
Chapter Thirty Three

Ivy's POV

I was intrigued by what was going on but more confusion set in when Bianca eyes snapped open and her grip on my hand tightened and I looked at her quizzically as she asked

"Dan? Is that Dan's voice I hear? Dan? Is that you Dan?" She continued asking continuously and I was about to ask her who the hell was Dan and why she was asking after him all of a sudden when the man that barged in rushes to her side and takes her hand in his

"Yes it's me Bianca. It's me. I'm right here" he said to her and Bianca's face instantly lit up with a bright smile and she took her other hand from mine and cupped the man's face with it

"My Dan, my love. I've missed you so much. All these years I've longed for you my love " she was crying as she said all these and I just stared in awe because although from their interaction I could obviously tell that they were lovers who got separated fr each other one way or another and now they were happy to be in each other's presence again but the part that wa
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