
Chapter 25 (part 2)

Eight years earlier, he had decided to accompany Shàng Wèi to England. For once, his parents had not opposed one of his follies. Perhaps they too, like Uncle Lin, had hoped that he would settle down and attend such a prestigious university.

However, the change of scene had not contributed to the shift in attitude as their parents had hoped. Before long, he and Shàng Wèi had created a new group to party with, just as they had in Beijing.

Within weeks of their arrival, they learned that Ming Chun Chu's nephew was also studying at the same university. This news clearly upset Shàng Wèi, so when Wĕi Qí saw him suddenly leave the group, he followed him.

Because of that chase, he had first noticed William, having witnessed the first meeting between Adam and his friend from afar.

A few days later, he had bumped into William again, returning from another night of partying. William was stretching right next to his dormitory. Drunk, he had approached him to make


And we are almost there! The mastermind of evil is about to reveal him/herself. Who will it be? Let me take this opportunity to thank you for choosing to read this story. You don't know how happy this makes me in the first place and how much it helps me develop the plot. The feedback I receive is beneficial to me; if you have any criticism, please don't have any problem writing to me; I have broad shoulders ahahah. Joking apart would be handy because I have a new story in the pipeline, and I would like to write it with some more advice and some less paranoia of mine XD. That's enough; I've gone on too long for my standards. Thank you and GuBai.

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