
Chapter 116: Luminous

Chapter 116: Luminous

Isabella and Luca embarked on a chapter that stretched beyond the reaches of mortal understanding. They stood together, their souls intertwined, as they approached the luminous horizon—a gateway to realms yet undiscovered, where infinite possibilities awaited their embrace.

As they gazed upon the radiant vista, their hearts stirred with a sense of excitement and anticipation. They had journeyed through countless chapters, experienced love and transformation, and now they stood at the precipice of a new adventure—a chapter that would redefine the boundaries of their existence and expand the horizons of their souls.

Isabella and Luca embraced the profound call of the luminous horizon. They understood that this threshold marked the beginning of a grand exploration—an odyssey into the realms of consciousness and creation that would shape the course of their eternal journey.

Isabella's voice, filled with a celestial reverence, echoed through the cosmic expanse. "Luca,
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