
Young werewolf billionaire

"What could that be?" She wondered, facing him with that inquisitive look on her face and with her ears wide open, she waited for him to respond. Killer turned to look at her all over again the moment he turned the car engine on with the key, he thought within himself, why such a gorgeously looking young girl could not be able to answer the question she asked him herself. He felt she already knew what the answer would be and so he grinned and turned to fix his eyes on the trail as he drove off without giving her a reply. However, when he failed to answer her question, she interpreted his silence and sudden grin as being mischievous and up to something; but she was not scared of him either. She thought if he dared try anything funny, she was going to first begin her vengeance on him, but her feelings were working contrary to what her thoughts were at the moment. She was beginning to get more and more attracted to him and his silence made her feel like dying literally, so that she craved the more to know who he really was and so she decided to use some other means to get him to talk...

"...sorry my destination is really far from here and I don't really think I need to get home to my apartment now. You should take me somewhere else, any place of your choice... Can I play the music?" She mumbled and went for the music player button without waiting for him to grant her permission; although she was quick to also lower the volume of the music.

"Are you saying that because you do not have a home or something? I could get you a nice place to stay, you know!" He sputtered hastily, wishing she would consider giving him the permission to take her to the place of his choice, and he nodded and moved his head back and forth in resonance with the best of the music being played. She smiled exorbitantly and looked away from him while she responded to ensure he did not notice how happy she became that he demanded to get her a place to stay; besides, she really did not feel like going back home to her late parents' house immediately...

"I have a home c'mon, just don't want to go there now... If I inconvenience you, I could get a hotel lodge..." She suggested, but turned to him when he responded with words that reconciled with the desires and wishes of her heart. 

"Don't worry about a place to stay, I'm gonna take you to my residence. I have a huge castle with plenty of apartments in it, you can stay there for as long as you wish, I don't mind." Killer bubbled with enthusiasm in a pompous toplofty manner while he changed gear and increased the speed of the Bugatti La Voiture Noire — the black car. While he drove to the castle, passers-by along the streets kept gazing at the car until it entered the estate. The comfort of the vehicle moved Juliana to question him, saying,

"How much did you get this... how much can I get one of these?" 

"O, the car? It went for nineteen million dollars, but I did not get it myself... Though I have enough money if I choose to purchase it... It was gifted anyway." He sputtered under his breath and his undertone voice was sweet as suger. 

"Haha, are you kidding me... Someone gave you this as a gift? Please how can I meet this person?" She asked excitedly. He looked her in the eyes while the gatekeeper of the castle was sliding the gate open with a remote check, and with a smile he made her know immediately,

"Not one person actually, my friends and loyal friends at that, they kinda did that to honor me for being so nice... Probably want to ensure I'm treated well to ensure their safety." Killer Frost asserted and drove in, turning the wheels to get the car into the garage. 

"That's lovely, I wish I could meet these friends of yours and this castle is huge, the estate too!" She exclaimed, expressing how amazed she was to be seeing all that at her arrival, when they came out of the Bugatti La Voiture Noire. 

"Follow me, I'll make sure you are okay." He chimed and grabbed the two bags she came with to avoid her carrying any one of them herself, then he led the way, proceeding out of the garage towards the front entrance to the massive castle which was designed to almost resemble a skyscraper. As they walked in through the front door, she kept trying to figure out whether there was a reason why he was doing all that for her but still found none. The main entrance had three inner doors and two were situated on the left and on the right; meanwhile, as they took the left wing which led them right into an elevator, the sound of loudly playing music echoed and died out again as the elevator was about to close. She peeped to find someone walking out of the entrance in the middle while she was right there with Killer, and immediately she asked in the process of trying to understand what was going on in the other room where someone was seen proceeding out of. 

"What is that sound? What's going on in there?" 

"O, it's a party... We are all having a night party tonight. It is scheduled to begin at nine till dawn, but then, I got to get you a place to stay." He muttered with a deep euphonic, penetrating voice while moving his right thumb finger slowly on the handle of the bag he held, on his right hand waiting for the elevator to reach it's designated level. 

"Ah Killer, I appreciate your hospitality but I'm not sure I'd be able to make it to your party if that's why you brought me here, because..." And just before she finished her statement, he interrupted her by defending himself and his intentions,

"Nah, I did not... Who said a thing about you coming to a party against your will? Come on... I would rather you had yourself rest all through the night, alright!" He exclaimed, trying to be a gentleman but deep down, he was literally dying to have her come along... 

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