
Chapter 13

I am pacing back and forth in the leaving room angrily.

"Calm down Anne,you are stressing and you know that is not good for the baby. Think of him or her" Erica reasons.

"How can I be calm after seeing that headline. He is cheating on me with another woman and you tell me to calm down. I'm pregnant with his child for crying out loud"I exclaim

"Like you said you are pregnant. You suffered for this baby,do not let anyone take it away from you. Calm down, beside we don't know if this is true or not. This is the internet for pete's sake anyone can write lies for more views " Erica exclaim before leading me to sit down.

"He better have a good explanation for this"I say still angry.

"Just relax, okay and think of the baby. Now come and sit and watch a movie,I made Oreo cheesecake cake with strawberry smoothie, your favorite "Erica says wiggling her eyebrows

"You just know how to bribe me"I groan and then pout.

She arranges the pillow on the couch for me and I sat down .


I didn't realize time had passed by so quickly, because when I checked my watch it was almost 5pm and Flynn will be home any moment from now.

"Hey,where is Grayson? I haven't seen or heard from him all day" I asked with a worried look.

"Yeah,I kinda forgot to tell you this, please don't be mad" she guiltily

"Erica?! What is going on?" I ask in a stern and authoritative voice.

"Okay,he had an emergency call this morning about his wife and left immediately. He asked me to tell you but I forgot. I actually gave him the permission to go" she says

"Erica! Why didn't you tell me earlier! By the way, what was the emergency" I ask curiously

"He didn't say much,just muttering incoherent words,I have never seen a man cry until today" she says

"He was crying! Did something happen to the kids" I ask anxious praying nothing happens to them.

"I'm not sure. You know Grayson doesn't share his family matters with us. Even me his best friend" she sighs and I looked at her confused.

"Do you think we should go there? Maybe he needs a friend or something" I asked still worried about him.

"Yeah but not today, maybe tomorrow because your husband will have my head when he finds out we left without his ___" Flynn barges in before she could finish what she was saying.

"Speaking of husband,here comes the devil. Excuse me ma'am" she says with a smirk before leaving.

" Jane! What are you doing down here? I thought I told you to rest upstairs " he says in a stern tone.

"It was boring up there and I'm pregnant not dying. By the way,why are you home by this time. You were supposed to be here an hour ago " I ask in a stern tone.

"I had to stop by my mom's house and check up on them. They sent you their greetings and want you to visit them sometime" he says coolly.

"Your mom's? Really Flynn? Are you sure? So why is your hair like that then "I frown

"Yes I went to my mom's and why all this sudden questions? Where is all this coming from?"he says confused.

I take out my phone and opened the headlines for him.

"Mind explaining to me what this is. I want the truth Flynn"I say and he looks as if he was seeing a ghost.

" did you get this! I can't believe it. This isn't true and you believed  them" he yells angrily

"What do you want me to do?" I say back angrily

"Believe me? Like trust me for once in your life. I get that I'm not rich like you and I work for you but not trusting me is just_fuck!. I can't believe you Jane,how many times must I prove to you that I love you and will never hurt you" he yells angrily again.

"Flynn... trying being in my shoes. How would you feel if you saw this headline about me" I ask

"Nothing because I know I can trust my wife and I would make sure this headline goes away in a short time. I wouldn't accuse her or believe the media. You wanna know who she is? She is your dad's assistant and we were handling a project together for your dad, since he wasn't around " he yells and I feel tears pricking my eyes.

"I'm sorry,I was hurt and confused. Please don't be mad at me" I say letting the tears fall freely.

" No not this time. I'm not going to forgive you that easily. I love you Jane,so much but if there is no trust how will this work. I'll be sleeping in the guest room tonight " he says and walks away.

I finally broke down,I sat back on the couch,with my head bowed and cry in my palms softly.

I feel a hand on my shoulder and I know it was Erica but I'm not in the mood. I hurt my husband and this is the first time he has yelled at me.

"Go away Erica. Leave me alone "I sob

"Jane.. please think__" I didn't allow her finish her sentence and I was on my feet.

"I said fucking go away Erica! Leave me the Fuck alone and find yourself busy. This all your fault,you should have just kept the stupid headline to yourself. I have given you too much privilege and I think it is time to take it away." I yell and the hurt look on her face made me want to apologize but it was already too late.

" What? How is this my fault. I was only trying to be a good friend__" I cut her off.

"By trying to ruin my marriage" I say 

"Ruin your marriage Jane. Is that what you think of me. I love you Jane. You are like a sister to me. If this is what I get for being a your friend then I don't want to be one anymore. Excuse me ma'am" she says angrily and walks out 

"Eri..Erica  wait. Erica.." I call after her but she was long gone.

I broke down again, sitting on the floor crying.

What is wrong with me today!

My stomach begun to hurt and my heart begun to race faster.

Oh gosh my baby. Lord please protect my baby. I silently pray before gently standing and walking to the couch. 

I arranged the pillows again and then laid flat on it. 

Comments (1)
goodnovel comment avatar
Evan Ruzzle
I think her best friend Mira and her husband is having an affair , ...

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