
Chapter 004


Florence A.S

CHAPTER 004: A night to remember

Spencer arrived home late at night and went straight to his room to shower. After he showered, he picked up his phone and called Dave and he said, “Dave, make sure you take care of the mess.”

“Done that already boss,” Dave said.

“Good,” Spencer said and he ended the call.

Dressed in a short and no shirt, Spencer went downstairs to the wine bar to relax and enjoy the night ambiance.

At around 2:45a.m, Sofia was in her room sitting on the bed and staring blankly at the ceiling as she couldn’t sleep. She decided to go downstairs and get a glass of juice. When she got downstairs, she heard some sounds and decided to trace them to the wine bar, on getting there she saw Spencer and she immediately turned her back to leave but got stopped by his voice as he said, “Do you now have insomnia since you claim not to be a stalker?” Spencer asked Sofia and immediately she turned to, “I was unable to sleep so I came to get a glass of juice and I heard some noise so I decided to check.” Sophia said as she noticed Spencer was shirtless and she thought to herself “damn, he is so hot.”

Spencer saw her staring, then he smirked and said, “Take some alcohol, it will help you with your insomnia, and stop staring at me.” Immediately Sofia felt embarrassed and said, “I don’t drink alcohol.” As Spencer was about to move the glass of alcohol, Sofia immediately held the glass and said, “I don’t drink alcohol but I guess it won’t be bad to try some.” She then smiled and took a shot immediately. She made a funny face which made Spencer smile and he said “Take another shot and you will eventually get used to it.”

She then took another shot. Sofia and Spencer took some shots which made Sofia drunk. When Spencer realized how drunk she was, he stood up and was about to leave her when she said “Why are you so hot and cute yet arrogant.” Sofia said in a drunken state.

“If I were you I would stop looking for an answer and go to my room,” Spencer said to Sofia who was already drunk.

“But I don’t know the way to my room and I can’t move,” Sofia said, almost teary.

Spencer then raised her and walked her to her room. When they got to her room door he asked her to enter her room. Just before saying goodnight she reaches out and kisses him, a shocking expression on his face and she apologizes to him.

“I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to.....immediately Spencer interrupted and kissed her. He lifts her and takes her to his room, she can't help thinking about how this is happening. Does he want me? Is he just high? Am I high and dreaming of this?

This thought immediately went away as she felt his lips leave hers, confused about what was going on, Spencer kisses her neck and rip open her PJs, he sucks on her breast causing her to moan softly in excitement, he grabs her by the neck, choking her a bit while still nibbling on her breast.

“I have never felt such pleasure,” she thought to herself. Spencer pulls off her pants and massaged the top of her clitoris, he kisses her knees making his way up her thighs, the sensation was nothing as she had felt before, she felt his breath between her thighs and a cold shiver ran through her spine, he gently places his lips on her vagina, and moves his tongue in a circular motion, she grabs the bed covers and moans loudly, he sucks her clitoris hard she moans and pants loudly pulling the bed covers, he picked up his pace, moving his tongue faster in different motions and sucking her clits harder, he could feel her legs shaking while she moans even loudly, “Arghhhhhh.”

This puts a smile on his face, with his even faster pace she quickly hits orgasm and squirts all over his face, panting and out of breath, he whispers in her ears “Can I fuck you,” she nods in agreement as she could not speak due to short of breath, he takes out protection and puts it on, just as he was about to penetrate she spoke in a very faint voice “this is my first time, I'm a virgin” she whispered out. He smiled as he is impressed, just as he was about to pull away from her she grabs his arm and pulled him back to her, “I want you” she said, with a deep sigh, he rushes her with a kiss, and she felt his fingers between her legs, thrusting in gently as she is a virgin, his fingers keep thrusting in and out of her as he kisses her with so much passion, at this point she is completely lost in the moment as she is caressing his body feeling his broad shoulders and chiseled abs, she is so wet and horny, she whispered to him saying “I can’t handle it anymore, please fuck me” he smiled and immediately, he gently pulls his fingers out and gently slides his penis in her, she pushed back in pain saying “ouch it hurts” she said as this was her first time.

he kisses her again, caressing her breast and vagina, she reaches out grabs his penis, and places it back in her vigina, he thrusts again this time even more gently than the last, still, she moans in pain but doesn't push back as she wanted him so bad, he gently pulls back out and in again nibbling on her breast and kissing her with so much passion.

