
Chapter 60 : Hospital after the fall

As the rain poured down on her, she sat on the shower floor unsteadily. Her drenched hair and soaked body were accompanied by streaks of mascara running down her face from crying. She had flashes of what had happened earlier, with Mrs. Kiara falling down the stairs.

"No, no," she uttered quickly, looking left and right, shielding herself tightly once more out of fear.

The voice in her head still echoed… "You are evil, Brindle. This is how you’ve been since you were a child." The haunting laughter lingered in her mind.

"No, I am not. I am a good person," Brindle said as she tried to cover her ears from the voices and laughter.

"You are evil, Brindle, an evil little girl," The voice inside her head exclaimed.

"No, I am not. Please stop saying that. I am only after my dream, the princess dream I never had," she cried heavily, using her head to hit the wall of the bathroom while her hands still covered her ears…

"Evil girl from Mexico, you are now a murderer. You killed that little g

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