
Chapter 109

Joshua turned to Terry wearing a sad look on his face, he could clearly see that Terry had a something eating him up deeply and somehow he felt it had to do with Carmella.

“Don’t tell me you wanted to commit suicide because of her” Joshua began breaking the long silence as he wasn’t comfortable with it anymore.

He really wanted to know exactly what happened to Terry and how he almost got drowned today, he knew very well that Terry could swim so he was definitely sure that their was more to the whole story.

Terry gasped "you mean Carmella?"

Joshua nodded.

Terry shook his head at once “I would never want to commit suicide because of anyone” he answered sounding as blunt as possible.

Joshua sighed “then what happened to you today? How did you end up almost getting yourself killed?”

Terry was quiet, of course he have been trying to figure out what happened to him in the river, perhaps he mig

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