“Arghhhhhh” she moans continuously.

he keeps thrusting gently until the motion in and out became smooth, there was no longer pain all she felt was pleasure and she didn't want it to stop, he kisses her deeply fucking her nonstop and sucking her breast, she immediately hits orgasm and squirts on his penis, this excites him and he gets to orgasm, he pulls out of her filled with pleasure, takes off the protection and lays on the bed, she lays on his chest and falls asleep in the comfort of his arms.

He turned and saw her sleeping, then he smiled and stood up from the bed, took a pillow, and went to sleep on the couch.

At around 10:32a.m, Sofia woke up feeling lightheaded and a little pain in her abdomen. Holding her head, she smiled and stood up from the bed. She saw pillows on the couch and thought to herself “Did he sleep on the couch? I must have made him uncomfortable.” She then picked up her pajamas, dressed up, left the room, and went straight to her room to shower.

After she showered, she went downstairs to meet Mary who was in the kitchen preparing breakfast.

“Hey Mary, Good Morning,” Sofia said

“Good Morning dear, how was your night? Are you feeling sick?” Mary asked Sofia who had her hand on her head while trying to massage her.

“I’m having a headache. I guess it’s because of the hangover.” Sofia said

“Sorry, dear. Let me prepare something medicinal that will help. My mom taught me.”

“That will be nice Mary, I will need it right now,” Sofia said.

“By the way, where is your boss?” Sofia asked while looking around the house.

“Mr. Spencer has gone to work,” Mary said.

“So Spencer is his name?” Sofia said with a smile

“Don’t tell me you don’t know his name,” Mary said as she looked at Sofia with surprise written all over her face.

“As surprising as it is I don’t,” Sofia said and they both laughed at it.

Mary handed Sofia the secret recipe soup her mom taught her. Sofia drank the soup and immediately felt like throwing up. After some minutes of taking it, she started to feel better as she ate her breakfast.

Spencer’s POV

Spencer went for a meeting with his management staff as they were to discuss the plans for the 25th anniversary of the McCarthy Hotels (The McCarthy Hotels is a front company owned by the McCarthy family used to launder money and other illicit drug proceeds). It’s going to be a grand event with elites in attendance, his fellow underground bosses (Mafias/drug lords), and potential business partners. So everything from decorations, and food, down to logistics has to be perfectly planned and executed.

After the meeting, Spencer went back home and met Sofia watching a movie in the living room. Immediately she saw him, she stood up and said “welcome”.

He didn’t answer her as he continued walking to his room, she followed him and said “We need to talk about what happened last night” Immediately he turned with a straight face and asked, “What happened last night?” Sofia looked surprised as she was about to say a word, he then asked again “Ain’t you supposed to be searching for a job?” He said and left her standing looking dumbfounded.

Mary walked in and found Sofia dumbfounded and asked her what was wrong with her. With tears in her eyes, Sofia sat down and narrated to Mary all that had happened between her and Spencer the night before. Mary, who was surprised, tried to console Sofia, she said “You don’t need to be sad, don’t worry it could be that he was stressed from work probably why he gave that attitude.” Sofia wasn’t buying the excuse Mary was making for her boss; she then said “I’m going out tomorrow morning to look for a job and leave this house because I feel disrespected.”

“Sorry for asking but why are you so hurt by the situation? Do you have feelings for him?” Mary asked Sofia. Sofia stared at Mary blankly with no words to say as she realized deep down she was in love with Spencer, “but how could this be, he is a stranger and I know nothing about him” Sofia said to herself.

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