
Chapter 20

Linda smiled meaningfully. “Since you’re not comfortable talking about it, I shall not probe further, Miss Shayne. You’ll start work tomorrow at 9 AM.”

With that being said, Linda left. On the other hand, Cecelia was left trying to wrap her head around things.

‘What did she mean by not comfortable speaking about it? I don’t know what to say!’

Initially, Cecelia’s mood had been gloomy for the past few days ever since William stole her first kiss. However, now that she had found a job, her mood was finally brighter.

The first thing she did when she exited 2S was to call Grace.

“Grace, I succeeded!!! Are you free now? Let me buy you a scrumptious meal.” Cecelia was smiling from ear to ear.

Cecelia decided that she had to thank Grace properly.

‘Grace not only helped me to teach that jerk a lesson, she even helped me find such a great job.

‘I think Grace is my lucky star!

‘If not for Grace, I wouldn’t have found my current job that has a monthly salary of 10 thousand!

‘It’s 10 thousand!!!

‘When I was working at Fat Mason’s company, my monthly salary was only 3.6 thousand. We didn’t even get paid extra when we were forced to work overtime. Furthermore, I had to fork out money for my insurance and housing fund. After all that, I was only left with 2.8 thousand to spend. Even then, I had to give that jerk, Hawick, 1.6 thousand for his car loan each month.’

Therefore, 10 thousand a month was a huge amount for Cecelia. Before this, she dared not imagine that she would be paid that much someday.

All of it was thanks to Grace, and Cecelia was eager to share her happiness with Grace.

Unfortunately, Grace replied over the phone, “I’m at the airport. Girl, wait till I’m back and then we’ll have a good celebration. I can’t talk anymore as I need to board the plane soon. Bye!”

When the busy tone was heard, Cecelia felt deflated.

At such times, Cecelia had no other person to share her happiness with other than Grace. However, even now, Grace was not available...

Her mood turned from that of a sunny day to a gloomy one.

Furthermore, the sky suddenly began to pour as well.

That was the thing with the city that was by the sea. One moment it could be sunny, the next moment, it could suddenly rain. Currently, it was a heavy downpour.

One could expect Cecelia to immediately become drenched as she had not brought an umbrella with her when she came out.

At that time, she was beginning to feel remorseful. Even if she had been angry, she should have taken the umbrella. Not taking it only brought trouble to herself.

There was no use in feeling regretful now. Cecelia ran toward the bus stop under the heavy rain.

The rain was so heavy that Cecelia had trouble seeing the road ahead and did not notice that in front of her, there was a car driving at regular speed heading in her direction.

By the time she noticed it, it was too late. She widened her eyes with horror as the car was about to ram into her.

‘I’m dead, I’m dead, I’m dead...’

Those were the only two words left in Cecelia’s brain.

Just as Cecelia thought that she was going to die, or at least be crippled by the accident, a strong force pushed her aside. Consequently, she fell further away from her initial spot and landed in a huge puddle of rainwater. Her knees ended up being scrapped as well.

Cecelia could not be bothered about the pain in her knees as she watched the person that had pushed her get hit by the car. The person was thrown even further than her while she yelled, “NO!!!”

Cecelia propped herself up and stumbled toward the person. What she saw next was the body of a lifeless man on the ground. Consequently, her body began to tremble in fear, and she dared not look at the injuries the person had suffered as she was at a loss of what to do. Cecelia cried out, “No, don’t. Please, I beg you, please be alright.”

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