, you don’t.”“Okay, maybe I don’t need it, but I want it. I like to party. It will be a great way to meet new people.”I let out a long sigh. “You mean new women. I think you’ve about run through most of the women in San Diego.”“Not even close, my friend, not even close.”“What did you get me into? When is it?”“Saturday,” he answered.“This Saturday?” I asked with surprise. “What if I had plans? That’s not a lot of notic
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Deal of the Century
EvieI parked my car in front of the small antique store. I often shopped at the place when I was looking for that little something special to make a party theme complete. I had a good relationship with the owner and appreciated the many stories he had about the old days.I walked in, the bells on the door alerting him to my presence. The bells were a necessity. The shop was packed, wall to wall. In some places, things were stacked so high one couldn’t see more than a few inches in front of them.I walked inside, being careful not to knock anything over with my purse. “Bob!” I called out the owner’s name.I heard a muffled reply. “Back here.”I followed the sound of his voice. He was kneeling on the floor, unpacking a box of what looked like skeleton keys.“Those are awesome!” I exclaimed.He softly chuckled. “These are trendy right now,” he commented. “The rustier, the better. I’ll sell these in no time.”“They are very cool,” I agreed. I considered buying some just to have them. I w
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Checking on Dad
EvieI drove to my father’s house in La Jolla. It wasn’t one of the big, fancy homes, but it was comfortable. It was older. It was my childhood home and held a great deal of memories. It was small, but as a single dad, it was all he could afford. I pulled into the driveway and cut the engine. It was clear he wasn’t home. I made my way up the cement walk with little cracks that were in need of repair but would likely not get done anytime soon.I collected the mail from the box and used my key to go inside. “Dad?” I called out, just in case his car was in the shop.There wasn’t an answer. I put the mail on the small table near the front door. It was where the mail went. It never went on the dining table or on a kitchen counter. It always went on the table. My slightly obsessive nature was absolutely the product of my father’s upbringing.I looked around the living room that was clean and neat. It was who he was. Organized. He could give Marie Kondo a run for her money. I walked into the
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At the Party
XanderThe car pulled to a stop in front of the hotel. I could see Charlie pacing in front of the building. He was irritated. Pissed, judging by the flurry of texts he’d sent over the last twenty minutes. I was late. I could admit I nearly backed out. I wasn’t thrilled with the idea of going to the stupid party. The only reason I was going was because of Charlie.I got out of the car, buttoning the suit as I moved toward him.“It’s about fucking time,” he said. “You need a better watch.”“I don’t need a better watch.”“You are late.”“I know. See? My watch works fine.”He growled. “Why didn’t you text me back?”“Because I knew what you would say. I was on my way.”He shook his head, clearly still pissed. “Can we go in? I need a damn drink.”“You could have gone in,” I told him.“No, I couldn’t. You are the one invited. I’m the plus one.”I nodded and moved to open the door. I gestured for him to go inside. “Let’s get a drink.”“I’m going to get a drink. And some damn good food.”“I’ll
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Not a Wallflower
Xander“We all are very happy Al took the chance,” Gary said with a laugh. “I’m not a gambling man. I didn’t want to see one of my ships sink to the bottom of the ocean.”“Lucky for me, the ship didn’t sink. None of them did. If you excuse me, I need to say hello to someone.” I walked away, anxious to get away from them.I moved through the crowd, nodding at a few familiar faces. Charlie made his way to me. “See? It’s not so bad.”I glowered at him. “It is painful.”“Nah, it’s not so bad. I’ve already met two very lovely ladies. I could introduce you.”“No thanks, I’m good.”“Incoming,” he said in a hushed voice.“Xander,” Al, the man hosting the party and the owner of the company, said. “Thank you so much for coming.”“Thank you for inviting me,” I replied. “This is nice.”Al smiled and looked around. “It is nice. We owe my lovely wife Deidre the credit.”The woman stepped forward and smiled. She had Texas-big hair. “Hello, Xander. It’s nice to finally meet you. You’ve made my husban
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